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Docs ‐ State

Isaac Sai edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 7 revisions

Introduction to States

USSD state help as create pages for users and exaluate the input they choose after.

Creating USSD States

You just need to run the following command to create a new USSD State.

php artisan ussd:state AvailableCountriesState

If the state should be the first state, you can use the init option

php artisan ussd:state WelcomeState --init

If the state should be a continuing state, you can use the cont option. Continue state is used to resume uncompleted USSD state by first asking the user if they want to continue an old session or start a new one.

php artisan ussd:state WouldYouLikeToContinueState --cont

Ask how the user if they will like to continue and specify which decision should be used to validate the input.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\ContinueState;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\Decision;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Equal;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;

class WouldYouLikeToContinueState implements ContinueState
    public function render(): Menu
        return Menu::build()->text('Enter 1 to continue or any key start over');

    public function confirm(): Decision
        return new Equal(1);

Working with USSD States

States should have a render function that returns a USSD menu.

Transitioning between States

You can use Transition attributes to indicate the transitioning from one state to the other. Transition attributes allows you to define a callback that should be run before performing the transitioning.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Sparors\Ussd\Attributes\Transition;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\State;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Equal;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Fallback;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;
use Sparors\Ussd\Record;

#[Transition(to: RegisterState::class, match: new Equal(1), callback: [self::class, 'callback'])]
#[Transition(to: HelplineState::class, match: new Fallback())]
class WelcomeState implements State
    public function render(): Menu
        return Menu::build()
            ->text('Powered by Sparors');

    public function callback(Record $record): void
        $details = Customer::query()
            ->where('phone_number', $context->get('phone_number'))

        $record->set('details', $details);

Paginating a States

You can use Paginate attributes to paginate a very long list of items that would not fit on a page. Paginate is actually just transition, back to the same state.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Sparors\Ussd\Attributes\Paginate;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\State;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Equal;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Fallback;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;
use Sparors\Ussd\Context;
use Sparors\Ussd\Record;

#[Paginate(next: new Equal('#'), previous: new Equal('0'), callback: [self::class, 'callback'])]
#[Transition(to: HelplineState::class, match: new Fallback())]
class AvailableCountriesState implements State
    public function render(Record $record): Menu
        $page = $record->get('countries_page', 1);

        return Menu::build()
                'DR Congo',
            ], page: $page, perPage: 3)
            ->text('Powered by Sparors');

    public function callback(Context $context, Record $record): void
        $page = $record->get('countries_page', 1);

        if ('#' === $context->input()) {
            $record->set('countries_page', $page + 1);
        } else {
            $record->set('countries_page', $page - 1);

WithPagination Helper

Pagination is common for USSD application so there are inbuilt helper traits to help make it simple.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Sparors\Ussd\Attributes\Paginate;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\State;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Equal;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Fallback;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;
use Sparors\Ussd\Record;
use Sparors\Ussd\Traits\WithPagination;

#[Paginate(next: new Equal('#'), previous: new Equal('0'))]
#[Transition(to: HelplineState::class, match: new Fallback())]
class AvailableCountriesState implements State
    use WithPagination;

    public function render(Record $record): Menu
        $page = $record->get('countries_page', 1);

        return Menu::build()
            ->when($this->isFirstPage(), fn (Menu $menu) => $menu->line('Banc'))
            ->listing($this->getItems(), page: $this->currentPage(), perPage: $this->perPage())
            ->when($this->hasPreviousPage(), fn (Menu $menu) => $menu->line('0. Previous Page'))
            ->when($this->hasNextPage(), fn (Menu $menu) => $menu->line('#. Next Page'))
            ->when($this->isLastPage(), fn (Menu $menu) => $menu->line('Powered by Sparors'));

    public function getItems(): array
        return [
            'DR Congo',

    public function perPage(): int
        return 3;

Truncating a States

You can use Truncate attributes to limit the number of characters that should be return to the USSD application. This helps ensure your USSD application is in conformity with the character limit of your USSD Provider. This is very useful for dynamic content where you can not be certain on the total characters.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use App\Models\Customer;
use Sparors\Ussd\Attributes\Transition;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\State;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Equal;
use Sparors\Ussd\Decisions\Fallback;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;
use Sparors\Ussd\Record;

#[Transition(to: RegisterState::class, match: new Equal(1))]
#[Truncate(limit: 80, end: '#. More.', more: new Equal('#'))]
class DetailsState implements State
    public function render(Record $record): Menu
        return Menu::build()
            ->format('Name: %s', $record->name)
            ->line('Your post')
            ->text('Powered by Sparors');

Terminating a States

To indicate that a USSD application should Terminate, use the Terminate attribute.


namespace App\Ussd\States;

use Sparors\Ussd\Attributes\Terminate;
use Sparors\Ussd\Contracts\State;
use Sparors\Ussd\Menu;

class HelplineState implements State
    public function render(): Menu
        return Menu::build()
                'email: [email protected]',
                'phone: +233 241 122 333'
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