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File metadata and controls

86 lines (65 loc) · 2.9 KB

OCaml interface to radare2

This is an OCaml interface to radare2, the reverse engineer's dream tool.


You can install it using opam the OCaml package manager, see here for a quick introduction to the OCaml ecosystem and how to get opam.

If not on opam or wanting to use the latest and greatest then do:

$ opam pin add radare2 [email protected]:fxfactorial/ocaml-radare2.git -y

Otherwise use the one on opam

$ opam install radare2 -y

Example usage:

Here's a utop session, (opam install utop)

#require "radare2";;
let result = R2.with_command_j ~cmd:"/j chown" "/bin/ls";;
val result : Yojson.Basic.json =
    [("offset", `Int 4294987375); ("id:", `Int 0);
     ("data", `String "ywritesecuritychownfile_inheritdi")]]"

R2.with_command ~cmd:"S=" "/bin/ls" |> print_endline;;
00* 0x100000e94 |###############-----| 0x10000442d mr-x 0.__text 13.4K
01  0x10000442e |--------------##----| 0x1000045f6 mr-x 1.__stubs 0456
02  0x1000045f8 |---------------##---| 0x100004900 mr-x 2.__stub_helper  0776
03  0x100004900 |----------------#---| 0x100004af0 mr-x 3.__const  0496
04  0x100004af0 |----------------###-| 0x100004f69 mr-x 4.__cstring  1.1K
05  0x100004f6c |------------------#-| 0x100005000 mr-x 5.__unwind_info  0148
06  0x100005000 |------------------#-| 0x100005028 mrw- 6.__got  0040
07  0x100005028 |------------------#-| 0x100005038 mrw- 7.__nl_symbol_ptr  0016
08  0x100005038 |------------------#-| 0x100005298 mrw- 8.__la_symbol_ptr  0608
09  0x1000052a0 |------------------##| 0x1000054c8 mrw- 9.__const  0552
10  0x1000054d0 |-------------------#| 0x1000054f8 mrw- 10.__data  0040
11  0x100005500 |-------------------#| 0x1000055c0 mrw- 11.__bss  0192
12  0x1000055c0 |-------------------#| 0x10000564c mrw- 12.__common  0140
=>  0x100001174 |-^------------------| 0x100001274


Here is the mli with comments, fairly simple and high level.

(** A running instance of r2 *)
type r2

(** Send a command to r2, get back plain string output *)
val command : r2:r2 -> string -> string

(** Send a command to r2, get back Yojson. If output isn't JSON
    parsable then raises {Invalid_argument} so make sure command starts
    with /j *)
val command_json : r2:r2 -> string -> Yojson.Basic.json

(** Create a r2 instance with a given file, raises {Invalid_argument}
    if file doesn't exists *)
val open_file : string -> r2

(** close a r2 instance *)
val close : r2 -> unit

(** Convenience function for opening a r2 instance, sending a command,
    getting the result as plain string and closing the r2 instance *)
val with_command : cmd:string -> string -> string

(** Convenience function for opening a r2 instance, sending a command,
    getting the result as Yojson and closing the r2 instance *)
val with_command_j : cmd:string -> string -> Yojson.Basic.json