In most cases you would not need to touch these APIs directly, and instead you may find web.Service
If that's not the case, this document covers internal components.
For modularity particular use case interactor instance can be assembled by embedding relevant traits in a struct,
for example you can skip adding usecase.WithInput
if your use case does not imply any input.
// Create use case interactor.
u := struct {
// Describe use case interactor.
u.SetDescription("Greeter greets you.")
u.Input = new(helloInput)
u.Output = new(helloOutput)
u.Interactor = usecase.Interact(func(ctx context.Context, input, output interface{}) error {
// Do something about input to prepare output.
return nil
// Add use case handler to router.
r.Method(http.MethodGet, "/hello/{name}", nethttp.NewHandler(u))
OpenAPI schema should be initialized with general information about REST API.
It uses type-safe mapping for the configuration, so any IDE will help with available fields.
// Init API documentation schema.
apiSchema := openapi.NewCollector(openapi31.NewReflector())
apiSchema.SpecSchema().SetTitle("Basic Example")
apiSchema.SpecSchema().SetDescription("This app showcases a trivial REST API.")
REST router is based on
, wrapper allows unwrapping instrumented
handler in middleware.
These middlewares are required:
Optionally you can add more middlewares with some performance impact:
(request validation, recommended)response.ValidatorMiddleware(validatorFactory)
You can also add any other 3rd party middlewares compatible with net/http
at your discretion.
// Setup request decoder and validator.
validatorFactory := jsonschema.NewFactory(apiSchema, apiSchema)
decoderFactory := request.NewDecoderFactory()
decoderFactory.SetDecoderFunc(rest.ParamInPath, chirouter.PathToURLValues)
// Create router.
r := chirouter.NewWrapper(chi.NewRouter())
// Setup middlewares.
middleware.Recoverer, // Panic recovery.
nethttp.OpenAPIMiddleware(apiSchema), // Documentation collector.
request.DecoderMiddleware(decoderFactory), // Request decoder setup.
request.ValidatorMiddleware(validatorFactory), // Request validator setup.
response.EncoderMiddleware, // Response encoder setup.
gzip.Middleware, // Response compression with support for direct gzip pass through.
Register Swagger UI to serve documentation at /docs
// Swagger UI endpoint at /docs.
r.Method(http.MethodGet, "/docs/openapi.json", apiSchema)
r.Mount("/docs", v3cdn.NewHandler(apiSchema.Reflector().Spec.Info.Title,
"/docs/openapi.json", "/docs"))
Input type may implement methods to customize request handling.
// LoadFromHTTPRequest takes full control of request decoding and validating and prevents automated request decoding.
LoadFromHTTPRequest(r *http.Request) error
// SetRequest captures current *http.Request, but does not prevent automated request decoding.
// You can embed request.EmbeddedSetter into your structure to get access to the request.
SetRequest(r *http.Request)
Output type may implement methods to customize response handling.
// NoContent controls whether status 204 should be used in response to current request.
NoContent() bool
// SetupResponseHeader gives access to response headers of current request.
SetupResponseHeader(h http.Header)
// ETag returns the Etag response header value for the current request.
ETag() string
// SetWriter takes full control of http.ResponseWriter and prevents automated response handling.
SetWriter(w io.Writer)
// HTTPStatus declares successful HTTP status for all requests.
HTTPStatus() int
// ExpectedHTTPStatuses declares additional HTTP statuses for all requests.
// Only used for documentation purposes.
ExpectedHTTPStatuses() []int