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Rocio Ng edited this page Aug 15, 2018
62 revisions
NOTE: If you would like to suggest a resource to be added to this page please send a DM to Rocio on Slack with a link to the tool and a short description.
- Please limit suggestions to resources you have had some experience using
- If there is a specific topic you would like to see covered here please let her know as well. This page is a work in progress!
Code Academy
- Free site for interactively learning to code in many languages (eg. Python, HTML, SQL, Git etc)
- Highly recommended for absolute beginners to intermediate
Learn DataSci.com
- Comprehensive list of online data science courses
Ranking of Intro Data Science Courses
- Pretty extensive and methodical approach to ranking courses. Definitely check out to find a course that is right for you!
swirl: Learn R, in R
- Neat interactive way to learn how to do many things in R
R for Cats
- Being a cat/cat-lover not a strict requirement. Introduction to R for complete beginners
R Cookbook
- Useful Guide with lots of Examples
R For Data Science
- Companion Website to Book by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund
Data Science with R
- Companion Website to the Book with the same name
- Stat 133 at Berkeley
Advanced R Hadley Wickham's interactive companion for his Advanced R book. If you want to learn how the language actually works (including its weirdo 3-teired OO framework and what's really going on with its lazy evaluation), go here. The metaprogramming aspects are extremely useful (code that writes code!).
- Writing Fast R Code Crucial. Naive for loops can be real bad in R.
Learn Python the Hard Way
- Free interactive 'book' for learning how to code in Python and intended for beginners/intermediate users
Learn to Program Coursera Course
- Great course for learning how to code in Python. How I initially learned Python
Python For Scientists and Engineers
- Free e-book for Python that is focused on Data Analysis and ML
Pandas Cheat Sheet
- Very useful to print out and have handy.
Python for Data Analysis by Wes Mckinney
- Great resource for learning how to work with the data analysis tools in Python
Getting and Cleaning Data
- Important Class. Even if you don't code in R you can follow the examples and understand the proper methods and BEST PRACTICES for data processing
Introduction to reshape2
- reshape2 is one of the most used packages for transforming data between long and wide formats. Useful to follow along to understand some fundamentals of data transformations
Machine Learning Youtube course
- Many machine learning algorithms and concepts explained very well
Andrew Ng's Course on Machine Learning
- Comprehensive introduction to machine learning and underlying mechanisms for various algorithms
Machine Learning Specialization from U. of Washington
- Nice array of courses that dive a bit deeper into corea areas in Machine Learning (e.g. Regression, Classification)
- Machine Learning Udacity Course
- This course covers a lot of ground in ML beyond Regression (ensemble methods, SVMS, clustering..etc)
Machine Learning/Deep Learning Cheat Sheets
- Collection of relevant cheat sheets: github link
Introduction to Statistical Learning by by Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani - free e-book
- Must-read for anyone interested in Machine Learning and aimed at a less mathematically inclined audience
- Has useful labs that can be completed in R
Elements of Statistical Learning by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman - free e-book
- For anyone who wants an advanced treatment of machine learning models and methods
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & Tensoflow by Aurelien Geron paid-book
- Great overview of ML algorithms with accompanying code & applications in Python that you can practice with
Kahn Academy Videos
- Great introduction/review of statistics/probability concepts
- Probability is hard blog series by Allen Downey
- Extensive interactive tutorials
SQL Schools from Mode Analytics
- Thorough explanations with some interactivity
Gentle Introduction to Topic Modelling
- Topic Modelling using the popular Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm
Text Mining in R
- Manual for various methods in text-mining (pre-processing, term-frequencies, analysis)
Apache Spark: An Introduction
- Nice introduction to what Spark(and Pyspark) is with code snippets
Mastering Spark GitBook
- Free online textbook (pdf available) on many topics in Spark
Deep Learning
- Free Online Textbook by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville
- Intro Chapters also cover a lot of the math needed for Deep Learning Models
Git Tutorial
- Free 15 minute tutorial for getting started with Git
Web Scraping Tutorial
- Using python tools including BeautifulSoup
- Trending news in data science and analytics
- Insight's Data Science Blog
Multi-threaded by Stitch Fix
- Blog of work and resources from one of the largest data science teams in tech
Probably Overthinking It
- Blog By Allen Downey author of multiple useful statistics and coding books