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File metadata and controls

230 lines (186 loc) · 14 KB


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.8.1] - 2021-12-06

Automated QA Development has been put on hold until further notice. Please refer to this Forum post, and continue to monitor our Unity DevOps Roadmap for more details. Thank you for your interest and support.

[0.8.0] - 2021-11-17

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed issue where GameObjects and query strings with hyphens threw errors in Driver logic.
  • Fix issue where the query selector was checking for a closing bracket too early.
  • Updated namespaces to avoid the word Editor to prevent CS0118 errors.
  • Fixed url to upload recordings for cloud device testing.
  • Fixed issue where the game crawler was not properly recording actions.
  • Fixed bug where recording data gets cleared if the original entry scene is reloaded while recording.

[0.7.0] - 2021-10-18

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added RecordableInput class that can be used as a drop in replacement for the Input class that works with recorded playback. Currently mouse clicks, touch, keyboard keys, and joystick buttons are supported. Pass-through methods are provided for the remaining functionality for ease of use.
  • Added scriptable object CloudTestDeviceInput that lets a user specify specific devices on which to execute their tests in the cloud.
  • Added support to retrieve HTML reports for cloud device runs
    • Added new report to aggregate display of results for multi-device cloud runs, with links to each individual device's run results in an existing HTML report.
  • Added Heap size performance sampling to reporting charts found in the existing test report.
  • Added Page Objects to test generation tool.
    • Every GameObject that code interacts with has its query string locator stored in a single Page Object class, referenced by any number of tests.
    • Page Object properties are organized in different Page Object classes based on the scene they are located in.
    • When generating tests, the tool will see if an existing Page Object property exists. It will only add a property to a class if no reference exists.
  • All menu options moved to a single "Automated QA Hub" window
  • Moving Cloud Testing behind a feature flag temporarily as we redesign the UX. Please email us at [email protected] for early access."

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Added support for custom report data.
  • Fixed error when generating full test from a recording that starts with a number.
  • Added option to generate simpler code from the Test Generator by utilizing the Driver logic's new query string approach to finding GameObjects.
  • Rewrote Recorded Playback editor window in new UIElement logic.
    • Redesigned look of window.
    • Added GameCrawler "Crawl" button to window, which executes a default crawl and generates a recording json file.
  • Added tracking for the object index in the hierarchy to help differentiate objects with the same name
  • Added fix to ensure automation waits for a GameObject animating from off screen to finish moving into the camera frustum before interacting with it.
  • Added enforcement of an en-US culture in CodeGenerator logic.
  • Added a context menu with the ability to generate tests in the main recorded playback window.
  • Added a script for creating and managing service accounts to use in CI workflows.
  • Fixed an issue where spaces in recording json file names were used when generating a class name in the Test Generator.
  • Fixed an issue that causes backslashes to be used in generated code for Staged Runs.
  • Added "TryPerform" to Driver class. If an action cannot be performed, the test will not fail.
  • Added drop downs for builds and jobs in cloud test window
  • Added GameElement "AutoID" - an automatically-generated GUID to uniquely identify GameElements.
    • Adds GameElement script to all interactable GameObjects and assigns a unique GUID automatically.
    • Allows for GameObject to be renamed, moved, etc. without breaking a test that references this ID using Driver.cs.
  • Added menu option to automatically add GameElements to interactable UI Elements in a scene. Menu -> "Automated QA" -> "Add Game Elements To Scene Objects"
  • Renamed AutomatedQAEditorSettings to AutomatedQABuildConfig and AutomatedQARuntimeSettings to AutomatedQASettings.
  • Fixed an issue generating iOS cloud testing builds when there are spaces in the build name.

Breaking changes

  • Removed "Full Build" cloud testing support.

