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90 lines (65 loc) · 3.89 KB

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90 lines (65 loc) · 3.89 KB

On Windows 10 open Command Prompt and type:

 $ mkdir %homedrive%%homepath%\wsl\artix
 $ cd %homedrive%%homepath%\wsl\artix
 $ curl -LJO
 $ tar -xf
 $ wsl --import artix artix-rootfs.tar.gz
 $ Artix.exe

(rem.: Of course, the creation of artix-rootfs.tar.gz by using rootfs.img of official Artix-iso is also possible. Have a look at end of this file. But even using smallest official iso file (base-iso without any desktop environment) results in bigger roots.tar.gz than that of

An automatic switch to Linux OS follows.

Go on typing:

 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman-key --init
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman-key --populate artix
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman -Syu
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman -S sudo nano make gcc which autoconf automake pkgconf patch bison flex cmake rpcsvc-proto gperf python intltool re2c diffutils git wget libtool
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# nano /etc/pacman.conf  

Enable lib32 repository by uncomment the two lines of the [lib32] section:

 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Save file and exit nano.

Go on typing:

 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman -Syy
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# pacman -S sudo lib32-glibc lib32-gcc-libs lib32-zlib lib32-libelf
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# nano /etc/wsl.conf  

Append following two lines at end of wsl.conf:


Save file and exit nano.

Go on typing:

 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL)  ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/01wheel
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# useradd -m -G wheel <username>
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# passwd <username>
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
 [<PC_NAME> Artix]# exit

Rem.: An automatic switch to Windows 10 OS follows.

Go on typing:

 $ Artix.exe config --default-user \<username>
 $ Artix.exe

Rem.: An automatic switch to Linux OS follows.

Go on typing:

 [<username>@<PC-NAME> Artix]$ cd $HOME
 [<username>@<PC-NAME> Artix]$ nano .bashrc  (add the following with a new line at the end of the file:
  				                cd ~
			                      Save changes with <Ctrl>-X, confirm saving the buffer with "y" and confirm file name with <Return>)
 [<username>@<PC-NAME> ~]$ git config --global core.eol lf
 [<username>@<PC-NAME> ~]$ git config --global core.autocrlf false
 [<username>@<PC_NAME> ~]$ git clone
 [<username>@<PC_NAME> ~]$ git clone Artix_asuswrt	
 [<username>@<PC_NAME> ~]$ cd Artix_asuswrt
 [<username>@<PC_NAME> Artix_asuswrt]$ chmod 744 *.sh
 [<username>@<PC_NAME> Artix_asuswrt]$ ./ (or ./

The building process will start.


If you want to create rootfs.tar.gz by your own using rootfs.img of official Artix-iso, than go on in Windows 10 as follows:

  • Download at Extract archive into a squashfs-tools-ng-1.0.3-mingw64 folder.
  • Download artix-base-openrc-YYYYMMDD-x86_64.iso at .
  • Mount the iso-file within Windows Explorer.
  • Copy /LiveOS/rootfs.img of mounted iso-file into the /bin-subfolder of squashfs-tools-ng-1.0.3-mingw64 directory.
  • Open Windows Command Prompt and change to bin-subfolder in the extracted squashfs-tools-ng-1.0.3-mingw64 directory.
  • Run in Windows Command Prompt: sqfs2tar rootfs.img artix-rootfs.tar
  • Compress artix-rootfs.tar to artix-rootfs.tar.gz by 7-zip.
  • Copy generated rootfs.tar.gz to your start directory (%USERPROFILE%\wsl\artix).
  • Continue at line "$ wsl --import artix artix-rootfs.tar.gz" as described above.