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Modals and notifications

Kurt Junghanns edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 5 revisions

In order to have same looking modals and notifications in each component, we decided to use sweetalert2 with semantic-ui.

This page describes how to create modals and notifications.



How to


  1. Just use JavaScript - no HTML in the render function needed
  2. Make sure you set buttonsStyling to false buttonsStyling: false
  3. Set the semantic-ui button classes you will need in confirmButtonClass and cancelButtonClass
  4. Use functions of the component as callbacks (or then functions)


Every call returns a promise on which then could be applied. Just pass two functions to then: .then(() => {/* Confirmed */}, (reason) => {/* Canceled */}) Where reason in the second function could be the string cancel, overlay, close, or timer



  title: 'Error',
  text: "Nooooooo",
  type: 'error',
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirmed',
  confirmButtonClass: 'negative ui button',
  buttonsStyling: false


  title: 'Warning',
  text: "This will not work",
  type: 'warning',
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirmed',
  confirmButtonClass: 'ui orange button',
  buttonsStyling: false


  title: 'Success',
  text: "It worked!",
  type: 'success',
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirmed',
  confirmButtonClass: 'positive ui button',
  buttonsStyling: false


  title: 'Question',
  text: "A or B?",
  type: 'question',
  showCloseButton: true,
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: 'A',
  confirmButtonClass: 'ui olive button',
  cancelButtonText: 'B',
  cancelButtonClass: 'ui pink button',
  buttonsStyling: false

Remark: Optional close button on the right top corner

Self closing modal (Notification)

  type: 'info',
  title: 'Auto close alert!',
  text: 'I will close in 2 seconds.',
  timer: 2000,
  showCloseButton: false,
  showCancelButton: false,
  allowEscapeKey: false,
  showConfirmButton: false


  • Instead of text you could use html in order to have styled content
  • Decide on your own if allowEscapeKey and allowOutsideClick should be used

Complex modals

Use semantic-ui modals!

In that you have a structure:

<div role="dialog" class="ui modal" aria-labelledby="dialog1Title" aria-describedby="dialog1Desc">
  <div class="header" id="dialog1Title">
    Modal Title
  <div class="content" id="dialog1Desc">
    Your content. Like filechooser, slideshow or video.
  <div class="actions">
    <div class="ui approve button" role="button" tabindex=0>OK</div>
    <div class="ui cancel button" role="button" tabindex=0>Cancel</div>

On which you bind a button handling:

    onDeny: function(){
        //console.log('modal cancelled');
        $('.ui.small.modal').modal('hide');//Added to remove duplicate modals
    onApprove : function(data) {
        //console.log('modal clicked on approve', data);

You could style how you want and need it. Also the buttons could be panels with stuff in there.

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