[0.6.1] - 2021-08-11

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added experimental Staged Run feature for grouped test generation. (Assets > Create > Automated QA > Experimental > Staged Run)
  • New GameElement and ElementQuery classes for reliably finding GameObjects, no matter where they are moved in a scene.
    • Uses Xpath & JQuery-like query string selectors for identifying GameObjects.
  • New Driver class that allows for much simpler ways to write custom code and perform actions on objects (ex: Driver.Perform.Click("#SubmitButton")).
  • Added GameCrawler that allows users to create an AutomatedRun that plays randomly through a game, recording warnings, errors, and notifying users when and where it gets stuck.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Reverting change that removed the ability to generate "Simple Tests", which is a test that points to a recording file.
  • Fixed an issue with temp directories not being properly deleted.
  • Adding FPS tracking to reports. FPS sampled over duration of test execution is displayed in a graph accessible from the html report (FPS Data button).
  • Fixed issue allowing objects off screen to be interacted with.
  • Add support for recording right and middle mouse clicks.
  • Added functionality to allow both recording and playback while editor is in play mode.
    • Both record & playback can be done repeatedly in the same session.
    • Editor does not stop playmode on completion, but both record & playback can still be started outside of playmode.
  • Added support for running cloud tests from the command line using BuildAndRunTests.
  • Fixed issue where tests may timeout during command line batch mode runs.
  • Fixed issue with the InputField text listener not being added right away.
  • Screenshot timing after each playback action completes is now configurable in settings.
  • Exposed "Quit on finish" in Automated Run Config.
  • Added ability to generate a "Full" test from Automated Runs.
  • Added settings for log level.
  • Added support for TextMeshPro TMP_InputFields and TMP_Text fields
    • Can record and playback input into TMP_InputFields, and find objects in ElementQuery by TMP_InputField & TMP_Text text content.

Breaking changes

  • Several APIs were moved from the test base class to Driver.cs. "Full" generated tests from v0.5.0 will need their PerformAction and RegisterStep method invocations updated.
  • The experimental Composite Recordings window has been removed. Instead, Automated Runs can be used to playback multiple recordings in sequence.

[0.5.0] - 2021-06-24

Major Features and Improvements

  • Support for running tests on real iOS devices in the cloud
  • New [CloudTest] attribute can be used to specify any Unity Test Framework test to run on real devices in the cloud
  • Automated QA > Test Generation... allows for step-by-step Unity Test Framework test generation (C# code).
    • Generates code for every step/action taken in a recording.
    • Allows for assertions or additional custom logic between each step.
    • Can select which recordings to generate tests for.
    • Editor Window warns user if about to overwrite custom edits in a recording's test when re-generating test.

Breaking changes

  • Recording file in RecordedPlaybackAutomator is now an asset reference instead of path string
    • Migration: Update the file path in AutomatedRuns using RecordedPlaybackAutomator

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Added dynamic wait logic so that differences in load times or animations does not result in automation failing to interact with the target object.
  • Delayed loading of the recorded playback controller to avoid issues with initializing too early.

[0.4.0] - 2021-06-02

Major Features and Improvements

  • HTML & XML reports for AutomatedQA runs.
    • XML report is designed for loading tests results into a CI process run.
    • Latest HTML reportcan be opened in editor from the "Recorded Playback" and "Composite Recordings" editor windows after playback.
    • Both currently stored in Application.persistentDataPath. CI/CD must copy report from path (Will be integrated with Cloud services & modified to take raw test data from devices so that explicit file extraction is not necessary).
  • Added settings file for editable values used in Automated Qa package, thus making various AutomatedQA behaviors customizable (more to be added as time goes on).
    • Added new editor window to edit the settings file (Automated QA > Settings).
    • Multiple config files with varying values can be stored in Assets/AutomatedQA/Resources, and desired settings can be requested from cloud config via file name.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Added placeholder segment file names in Composite Recording window when selecting "Save Segment".
  • Updated VisualFx to prevent visual clutter from a rapid series of events.
  • Updated validation of GameObject that is about to be clicked. Increased performance. Now checks that an object is off screen or under another object that would intercept the click.
  • Updated recorded tests to load an empty scene after execution.
  • Fixed ignoring depth surface warnings when taking screenshots on Mac.
  • Added new Automators: Scene Automator and Text Input Automator.
  • Fixed event timings and scene loading with composite recordings

