Custom models can be implemented by inheriting the BaseMode and implementing the following three methods: _build_graph, compile,and get_best_answer. A simple example is shown in the following code.
from sogou_mrc.model.base_model import BaseModel
class CustomModel(BaseModel):
def __init__(vocab, other_params)
super(BertBaseline, self).__init__(vocab)
def _build_graph():
The following variables should be defined in custom models.
1.The input placeholder dict is used in the trainer to obtain the corresponding field in each batch data.
self.input_placeholder_dict = xxx.
2.output_variable_dict:the values of the variables defined in this dict can be obtained after evaluation
self.output_variable_dict = xxx
#caculate loss
self.loss =....
#define the optimizer and train_op
def compile():
self.train_op = optimizer.minimize(self.loss)
output: variables of model defined in the output_variable_dict e.g : probability, logits
instances: each instance has a corresponding result in the output
For evaluation:
The result of each instances should be fed into the methods (to obtain the score) defined in corresponding evaluator.
def get_best_answer(self,output, instances,other_params):
return xxx