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Releases: sondr3/generator-jekyllized


29 Mar 23:35
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1.0.0-beta.11 Pre-release



Fix injecting JS as well, forgot that JS as well is injected into the browser.


  • [[a60aa79ed2]( Nilsen/generator-jekyllized/commit/a60aa79ed2)]: Fix injecting for JS as well
  • [[7bdf3908b5]( Nilsen/generator-jekyllized/commit/7bdf3908b5)]: Update how versions works

Previous beta?

If you somehow noticed that beta.10 is missing is because I used it to test the new way of publishing beta versions. See in the changelog for more.


08 Feb 16:04
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1.0.0-beta.8 Pre-release



Managed to write the syntax wrong in one of the gulptasks which broke everything
and I made the gems listed in the Gemfile line up alphabetically because I like
it that way. Also updated the README that gets generated with your project for
the new commands.


  • [cae8478]:
    Fix syntax error, alphabetize Gemfile, update docs


07 Feb 16:04
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1.0.0-beta.7 Pre-release

Updated the packages, fixed some spacing and color issues when running the generator and removed the Bower subgenerator as it did absolutely nothing anymore. Also stopped supporting ancient versions of Node and such.


[c5852fa]: Add command to clean images and update docs.
[1a20f35]: Update permalink settings and fix spacing/color on questions.
[dd749de]: Remove bower subgenerator.
[00598f8]: Update packages.
[0632d9f]: Move away from ancient Node versions.


07 Feb 15:34
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1.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release

Fixed a typo in the aws-configuration.json file.


[cfa66e8]: Fix typo in AWS config file.


07 Feb 15:32
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1.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

Updated the packages and applied some of the changes that were required from them and moved from a deprecated gulp-plugin to the not deprecated one.


[ccd7718]: Update packages and apply the needed changes.
[a5a1a92]: Move from deprecated gulp-plugin.


04 Dec 00:43
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1.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

Fix a couple of typos and the output path for fonts. Huge thanks to @S1SYPHOS for spotting them and sending a pull request.


[833f9b6]: Fix typos and the output folder for fonts


19 Nov 11:16
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1.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Add documentation when running the generator and a line in config.yml about how to format your Twitter handle.


[055685a]: Fix Babel 6.0 not working


19 Nov 11:03
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1.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Fixed an error with Babel not properly working since it now needs a .babelrc file.


[9472305]: Fix Babel 6.0 not working

1.0.0(-beta.1) is almost upon us!

07 Nov 22:42
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EVERYTHING. Not really, but pretty much every part of the generator has been
touched and fixed. Moved the generator over to Gulp 4.0 and Jekyll 3.0,
because moving too fast is fun. The main change here was Gulp 4.0 makes running
tasks in series/parallel a lot, and I mean a lot, easier.

Technically this isn't breaking as it won't affect people who have previously
installed and are running a previous version but hey. Thanks to @nilsborchers,
@snrbrnjna, @SeanSith, @gjeck, @pope410211, @lvnilesh and @dcalhoun for finding
errors, fixing bugs, helping write new features and being cool people.

Major changes

  • Gulp: Upgraded to Gulp 4.0 and rewrote the whole Gulpfile in ES2015, no
    line was spared the onslaught. No functions were lost but a whole lot was
    updated and made better. Progress!
  • Command line arguments: Instead of having lots of duplicated gulp tasks
    and commands that you needed to run to build your site for either local
    development and production, you now only add --prod to the commands and
    voila, you are now building with production settings. Progress!
  • Jekyll: Upgraded to Jekyll 3 with all the bells and whistles that come
    with it. Added jekyll-archives, jekyll-sitemap, jekyll-feed and
    jekyll-gist and kept jekyll-paginate. It will automatically create fully
    compliant sitemaps and ATOM feeds for your site as well as automatic archive
    pages for your tags and categories. Updated the config.yml accordingly.
  • Yeoman: Updated to the latest version of Yeoman and split the generator
    into several smaller subgenerators, so you can update only select components
    instead of the whole thing at once. Progress!
  • Bower: Kinda added support for Bower. Read the README for how it works.
  • Misc: The built site now lives in dist, the assets live in .tmp while
    being built, moved from Useref to gulp-inject, but that change should be
    invisible unless you care about it.

Minor changes

  • Packages: Updated all the packages.
  • Assets: Fixed how most of the assets are generated:
    • SCSS/CSS: Now creates sourcemaps when you're not running it with
      production settings, and uses PostCSS to run AutoPrefixer. When using
      production settings it won't create sourcemaps, but will minify, gzip
      and cache bust your style.css.
    • JS: Same as with your SCSS/CSS, although it's concatenated into a
      index.js file.
    • Injecting: Moved from Useref to gulp-inject, this doesn't affect
      much but it changes how your assets are injected into the HTML. This is
      a background change for the most part and doesn't change the behaviour
      in any way.
    • HTML: Your HTML is automatically minified and has separate gzipped
      files created when you run it with production settings.
  • Jekyll: Updated to Jekyll 3.0:
    • jekyll-archives: This gem automatically creates archive pages for
      your tags and categories. Included in this generator are templates for
    • jekyll-sitemap/jekyll-feed: Moved from having to maintain these
      myself to the official Jekyll gems for better support and such
    • jekyll-gist: Added to support including Gists
    • jekyll-paginate: Jekyll 3.0 doesn't include this by default, but
      it's nice to have
  • Octopress: Included Octopress into the gem, you should read up on what it
    does because it's pretty swell!

Behind the scenes

  • Tests: Continued working on tests to make errors even less likely. Yay
    tests. Also fixed timeouts thanks to @gjeck.
  • Git: Fixed the gitignore for the new paths
  • Moar: Made everything more awesome.


31 Jan 18:51
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0.7.1 Pre-release

0.7.1 - Bugfix


  • LiveReload: Fix from @thiago-om for generating and reloading JavaScript
    files with BrowserSync.