[0.3.1] - 2021-05-04

Major Features and Improvements

  • New AutomatedRun object to link together recordings and custom C# scripts to automate gameplay.
    • Create an AutomatedRun with Create -> Automated QA -> Automated Run
  • New Automator class. Extend this class to create custom automators
    • Extend the AutomatorConfig class for your Automator to expose it in the AutomatedRun inspector.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed an issue where drop events had extra delay
  • Fixed an issue with the Upload Recording window requiring entitlements
  • Removed dependency on com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json package
  • Fixed entry scene to work with initialization scenes
  • Moved menu items to top level Automated QA menu
  • Added fix to CloudTestResults.cs that prevents ITestRunCallback from being eagerly stripped by the "ahead of time" compilation in IL2CPP builds.
  • Added logic to cleanup temporary files accumulating from previous recordings and stored in the persistent data path.
  • Removed Linq usage from package as Linq can be a heavy library for mobile game development.

[0.3.0] - 2021-04-21

Breaking changes

  • Simplified assembly definitions
    • Migration: Please update asmdefs to reference Unity.AutomatedQA
  • Renamed asset directory to AutomatedQA
    • Migration: Please delete the old AutomatedTesting folder

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Package directory restructure
  • Added SettingsManager package and AutomatedQAEditorSettings/AutomatedQARuntimeSettings to wrap package settings
  • Disabled Cloud Testing window for unsupported platforms
  • Fixed an issue with recorded tests using composite recordings
  • Fixed an issue causing two simultaneously active EventSystem components, resulting in a flood of console warnings
  • Fixed an issue where multi-clicking "Record" or "Play" buttons creates multiple RecordedPlaybackController GameObjects

[0.2.0] - 2021-04-05

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added new window under Window > Automated Testing > Composite Recordings that allows:
    1. Multiple recordings to be combined together via the UI
    2. Multiple recordings to be captured continuously during record mode
  • Added UIElements to composite recordings window
  • Update the package display name to Automated QA
  • Object interactions now use the original location inside the object during playback

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed bug where Record mode is automatically enabled on window open
  • 2 new window paths:
    1. Window > Automated Testing > Recorded Playback and
    2. Window > Automated Testing > Advanced > Composite Recorded Playback

[0.1.0] - 2021-03-01

Major Features and Improvements

  • Can now start recordings by clicking Record or Play in the Recorded Playback window without the need to manually add a RecordedInputModule to the scene.
  • Add edit button to rename recordings

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed import errors in Unity Editor 2018.4.18f1+. Note: At this time we do not officially support Unity versions less than 2019.4.
  • Fix bug where Generated Recorded Tests are created in the wrong directory
  • Fix bug where object presses are sometimes not properly played back

[0.0.7] - 2021-02-18

Major Features and Improvements

  • Generate Recorded Tests
    • Menu: Tools > Automated Testing > Generate Recorded Tests
    • Does not work with recording data created before version 0.0.7
  • Recorded playback analytics events have been added

Known Issues

  • Very quick presses of buttons in recordings do not play back correctly. Workaround: hold the click for about a second.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Pretty print recording JSON data

[0.0.6-preview.1] - 2021-02-12

  • Fixed documentation structure

[0.0.5-preview.1] - 2021-02-11

  • Updated package dependencies

[0.0.4-preview.1] - 2021-02-08

  • Split experimental features out to com.unity.automated-testing.experiments

[0.0.3-preview.1] - 2021-02-08

  • Restructured package directories and updated documentation

[0.0.2-preview.1] - 2021-01-29

  • Merged recorded playback and cloud testing packages

[0.0.1-preview.1] - 2021-01-14

  • Support for running UTF tests using recordings

[0.0.0-preview.2] - 2020-11-16

  • Use object references for recording playback actions

[0.0.0-preview.1] - 2020-10-06

  • Initial version