This is a roadmap to an MVP that aims to prove the viability of this idea.
Define & Implement a minimal set of opcodes
- All Int,Float,Bool & String operations
- All Array, Hash and Ref operations
- Functions & Closures
- Skip (for now)
- Glob stuff
- I/O & Unix stuff
- edge case behavior can be punted
- some stuff we want to deprecate
- other stuff may need support
Define & Implement the ASTs needed to model these opcodes
- we probably need to make sure the AST captures all relevant opcode data
- so that the opcodes do not need to be the starting point
- enabling Guacamole ASTs, etc.
- so that the opcodes do not need to be the starting point
- we probably need to make sure the AST captures all relevant opcode data
Once we have a full set of Opcodes & AST Nodes
- stabilize their structures
- we need to be able to serialize/deserialize them
- without loss of information & connections
- this will include info about how to handle
- breaking thing up appropriately (files, JSON nodes, etc)
- reassembling them correctly (rebuilding connections, etc.)
- this will include info about how to handle
- this allows us to decouple things from
- So tools can be written in other langauges
- that operate on these structures
- So tools can be written in other langauges
- without loss of information & connections
Build tools to generate Opcodes from the AST
- this is gives Guacamole, etc. a path
- we already have the AST from the Opcodes
We now have the following:
- A spec for the Perl AST
- A spec for the Perl Opcodes
- All tools built should operate on the spec level only
- the process is reversable
- AST => Ops
- Ops => AST
- the process is reversable
- All that is missing is the runtime, so ...
Build a "reference implementation" in Perl of
- this should be both
- a AST tree walking interpreter
- a VM that consumes opcodes
- the key thing is to figure out
- the stack
- the runloop
- stash/pad storage
- NOTE: this doesn't have to be in Perl
- but it is the quickest approach
- this should be both
- ???