This part of the code will help you run the user study for Evaluating Explanations.
Go to src
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run Logistic Regression control
python --explanation_type log_reg --data_dir ../datasets/hotel_reviews/ --filter True --control True
Upon executing this command, the user study would be hosted at http://localhost:<port_number>/. You can view it in your favourite browser. Similarly, the following commands would spawn different user studies at (possibly) different ports, which you would be able to see as an output on the console.
To run Logistic Regression with feature coefficient explanation as treatment
python --explanation_type log_reg --data_dir ../datasets/hotel_reviews/ --filter True
To run BERT control
python --explanation_type none --data_dir <review_dataset> --filter True
To run LIME treatment with BERT
python --explanation_type lime --data_dir <review_dataset> --filter True
To run Integrated Gradients treatment with BERT
python --explanation_type integrated_gradients --data_dir ../datasets/hotel_reviews/ --filter True
To run feature coefficients from linear model treatment with BERT
python --explanation_type none --global_exp True --data_dir ../datasets/hotel_reviews/ --filter True --no_global_words True
To run global cues from linear model treatment with BERT
python --explanation_type none --global_exp True --data_dir ../datasets/hotel_reviews/ --filter True
BERT and logistic regression model that were used in our experiments are available at
All database files saved to record user activity are available at Unzip the database folder inside src/ directory to run analysis script.
Please refer to README files in the subdirectories to reproduce our results and Analysis.
If you need any support, please add an issue on the repository, and we'll respond to it.