source: used for running to pre-written scripts
man --
rm -rf
less file
more file
mv(move) or rename file
ls -a
ls -l
../ previous directory
./ current directory
~/ back to root
-p parents node. Can be used to created multiple directory trees.
To create multiple file system
mkdir -p d1/d2/d3
grep "string" file_name allows the search of string within the file
find folder "*s*"
history | grep $string$, this allows you to search the string within a file.
find ./ -name *note*
tail -5 file ,display the last 5 lines of file.
head -5 file .
tar archieve the folders together and put them as tar file.
top helps seeing the usage of current server. Can be used to check which server is busy or not.
open. open the file in its format.