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Releases: sinonjs/sinon

Make resetHistory work for props

26 Jan 21:25
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  • Fix #1638: Make resetHistory work for props

Speed up stub creation

23 Jan 19:33
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  • Performance: spend less time stubbing methods (#1627)

Add match.every and match.some

23 Jan 19:34
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Replace 4.1.5, which was a bad build

23 Jan 19:35
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Fix issue with `useFakeServer`

13 Jan 10:31
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This release fixes an issue, where the server type from useFakeServer is unexpected (#1534)

Minor fix for Symbol names and deprecation of spy.reset

08 Jan 10:38
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  • Fix: assertion error messages did not handle Symbol names (#1640)
  • Deprecate spy.reset(), use spy.resetHistory() instead (#1446)

Add stub#resolvesThis

10 Aug 14:06
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  • Fix #1521 by caching references to Array.prototype.filter (#1523)
  • Fix #1368 by adding stub#resolvesThis (#1517)


08 Aug 07:33
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  • Add factory functions for sandbox and fake server (#1515)
  • Add support for passing a function to stub.throws(...). (#1511)
  • Lots of documentation updates
  • Fix regression on sandbox.stub(obj,protoMethod) (#1512)


03 Aug 14:16
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  • Remove deprecated exports see migration guide
  • Fix #1432: add details around expectations.withArgs behavior to docs (#1501)
  • Fix #1487: incorrect withArgs().returnValue
  • add format.setFormatter
  • Upgrade lolex to 2.1.2
  • Extract fakeXhr, fakeServer and fakeServerWithClock into own module nise and re-import it to keep api the same

Fix #1474: stub#usingPromise and stub#onNthCall have unexpected interactions

13 Jul 08:28
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