Each line of the uncompressed s2-corpus-xx.gz text file represents a paper. Each paper is described as a JSON dictionary with the following attributes.
- id: string, S2 generated research paper ID.
- title: string, Research paper title.
- paperAbstract: string, Extracted abstract of the paper.
- entities: list, Extracted list of relevant entities or topics.
- s2Url: string, URL to S2 research paper details page.
- s2PdfUrl: string, URL to PDF on S2 if available.
- pdfUrls: list, URLs related to this PDF scraped from the web.
- authors: list, List of authors with an S2 generated author ID and name.
- inCitations: list, List of S2 paper IDs which cited this paper.
- outCitations: list, List of S2 paper IDs which this paper cited.
- year: int, Year this paper was published as integer.
- venue: string, Extracted publication venue for this paper.
- journalName: string, Name of the journal that published this paper.
- journalVolume: string, The volume of the journal where this paper was published.
- journalPages: string, The pages of the journal where this paper was published.
- sources: list, Identifies papers sourced from DBLP or Medline.
- doi: string, Digital Object Identifier registered at doi.org.
- doiUrl: string, DOI link for registered objects.
- pmid: string, Unique identifier used by PubMed.