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sfregosi committed Apr 21, 2021
1 parent e071dfd commit 4c47511
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Showing 47 changed files with 2,289 additions and 0 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions dataProcessing/LTSAs/longTermSpectra_GoMex2018.asv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
% script modified by J. Haxel May 2015 to calculate the long-term time
% averaged spectra of acoustic signals at NRS
% system response = (preAmp + instResp) is removed and energy values are
% normalized to dB re 1uPa @ 1m
% CF2 data - need to use *CF2*.m for all subroutines
% data info
if (1)
datadir = 'E:\sg639\wav\sg639-1kHz\';
locname = 'GoMex';
fnums = 1:49999;
chan = 1;
frameSize = 1000;
fdates = 'E:\sg639\wav\sg639-1kHz\file_dates-sg639_GoMex_May18-1kHz.txt';
sRate = 1000;

% Parameters for time averaging and start/stop times
period = 1/86400; %5/1440 %1/24 %5/1440 %hourly =1/24 %600/(60*60*24); % 600 sec in days
baseyear = 'auto'; % auto means get it from first day of data
zeroPad = 0; % zero-pad the signal
nOverlap = 0; % overlap data points
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Configure data Grab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
hIndex = readHarufileDateIndex(fdates);
if (0) %change for the old format of datafile
fn0 = sprintf('%sdatafile.%03d', datadir, fnums(1));
fn1 = sprintf('%sdatafile.%03d', datadir, fnums(end));
elseif (0)
fn0 = sprintf('%s%08d.DAT', datadir, fnums(1));
fn1 = sprintf('%s%08d.DAT', datadir, fnums(end));
fn0 = [datadir hIndex.hname{1}(3:end)];
fn1 = [datadir hIndex.hname{end}(3:end)];
% [dtv0,yr,jd,hr,mn,sc,sRate,t,y]=readCF2hdr(fn0,0);
% [dtv1,yr,jd,hr,mn,sc,sRate,t,y]=readCF2hdr(fn1,0);
dtv0 = hIndex.time(1);
dtv1 = hIndex.time(end);
if (ischar(baseyear) && strcmp(baseyear, 'auto'))
% baseyear = sub(datevec(dtv0), 1); % new dt encoding from soundIn
baseyear = sub(datevec(hIndex.time(1)), 1);
% Get start and stop times that include only whole intervals.
dt0 = ceil(dtv0/period) * period; % get start of first whole period
dt1 = floor(dtv1/period) * period; % get end of last whole period
% get the system response to subtract out of power vaues later
%[SR] = get_sys_response(PA_rev,gain,filt_sw,sRate,frameSize);
%[SR] = get_sys_response(9,0,4,double(sRate),frameSize);

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start the loop for calculating LTSpect %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if (1)
gram = zeros((frameSize+zeroPad)/2, round((dt1-dt0)/period));
fRate = sRate / (frameSize - nOverlap);
printf('%d dots:', nCols(gram))
for i = 1 : nCols(gram)
fprintf(1,'.%s', iff(mod(i,60) == 0, char(10), ''));
dt = dt0 + (i-1) * period;
% Do around 1 million samples at a time.
t0 = dt;
gSum = zeros((frameSize+zeroPad)/2, 1);
ng = 0;
% while (t0 < dt + period)
%t1 = min([dt+period double(t0+1e6/sRate/24/60/60)]); %for big AVG's
t1 = dt + period;
%xt = haruSoundAtTime_CF2_2channel([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir, chan);
% xt = haruSoundAtTime_CF2([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir); %note - calling CF2 specific routine
xt = haruSoundAtTime([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir);

%xt_2 = xt{1}; %xt_3 = xt_2(:,1); %extra step do to 2 channel data
%x_mn = xt_3 - mean(xt_3); %have to do this in 2 steps now because 2 channel data
x_mn = xt{1} - mean(xt{1}); %remove the sample mean from the chunk of data for 16bit
x = (2.5/(2^16)).*x_mn; % convert to Volts by (Voltrange/bitrange)- for 16bit
%x = (4/(2^12)).*x_mn; %convert to Volts -12bit
g = joespect_LTacoustic(x, frameSize, nOverlap, zeroPad, 'hann', sRate); %5000 for sample rate

% [g,f,t] = spectrogram(x,hann(frameSize),nOverlap,frameSize,sRate);
% g = abs(g(2:end));
% last input on line above is sample rate
if (nCols(g) == 0), break; end % skip partial frame at end of day
gSum = gSum + mean(g,2); % sum up the energy - will divide later
ng = ng + nCols(g);
%t0 = t0 + nCols(g)/.9765624 / 24/60/60; %have to change this to make it run m10 hickup -
t0 = t0 + nCols(g) / fRate / 24/60/60; %change back to this
% end
grm = 10*log10(gSum); %to convert power to dB
%GRAM = grm - SR';
%gram(:,i) = GRAM; %must add this in to get system response removed
gram(:,i) = grm;
fprintf(1, '\n');
% remove the system gain from the spectra
%LTgram = gram - repmat(SR',1,length(gram(1,:)));
%cd E:\ROSS_SEA-2014
cd C:\Users\haver\Documents\NRS\NRS10\LTSA

