This tutorial shows how to create a mock of the SDK to use in your test code. Refer to one of the tutorials for examples on how to use this mocked SDK.
var firebasemock = require('firebase-mock');
var mockauth = new firebasemock.MockAuthentication();
var mockdatabase = new firebasemock.MockFirebase();
var mockfirestore = new firebasemock.MockFirestore();
var mockstorage = new firebasemock.MockStorage();
var mockmessaging = new firebasemock.MockMessaging();
var mocksdk = new firebasemock.MockFirebaseSdk(
// use null if your code does not use RTDB
(path) => {
return path ? mockdatabase.child(path) : mockdatabase;
// use null if your code does not use AUTHENTICATION
() => {
return mockauth;
// use null if your code does not use FIRESTORE
() => {
return mockfirestore;
// use null if your code does not use STORAGE
() => {
return mockstorage;
// use null if your code does not use MESSAGING
() => {
return mockmessaging;