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File metadata and controls

107 lines (90 loc) · 6.84 KB


Contributions from cache vendors and users are welcome.

Over time we'll document guidelines and best practices for contribution, but in the meantime, feel free to file issues and create PRs.

Test Format

Each test run gets its own URL, randomized content, and operates independently.

Tests are kept in JavaScript files in tests/, each file representing a suite.

A suite is an object with the following members:

  • name - A concise description of the suite. Required.
  • id - A short, stable identifier for the suite. Required.
  • description - A longer description of the suite, can contain Markdown. Optional.
  • spec_anchors - An array of strings that represent anchors in the HTTP Caching specification related to this suite. Optional.
  • tests - see below.


export default {
  name: 'Example Tests',
  id: 'example',
  description: 'These are the `Foo` tests!'
  tests: [ ... ]

The tests member is an array of objects, with the following members:

  • name - A concise description of the test. Can contain Markdown. Required.
  • id - A short, stable identifier for the test. Required.
  • description - Longer details of the test. Optional.
  • kind - One of:
    • required - This is a conformance test for a requirement in the standard. Default.
    • optimal - This test is to see if the cache behaves optimally.
    • check - This test is gathering information about cache behaviour.
  • requests - a list of request objects (see below).
  • browser_only - if true, will only run on browser caches. Default false.
  • cdn_only - if true, will only run on CDN caches. Default false.
  • browser_skip - if true, will not run on browser caches. Default false`.
  • depends_on - a list of test IDs that, when one fails, indicates that this test's results are not useful. Currently limited to test IDs in the same suite. Optional.
  • spec_anchors - An array of strings that represent anchors in the HTTP Caching specification related to this test. Optional.

Possible members of a request object:

  • request_method - A string containing the HTTP method to be used. Default GET.
  • request_headers - An array of [header_name_string, header_value_string] arrays to emit in the request.
  • request_body - A string to use as the request body.
  • query_arg - query arguments to add.
  • filename - filename to use.
  • mode - The mode string to pass to fetch().
  • credentials - The credentials string to pass to fetch().
  • cache - The cache string to pass to fetch().
  • redirect - The redirect string to pass to fetch().
  • pause_after - Boolean controlling a 3-second pause after the request completes.
  • disconnect - Close the connection when receiving this request.
  • magic_locations - Boolean; if true, the Location and Content-Location response headers will be rewritten to full URLs.
  • magic_ims - Boolean; if true, the If-Modified-Since request header will be written as a delta against the previous response's Last-Modified, instead of now.
  • rfc850date - Array of header names to use RFC850 format on when magically converting dates.
  • response_status - A [number, string] array containing the HTTP status code and phrase to return from the origin. Default 200 or 304.
  • response_headers - An array of [header_name_string, header_value_string] arrays to emit in the origin response. These values will also be checked like expected_response_headers, unless there is a third value that is false.
  • response_body - String to send as the response body from the origin. Defaults to the test identifier.
  • check_body - Whether to check the response body. Default true.
  • expected_type - One of:
    • cached: The response is served from cache
    • not_cached: The response is not served from cache; it comes from the origin
    • lm_validated: The response comes from cache, but was validated on the origin with Last-Modified
    • etag_validated: The response comes from cache, but was validated on the origin with an ETag
  • expected_method - A string HTTP method; checked on the server.
  • expected_status - A numeric HTTP status code; checked on the client. If not set, the value of response_status[0] will be used; if that is not set, 200 will be used.
  • expected_request_headers - An array of [header_name_string, header_value_string] representing headers to check the request for on the server, or an array of strings representing header names to check for presence in the request.
  • expected_request_headers_missing - An array of [header_name_string, header_value_string] representing headers to check for absence in the request for on the server, or an array of strings representing header names to check for absence in the request.
  • expected_response_headers - An array of any combination of the following. See also response_headers.
    • header_name_string: assert that the named header is present
    • [header_name_string, header_value_string]: assert that the header has the given value
    • [header_name_string, '=', other_header_name]: assert that the two headers have the same value
    • [header_name_string, '>', number]: assert that the header's value is numerically greater than specified
  • expected_response_headers_missing - An array of any combination of the following.
    • header_name_string representing headers to check that the response on the client does not include.
    • [header_name_string, header_value_string]: headers to check that the response is either missing, or if they're present, that they do not contain the given value string (evaluated against the whole header value).
  • expected_response_text - A string to check the response body against on the client.
  • setup - Boolean to indicate whether this is a setup request; failures don't mean the actual test failed.
  • setup_tests - Array of values that indicate whether the specified check is part of setup; failures don't mean the actual test failed. One of: ["expected_type", "expected_method", "expected_status", "expected_response_headers", "expected_response_text", "expected_request_headers"]

server.js stashes an entry containing observed headers for each request it receives. When the test fetches have run, this state is retrieved and the expected_* lists are checked, including their length.

For convenience and clarity when writing tests, there are some request templates available in templates.mjs. Each template is a function which accepts a request object, as defined above, and returns a new request object. Any fields in the template are added to the request object unless a field of the same name is already present.