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File metadata and controls

100 lines (80 loc) · 2.71 KB

Upgrading Guide

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x

The breaking change from 2.x to 3.x is the context of the initialState. If you were accessing the this context in 2.x, like this:

  initialState() {
    return this.get('someProp');

you will need to access it on the newly passed instance arguments, like this:

const { get } = Ember;

  initialState(instance) {
    return get(instance, 'someProp');

For more granular information, check out the diff.

Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

Improvements were made to to the API to reduce the boilerplate needed to set up a state service. To upgrade, do the following.

  1. Run ember install ember-state-services.
    Ensure your package.json was updated to a 2.x flavor of the add-on.

  2. Remove existing services that used the StateMixin.
    You can easily remove these services and their corresponding tests by running ember d service <old-state-service-name>.

  3. Modify existing code usage of the state service.

    You probably used to have usage like this in your component:

    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      editEmailService: Ember.inject.service('email-edit'),
      state: Ember.computed('email', function() {
        return this.editEmailService.stateFor(this.get('email'));

    The equivalent in 2.x syntax is:

    import stateFor from 'ember-state-services/state-for';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      state: stateFor('email-edit', 'email')

    And you'll need to update your state file to setup the initial state. In the 1.x example above, you'd automatically get the state of email when you called stateFor(this.get('email')). To keep this behavior in 2.x, you need to modify your state like this:

    const EmailEditState = Ember.Object.extend();
      initialState() {
        return {
          content: this.get('email')
    export default EmailEditState;

    or, if you're using BufferedProxy, like this:

    const EmailEditState = BufferedProxy.extend();
      initialState() {
        return {
          content: this.get('email')
    export default EmailEditState;

For more granular information, check out the diff.