diff --git a/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_plategrid.py b/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_plategrid.py
index becd6038cfe..af44c0df32e 100644
--- a/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_plategrid.py
+++ b/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_plategrid.py
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ def plate_well_table(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service, conn):
data2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, ["foobar"])
data = [data1, data2]
orig_file = table.getOriginalFile()
@@ -432,6 +433,7 @@ def test_get_plate_table(self, django_client, plate_well_table, conn):
assert rspJson['data'] == {
'rows': [[wellId, 'foobar']],
+ 'column_types': ['WellColumn', 'StringColumn'],
'columns': ['Well', 'TestColumn']}
assert rspJson['parentId'] == plate.id.val
user = conn.getUser()
diff --git a/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_table.py b/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f0e2194357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/tools/OmeroWeb/test/integration/test_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2019 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+"""Tests for querying OMERO.tables."""
+import pytest
+from omeroweb.testlib import IWebTest, get, get_json
+from test_api_projects import get_connection
+from omero.grid import WellColumn, StringColumn, DoubleColumn
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from random import random
+class TestOmeroTables(IWebTest):
+ """Tests querying of OMERO.table."""
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def user1(self):
+ """Return a new user in a read-annotate group."""
+ group = self.new_group(perms='rwra--')
+ return self.new_client_and_user(group=group)
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def django_client(self, user1):
+ """Return new Django client."""
+ conn = get_connection(user1)
+ user_name = conn.getUser().getName()
+ return self.new_django_client(user_name, user_name)
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def table_data(self):
+ """Return column classes, column names & row data."""
+ col_types = [
+ WellColumn, StringColumn, DoubleColumn, DoubleColumn
+ ]
+ col_names = ["Well", "TestColumn", "SmallNumbers", "BigNumbers"]
+ rows = [
+ [1, 'test', 0.5, 135345.0],
+ [2, 'string', 1.0, 345345.121],
+ [3, 'column', 0.75, 356575.012],
+ [4, 'data', 0.12345, 13579.0],
+ [5, 'five', 0.01, 500.05]
+ ]
+ return (col_types, col_names, rows)
+ @pytest.fixture()
+ def omero_table_file(self, user1, table_data):
+ """Create a new OMERO Table and returns the original file ID."""
+ client = user1[0]
+ col_types, col_names, rows = table_data
+ columns = []
+ for col_type, name in zip(col_types, col_names):
+ if col_type == StringColumn:
+ columns.append(StringColumn(name, '', 64, []))
+ else:
+ columns.append(col_type(name, '', []))
+ tablename = "omero_table_test:%s" % str(random())
+ table = client.sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, tablename)
+ table.initialize(columns)
+ data = []
+ for col_type, name, idx in zip(col_types, col_names,
+ range(len(col_names))):
+ col_data = [row[idx] for row in rows]
+ if col_type == StringColumn:
+ data.append(StringColumn(name, '', 64, col_data))
+ else:
+ data.append(col_type(name, '', col_data))
+ table.addData(data)
+ orig_file = table.getOriginalFile()
+ table.close()
+ return orig_file.id.val
+ def test_table_html(self, omero_table_file, django_client, table_data):
+ """Do a GET request to query table data."""
+ file_id = omero_table_file
+ # expected table data
+ col_types, col_names, rows = table_data
+ col_types = [cls.__name__ for cls in col_types]
+ # GET json
+ request_url = reverse("omero_table", args=[file_id, 'json'])
+ rsp = get_json(django_client, request_url)
+ assert rsp['data']['rows'] == rows
+ assert rsp['data']['columns'] == col_names
+ assert rsp['data']['column_types'] == col_types
+ assert rsp['data']['name'].startswith('omero_table_test')
+ assert rsp['data']['id'] == file_id
+ # GET html
+ request_url = reverse("omero_table", args=[file_id])
+ rsp = get(django_client, request_url)
+ html = rsp.content.decode("utf-8")
+ for col_type, col in zip(col_types, col_names):
+ assert ('
%s | ' % (col_type, col)) in html
+ well_col_index = col_types.index('WellColumn')
+ for row in rows:
+ for idx, td in enumerate(row):
+ if idx != well_col_index:
+ assert ('%s | ' % td) in html
+ else:
+ # link to webclient
+ link = reverse('webindex')
+ link_html = (''
+ % (link, td))
+ assert link_html in html
+ # GET csv
+ request_url = reverse("omero_table", args=[file_id, 'csv'])
+ rsp = get(django_client, request_url)
+ csv_data = rsp.content.decode("utf-8")
+ cols_csv = ','.join(col_names)
+ rows_csv = '\n'.join([','.join(
+ [str(td) for td in row]) for row in rows])
+ assert csv_data == '%s\n%s' % (cols_csv, rows_csv)
+ def test_table_pagination(self, omero_table_file, django_client,
+ table_data):
+ """Test pagination of table data as JSON."""
+ file_id = omero_table_file
+ # expected table data
+ col_types, col_names, rows = table_data
+ # GET json
+ limit = 2
+ request_url = reverse("omero_table", args=[file_id, 'json'])
+ for offset in [0, 2, 4]:
+ request_url += '?limit=%s&offset=%s' % (limit, offset)
+ rsp = get_json(django_client, request_url)
+ assert rsp['data']['rows'] == rows[offset: offset + limit]
+ def test_table_query(self, omero_table_file, django_client, table_data):
+ """Test pagination of table data as JSON."""
+ file_id = omero_table_file
+ # expected table data
+ col_types, col_names, rows = table_data
+ queries = ['SmallNumbers>0.5',
+ '(SmallNumbers>=0.75)%26(BigNumbers<350000.5)',
+ 'SmallNumbers==0.01']
+ filtered_rows = [
+ [r for r in rows if r[2] > 0.5],
+ [r for r in rows if r[2] >= 0.75 and r[3] < 350000.5],
+ [r for r in rows if r[2] == 0.01]]
+ for query, expected in zip(queries, filtered_rows):
+ request_url = reverse("omero_table", args=[file_id, 'json'])
+ request_url += '?query=%s' % query
+ rsp = get_json(django_client, request_url)
+ assert rsp['data']['rows'] == expected