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Build xcluster

Describes howto build kernel, and images from scratch. Most of the work is done by the script. Also how to create a release is described here.



apt install -y jq net-tools libelf-dev pkg-config libmnl-dev \
 libdb-dev docbook-utils libpopt-dev gperf libcap-dev libgcrypt20-dev \
 libgpgme-dev libglib2.0-dev gawk libreadline-dev libc-ares-dev xterm \
 qemu-kvm curl bison flex uuid libgmp-dev libncurses-dev \
# (there may be more)

For image handling you will need docker.

The go language is needed to build some support programs. The version in distros or snap is usually outdated, so a local installation is recommended:

curl -L$gover.linux-amd64.tar.gz -o $HOME/Downloads/go$gover.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
#rm -rf $HOME/bin/go      # remove old version if necessary
tar -C $HOME/bin -xf $HOME/Downloads/go$gover.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$HOME/bin/go/bin:$PATH
go version
# The $GOPATH variable is used by xcluster, so it must be set
eval $(go env | grep GOPATH); export GOPATH
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

Clone and setup environment

All non-temporary files, such as disk-images, kernels, etc., will be stored in $XCLUSTER_WORKSPACE. Set it to some sensible dir. This is assumed to be set in the rest of this description.

git clone --depth 1 $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
export XCLUSTER_WORKSPACE=$HOME/tmp/xcluster/workspace
. ./Envsettings
# (Never mind any "WARNING: CoreDNS not found..." for now)
xc        # Help printout
xcadmin   # Help printout


Sone additional dependencies are required.

The coredns server is used to forward DNS queries, and it is a main component in Kubernetes:

eval $(xcadmin env | grep __corednsver)
curl -L$__corednsver/coredns_${__corednsver}_linux_amd64.tgz > $HOME/Downloads/coredns_${__corednsver}_linux_amd64.tgz

The diskim project is used to create disk images without sudo.

eval $(xc env | grep __diskimver)
curl -L$__diskimver/diskim-$__diskimver.tar.xz > $HOME/Downloads/diskim-$__diskimver.tar.xz

Build the base, including the kernel and rootfs. The kernel source will be unpacked in $KERNELDIR.

#export KERNELDIR=$HOME/tmp/linux   # Redefine if you like
export XCLUSTER_WORKSPACE=$HOME/tmp/xcluster/workspace
#rm -rf $XCLUSTER_WORKSPACE  # if re-building
xcadmin build_base

Basic test

The xcluster base is now ready to use. Test in a fresh shell (especially if you saw "WARNING: CoreDNS not found..." earlier)

cd /path/to/your/cloned/xcluster
. ./Envsettings
# (there shall not be any warning printouts)
# Start with xterm consoles
xc mkcdrom xnet; xc start
vm 1   # Opens a terminal on vm-001
# Start with "screens" consoles
xc mkcdrom xnet; xc starts
vm 1   # Opens a terminal on vm-001
# Stop xcluster. This is automatic on a re-start
xc stop

# Automatic test
cdo test
./ test > $log

Consult the Troubleshooting guide if necessary.

You might nothice that internet access doesn't work from VMs? That's because "iptables" is missing, which is addressed in the next section.


Since xcluster is intended for network testing, the iptools are crucial. Some are dependent on the kernel, so they may have to be re-built if the kernel is updated.

cdo iptools
./ versions
./ download
./ build --clean  # (need to clean the iproute2 built for the base)
xc mkcdrom iptools xnet; xc starts
vm 1
# On vm-001

Man pages are built, and should be prefered before your distro's man pages, which may be outdated.

./ man            # list pages
./ man_iproute2   # list pages
./ man_iproute2 ip-link.8

Create an xcluster release

Unfortunately a xcluster binary release contains the "kubectl" program as a preparation for running Kubernetes. It is taken from an already downloaded K8s server release archive or from a local K8s build.

#export XCLUSTER_WORKSPACE=$HOME/tmp/xcluster/workspace
xcadmin k8s_workspace --k8sver=v1.28.1
# Require kubernetes-server-$__k8sver-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Or from a local built K8s
xcadmin k8s_workspace --k8sver=master

Users of the release should be able to use ovl/iptools without having to build the kernel, so this ovl must be cached.

xc cache --clear
xc cache iptools

When all of the above works, then build the release:

xcadmin release --version=8.0.0-rc1

Kubernetes images

The Kubernetes images are not really a part of xcluster but most testing is probably on K8s. Some more packages must be downloaded:

cdo crio
./ download
cdo cni-plugins
./ download
curl -L > $HOME/Downloads/assign-lb-ip.xz
curl -L > $HOME/Downloads/mconnect.xz

The Kubernetes images can be build from a local K8s clone, or from a K8s server archive

ls ~/Downloads/kub*
# The archive is renamed to include the K8s version, original name is
# kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
xcadmin k8s_build_images --k8sver=v1.28.1
#xcadmin k8s_build_images --k8sver=master   # Uses a local clone