Get information about your power devices using UPower and DBus.
In addition to the requirements specified in the rockspec file, you need UPower and DBus (usually both are present in modern GNU/Linux systems). Note that you may need permissions to access the UPower DBus interface.
This module can be installed with Luarocks by running
luarocks install upower_dbus
Use the --local
option in luarocks
if you don't want or can't install it system-wide.
If you are on NixOS, you can install this package from nix-stefano-m-overlays.
This module exposes the following
singleton, containing its own properties and thedevices
table containing the UPower enumerations as arrays of strings.Device
constructor, although it's advised to use the Manager to get the devices rather then building them by hand.
local GLib = require("lgi").GLib
local ctx = GLib.MainLoop():get_context()
local upower = require("upower_dbus")
-- What version of UPower is in use?
-- Are we using a battery?
-- Print all fields of the first device found
for k, v in pairs(upower.Manager.devices[1]) do print(k, v) end
-- Enumerate the Device Types known by UPower
for _, v in ipairs(upower.enums.DeviceType) do print(v) end
-- Say that the first device is a battery
battery = upower.Manager.devices[1]
print(battery.Percentage) -- may print 100.0
-- Update the devices in case something changed
-- The battery discharged a bit
battery.Percentage -- may print 99.0