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HOW-TO: Adding a new rescore function

This tutorial briefs the implementation and modification of the existing frame scoring functions.

Rescore functions are implemented in the backend, currently in the module RelevanceScore. In the current version, there is only apply_bayes function (in core/src/RelevanceScores.cpp). Several additional functions serve for initial ranking of the frames with keyword-based scores, these can be found in the KeywordRanker module.

The current Bayesian ranker uses almost exclusively the data available from DatasetFeatures, i.e. the feature vectors for each frame; these are "compared" using a distance measure based on cosine simiarity.

We show how to construct a very simple rescoring function that modifies the score based on sum of distances from all user-marked frames.

1. Write the re-scorer

The re-scoring function can be added to the ScoreModel for simplicity. Add a method header in core/src/RelevanceScore.h as such:

void apply_simple(const std::set<ImageId>& likes, const DatasetFeatures &features);

The implementation goes preferentially into core/src/RelevanceScore.cpp:

ScoreModel::apply_simple(const std::set<ImageId>& likes,
                        const DatasetFeatures &features)
	for (ImageId ii = 0; ii < scores.size(); ++ii) {
		float sum = 0;

		for (ImageId i : likes)
			sum += features.d_dot(ii, i);

		scores[ii] *= pow(0.5, -sum);


The normalize() call at the end keeps the scores in a relatively sane interval, and prevents various numeric problems. features are used as a main data source.

2. Plug the new function into the rescorer

Relevance scores are updated everytime rescore() is called.

We will modify rescore in core/src/SomHunter.cpp to call the customized function as follows:

SomHunter::rescore(std::string text_query)

	// Rescore text query

	// Rescore relevance feedback
	if (!likes.empty())
		scores.apply_simple(likes, features);

	// Start SOM computation

	// Update search context

	// Reset likes
	for (auto &fr : frames) {
		fr.liked = false;

	auto top_n = scores.top_n(frames,
	// logging (see the description below)

3. Optional: Pass additional information to the rescorer from the front-end

If your rescoring method needs more information than plain likes and dislikes, you need to modify the function that pass the data to the backend, namely:

  • backend rescorer interface in SomHunter.h
  • backend N-API wrapper in SomHunterNapi.cpp and .h
  • route handler in routes
  • optionally, add the controls for the new functionality to routes and views.

Use the N-API documentation to get an overview of possiblilities of data transfer to frontend. For a similar modification, you can look at the code in the tutorial about new display types.

4. Logging

Finally, VBS rules say that all user actions must be logged with all relevant parameters, to aid future analysis!

Various logging functions are available in Submitter.h and Submitter.cpp, and it's generally easy to create various customized ones. VBS defines message categories and types which should be filled in properly; the "contents" of the log message is otherwise an arbitrary string, but should be machine-interpretable.

Notably, VBS rules may change (we may update this repository accordingly).

The actual rescoring function calls the correct submitter method with many parameters that should be logged:

submitter.submit_and_log_rescore(frames, // frames marked by the user
				 scores, // instance of scores used for collecting additional data
				 used_tools, // a simple list of tools already used for this search (class UsedTools)
				 current_display_type, // what display the user employed to submit the feedback
				 top_n, // currently top-scoring frames
				 last_text_query, // last text query
				 config.topn_frames_per_video, // current framefilter settings

If required, you may supply your own information; use the function push_event in Submitter that fills the log message into the "backlog" of events that are sent periodically:

void push_event(const std::string &cat,
		const std::string &type,
		const std::string &value);

Or, start the sending with any custom contents immediately, as in the submit_and_log_rescore function:


Json top = Json::object{ { "teamId", int(cfg.team_ID) },
			 { "memberId", int(cfg.member_ID) },
			 { "timestamp", double(timestamp()) },
			 { "usedCategories", used_cats },
			 { "usedTypes", used_types },
			 { "sortType", sort_types },
			 { "resultSetAvailability", "top" },
			 { "type", "result" },
			 { "value", query_val },
			 { "results", std::move(result_json_arr) } };

start_sender(cfg.submit_rerank_URL, "", top.dump());