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Rocio Ng edited this page Sep 22, 2016
62 revisions
NOTE: If you would like to suggest a resource to be added to this page please send a DM to Rocio on Slack with a link to the tool and a short description.
- Please limit suggestions to resources you have had some experience using
- If there is a specific topic you would like to see covered here please let her know as well. This page is a work in progress!
Code Academy
- Free site for interactively learning to code in many languages (eg. Python, HTML, SQL, Git etc)
- Highly recommended for absolute beginners to intermediate
Learn DataSci.com
- Comprehensive list of online data science courses
swirl: Learn R, in R
- Neat interactive way to learn how to do many things in R
R for Cats
- Being a cat/cat-lover not a strict requirement. Introduction to R for complete beginners
- Stat 133 at Berkeley
Advanced R Hadley Wickham's interactive companion for his Advanced R book. If you want to learn how the language actually works (including its weirdo 3-teired OO framework and what's really going on with its lazy evaluation), go here. The metaprogramming aspects are extremely useful (code that writes code!).
- Writing Fast R Code Crucial. Naive for loops can be real bad in R.
- Free interactive 'book' for learning how to code in Python and intended for beginners/intermediate users
[Learn to Program Coursera Course] (https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-to-program)
- Great course for learning how to code in Python. How I initially learned Python
- Very useful to print out and have handy.
Python for Data Analysis by Wes Mckinney
- Great resource for learning how to work with the data analysis tools in Python
Machine Learning Youtube course
- Many machine learning algorithms and concepts explained very well
Andrew Ng's Course on Machine Learning
- Comprehensive introduction to machine learning and underlying mechanisms for various algorithms
Introduction to Statistical Learning by by Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani - free e-book
- Must-read for anyone interested in Machine Learning and aimed at a less mathematically inclined audience
- Has useful labs that can be completed in R
- [Elements of Statistical Learning] (http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/) by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman - free e-book
- For anyone who wants an advanced treatment of machine learning models and methods
- [Approaching Almost any ML problem] (http://blog.kaggle.com/2016/07/21/approaching-almost-any-machine-learning-problem-abhishek-thakur/)
Kahn Academy Videos
- Great introduction/review of statistics/probability concepts
- Probability is hard blog series by Allen Downey
- Extensive interactive tutorials
SQL Schools from Mode Analytics
- Thorough explanations with some interactivity
Git Tutorial
- Free 15 minute tutorial for getting started with Git
- Trending news in data science and analytics
- Insight's Data Science Blog
Multi-threaded by Stitch Fix
- Blog of work and resources from one of the largest data science teams in tech
Probably Overthinking It
- Blog By Allen Downey author of multiple useful statistics and coding books