Gaze is a highly customizable React design system heavily inspired by Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS and Mantine. It builds upon the concepts outlined in Every Layout and provides a comprehensive set of primitives for building applications with composition principles.
Gaze ships with a set of design tokens based largely on the utility classes from Tailwind CSS. It is necessary to install both the ui
and tokens
npm install --save @gaze-ui/react @gaze-ui/tokens
You may optionally wish to use the Gaze ESLint, Stylelint and TypeScript configurations as a base for your project.
npm install --save-dev @gaze-ui/tsconfig @gaze-ui/eslint-config @gaze-ui/stylelint-config
Import the variables and base styles into your application.
import "@gaze-ui/tokens/css/variables.css";
import "@gaze-ui/react/styles.css";
Many theme properties may be customized by setting custom CSS property in the :root
:root {
--gaze-font-family-base: "Papyrus", fantasy;
--gaze-font-family-monospace: "Typewriter", monospace;
--gaze-font-family-heading: var(--gaze-font-family-base);
--gaze-h1-size: var(--gaze-font-size-9xl);
--gaze-h1-leading: 1.5;
--gaze-h1-weight: 800;