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Setup and Deployment Instructions

Initial Setup

Choose Your Chain

Each new deployment on a new chain should have its own deployment files.

To do this, you will need to create and adapt certain files:

  • scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/{your_chain}/DeployDeployer.s.sol: adapted from scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/Sepolia/DeployDeployer.s.sol
  • scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/{your_chain}/Deploy{your_deployment_name}.s.sol: adapted from scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/Sepolia/DeploySepoliasAVAX.s.sol
  • test/resources/{Your_chain}Addresses.sol: adapted from test/resources/SepoliaAddresses.sol
  • scripts/MerkleRootCreation/{your_chain}/Create{your_deployment_name}SuzakuMerkleRoot.s.sol: adapted from scripts/MerkleRootCreation/Sepolia/CreateSepoliaSuzakuMerkleRoot.s.sol
  • scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/{your_chain}/Deploy{your_deployment_name}AtomicQueue.s.sol: adapted from scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/Sepolia/DeploySepoliaAtomicQueue.s.sol

You will also need to modify the following file if you are making use of the Merkle Root creation:

  • test/resources/ChainValues.sol: add the addresses of your deployment here that will be used for the Merkle Root to target contracts and functions.

Note: The rest of the deployment explanation will use the Sepolia files as an example deployment.

Environment Variables

Verify and update the environment variables that you will be using; in our case, it will be .env.sepolia.

Then you can run the following command:

set -a; source .env.sepolia

Confirm addresses in Sepolia: test/resources/SepoliaAddresses.sol

Build and Deployment

  • Build the project:

    forge build

Deploy the Deployer script. This will set up a deployer that will be in charge of launching all other contracts:

forge script scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/Sepolia/DeployDeployer.s.sol:DeployDeployerScript --slow --with-gas-price 30000000000 --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Update the Deployer address in SepoliaAddresses.sol and rebuild.

Set Up Your Variables

We will be defining which tokens the deployment will use. In our example, this means modifying DeploySepoliaBTCb.s.sol and SepoliaAddresses.sol. Particularly in DeploySepoliaBTCb.s.sol, you will add or modify:

  • Base Token: Add the base token (for instance, BTC.b). This will define the asset class.
  • Public Access: Define if public deposits or withdrawals are available.
  • Additional Assets: Specify what additional assets can be added or withdrawn. You will also need to define additional categories such as the completion window and withdrawal fee.
  • Deployment Stage: Define the stage of the deployment. This script can be launched part by part by defining the booleans in configureDeployment. For more information on what this activates, you will need to check the scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/DeployArcticArchitecture.sol contract.

After these modifications, you can deploy the vault:

forge script scripts/ArchitectureDeployments/Sepolia/DeploySepoliaBTCb.s.sol:DeploySepoliaBTCb --with-gas-price 30000000000 --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --verify -vvvvv

Base Architecture Post-Deployment Flow

To interact with the contracts, you can find the complete deployment in deployments/SepoliaDeployment.json. Here is a basic flow of what can be done with this base deployment. For additional steps, you can check the tests.

  • Mint Tokens: Mint underlying ERC20 tokens to an address and approve the BoringVault contract to manage the underlying ERC20.
  • Deposit Tokens: Deposit the ERC20 through the Teller contract. This contract will also be used for withdrawals if the AtomicQueue is deployed later. Otherwise, we will use DelayedWithdraw in the following steps.
  • Verify Withdrawal Assets: Check if the deposited ERC20 exists as a withdrawal asset in the DelayedWithdraw contract. If not, refer to the previous section to configure this.
  • Configure pullFundsFromVault: Verify if pullFundsFromVault is set to true. If not, it will need to be updated using the setPullFundsFromVault function.
    • To do this, you will need to add a role to your address to enable modification:

      #   Name    Type     Data
      0   role    uint8    8
      1   code    address  <DelayedWithdraw>
      2   sig     bytes4   0xb013c6c5   # Method ID of pullFundsFromVault
      3   enabled bool     true
    • Use setPullFundsFromVault to change pullFundsFromVault to true.

  • Approve Share Token: Approve the BoringVault share token for the DelayedWithdraw contract to manage.
  • Initiate Withdrawal: Withdraw through the DelayedWithdraw using requestWithdrawal.
  • Complete Withdrawal: Wait for the specified period to complete the withdrawal.

Managers and Merkle Tree Deployment

This setup allows the BoringVault to redistribute assets. These actions will be performed by a Strategist, which can be either an Externally Owned Account (EOA) or a contract called uManager.

To learn more about creating interactions with other contracts and how to interact with the Merkle Tree and Managers, please refer to specs/

To deploy the uManager that allows interaction with the default collateral of BTC.b, follow these steps:

Set Up Collateral uManager

  1. Update Chain Values: Update test/resources/ChainValues.sol with the contract addresses of the underlying tokens, collateral, and core vault tokens.

  2. Modify Deployment Script: Update DeploySepoliaSuzakuUManager.s.sol if required.

  3. Deploy SuzakuUManager:

    forge script scripts/DeploySepoliaSuzakuUManager.s.sol:DeploySepoliaSuzakuUManagerScript --slow --with-gas-price 100000000000 --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --verify

    Note: Information about the root and leaves can be found in leafs/sepoliaSuzakuSniperLeaves.json.

  4. Set Management Root: Add the root using the function setManageRoot(strategist, newRoot) in the ManagerWithMerkleVerification contract. The strategist will be the address of the uManager that was previously deployed, and newRoot can be found in leafs/sepoliaSuzakuSniperLeaves.json.

  5. Assign Roles and Permissions: Grant the correct roles and permissions to the uManager address to interact with the RolesAuthority contract.

Set Up Vault uManager

Note: This requires the Core Vault to be deployed.

  1. Update Chain Values: Update test/resources/ChainValues.sol with the contract addresses of the underlying tokens, collateral, and core vault tokens.

  2. Modify Deployment Script: Update DeploySepoliaVaultUManager.s.sol if required.

  3. Deploy SuzakuVaultUManager:

    forge script scripts/DeploySepoliaVaultUManager.s.sol:DeploySepoliaVaultUManagerScript --slow --with-gas-price 10000000000 --broadcast --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY --verify

    Note: Information about the root and leaves can be found in leafs/sepoliaSuzakuVaultSniperLeaves.json.

  4. Set Management Root: Add the root using the function setManageRoot(strategist, newRoot) in the ManagerWithMerkleVerification contract. The strategist will be the address of the uManager that was previously deployed, and newRoot can be found in leafs/sepoliaSuzakuVaultSniperLeaves.json.

  5. Assign Roles and Permissions: Grant the correct roles and permissions to the uManager address to interact with the RolesAuthority contract.