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To make it easier to create / deploy Kubernetes Mutating WebHook applications

What does the typical Mutating Webhook application look like

The purpose of the mutating webhook is to "mutate" Kubernetes objects. Essentially such an application is a normal Kubernetes application (albeit with some requirements that will be mentioned later) that is called by Kubernetes under certain conditions.

In order for an application to be a valid Mutating Webhook application the following prerequisites need to be met

  • The application needs to be accessible via Kubernetes Service object on port 443
  • The application needs to accept an AdmissionReview object and return a new AdmissionReview object that contains an AdmissionResponse whose most important field is the jsonpatch that needs to be applied to the incoming object
  • The certificate used by the application for the HTTPS communication (initiated by Kubernetes to the application) needs to be trusted by the cluster
  • A MutatingWebhookConfiguration needs to be deployed to the cluster containing configuration of what kind of Requests the mutating webhook will handle as well as the certificate caBundle


The cluster allows mutating webhooks

For minishift the following command can be run to enable such capability

 minishift openshift config set --target master --patch '{ "admissionConfig": { "pluginConfig": { "MutatingAdmissionWebhook": { "configuration": {  "apiVersion": "v1",  "disable": false,  "kind": "DefaultAdmissionConfig" } } } }, "kubernetesMasterConfig": { "controllerArguments": { "cluster-signing-cert-file": [ "ca.crt" ], "cluster-signing-key-file": [ "ca.key" ] } } }'

Preparation (these steps need to be run by a user that is logged in to the cluster and has the cluster-admin role)

oc new-project k8s-info

These steps will create the following:

  • A ServiceAccount named kubernetes-info-webhook that contains the view and secret-reader roles in the k8s-info namespace
  • A secret named kubernetes-info-webhook that contain the certificate and private key needed for HTTPS communication between the application and the cluster. This secret is read by an init container when the application runs in order to create the keystore that Tomcat needs to implement for HTTPS
  • A ConfigMap named k8s-info-configuration that contains the application configuration which is read when the application starts
  • A ConfigMap named k8s-info-mutating-script that contains the actual script that will mutate the incoming object


Pay special attention to the values of policy and matchingAnnotation in KubernetesInfoProperties The values you specify for these fields determine which objects will be mutated

Specifically, if policy is enabled, then all objects will be mutated except the ones that contain the value of matchingAnnotation as an annotation with a value of disabled

If it's false, then only objects that contain the value of matchingAnnotation as an annotation with a value of enabled will be mutated


./mvnw clean compile fabric8:deploy -Popenshift

The will create a default MutatingWebhookConfiguration




  • Provide configuration options for scripts
  • Provide deployment means other than FMP