save NRS10_20162017_5minAvgSpect_cal070118 gram dt0 dt1 frameSize sRate

117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions dataProcessing/LTSAs/longTermSpectra_GoMex2018.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
% script modified by J. Haxel May 2015 to calculate the long-term time
% averaged spectra of acoustic signals at NRS
% system response = (preAmp + instResp) is removed and energy values are
% normalized to dB re 1uPa @ 1m
% CF2 data - need to use *CF2*.m for all subroutines
% data info
if (1)
datadir = 'E:\sg639\wav\sg639-1kHz\';
locname = 'GoMex';
fnums = 1:49999;
chan = 1;
frameSize = 1000;
fdates = 'E:\sg639\wav\sg639-1kHz\file_dates-sg639_GoMex_May18-1kHz.txt';
sRate = 1000;

% Parameters for time averaging and start/stop times
period = 1/86400; %5/1440 %1/24 %5/1440 %hourly =1/24 %600/(60*60*24); % 600 sec in days
baseyear = 'auto'; % auto means get it from first day of data
zeroPad = 0; % zero-pad the signal
nOverlap = 0; % overlap data points
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Configure data Grab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
hIndex = readHarufileDateIndex(fdates);
if (0) %change for the old format of datafile
fn0 = sprintf('%sdatafile.%03d', datadir, fnums(1));
fn1 = sprintf('%sdatafile.%03d', datadir, fnums(end));
elseif (0)
fn0 = sprintf('%s%08d.DAT', datadir, fnums(1));
fn1 = sprintf('%s%08d.DAT', datadir, fnums(end));
fn0 = [datadir hIndex.hname{1}(3:end)];
fn1 = [datadir hIndex.hname{end}(3:end)];
% [dtv0,yr,jd,hr,mn,sc,sRate,t,y]=readCF2hdr(fn0,0);
% [dtv1,yr,jd,hr,mn,sc,sRate,t,y]=readCF2hdr(fn1,0);
dtv0 = hIndex.time(1);
dtv1 = hIndex.time(end);
if (ischar(baseyear) && strcmp(baseyear, 'auto'))
% baseyear = sub(datevec(dtv0), 1); % new dt encoding from soundIn
baseyear = sub(datevec(hIndex.time(1)), 1);
% Get start and stop times that include only whole intervals.
dt0 = ceil(dtv0/period) * period; % get start of first whole period
dt1 = floor(dtv1/period) * period; % get end of last whole period
% get the system response to subtract out of power vaues later
%[SR] = get_sys_response(PA_rev,gain,filt_sw,sRate,frameSize);
%[SR] = get_sys_response(9,0,4,double(sRate),frameSize);

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start the loop for calculating LTSpect %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if (1)
gram = zeros((frameSize+zeroPad)/2, round((dt1-dt0)/period));
fRate = sRate / (frameSize - nOverlap);
printf('%d bins:\n', nCols(gram))
for i = 1 : nCols(gram)
fprintf(1,'.%s', iff(mod(i,60) == 0, char(10), ''));
dt = dt0 + (i-1) * period;
% Do around 1 million samples at a time.
t0 = dt;
gSum = zeros((frameSize+zeroPad)/2, 1);
ng = 0;
% while (t0 < dt + period)
%t1 = min([dt+period double(t0+1e6/sRate/24/60/60)]); %for big AVG's
t1 = dt + period;
%xt = haruSoundAtTime_CF2_2channel([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir, chan);
% xt = haruSoundAtTime_CF2([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir); %note - calling CF2 specific routine
xt = haruSoundAtTime_sf([t0 t1], hIndex, datadir);

%xt_2 = xt{1}; %xt_3 = xt_2(:,1); %extra step do to 2 channel data
%x_mn = xt_3 - mean(xt_3); %have to do this in 2 steps now because 2 channel data
x_mn = xt{1} - mean(xt{1}); %remove the sample mean from the chunk of data for 16bit
x = (2.5/(2^16)).*x_mn; % convert to Volts by (Voltrange/bitrange)- for 16bit
%x = (4/(2^12)).*x_mn; %convert to Volts -12bit
g = joespect_LTacoustic(x, frameSize, nOverlap, zeroPad, 'hann', sRate); %5000 for sample rate

% [g,f,t] = spectrogram(x,hann(frameSize),nOverlap,frameSize,sRate);
% g = abs(g(2:end));
% last input on line above is sample rate
if (nCols(g) == 0), break; end % skip partial frame at end of day
gSum = gSum + mean(g,2); % sum up the energy - will divide later
ng = ng + nCols(g);
%t0 = t0 + nCols(g)/.9765624 / 24/60/60; %have to change this to make it run m10 hickup -
t0 = t0 + nCols(g) / fRate / 24/60/60; %change back to this
% end
grm = 10*log10(gSum); %to convert power to dB
%GRAM = grm - SR';
%gram(:,i) = GRAM; %must add this in to get system response removed
gram(:,i) = grm;
fprintf(1, '\n');
% remove the system gain from the spectra
%LTgram = gram - repmat(SR',1,length(gram(1,:)));

save([datadir 'sg639_GoMex_May18-1kHz-LTSA_1Hz1s.mat'],'gram','dt0','dt1','frameSize','sRate');


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