diff --git a/dswg_project_resources/Project-README-template.md b/dswg_project_resources/Project-README-template.md index 89d49c7..4f79e85 100644 --- a/dswg_project_resources/Project-README-template.md +++ b/dswg_project_resources/Project-README-template.md @@ -1,80 +1,23 @@ -*Instructions: Click on the raw button in the upper right hand corner of this box. Copy and paste the template into the README.md document on your github. Fill in the titles, information and links where prompted! Feel free to stray a bit to suit your project but try to stick to the format as closely as possible for consistency across DSWG projects.* +# Sections of Jupyter Notebook +This Jupyter Notebook contains 3 parts +Section 1-- contains answers of 3 questions +Section 2-- contains answers of 3 questions +Section 3-- contains machine learning modelling part -# Project Name -This project is a part of the [Data Science Working Group](http://datascience.codeforsanfrancisco.org) at [Code for San Francisco](http://www.codeforsanfrancisco.org). Other DSWG projects can be found at the [main GitHub repo](https://github.com/sfbrigade/data-science-wg). -#### -- Project Status: [Active, On-Hold, Completed] +# Packages/Tools Used +python== 3.7.4 +pandas== 1.2.3 +numpy== 1.18.1 +matplotlib== 3.4.2 +seaborn== 0.11.0 +scikit-learn==0.24.1 +plotly==4.14.3 +imblearn==0.0 -## Project Intro/Objective -The purpose of this project is ________. (Describe the main goals of the project and potential civic impact. Limit to a short paragraph, 3-6 Sentences) -### Partner -* [Name of Partner organization/Government department etc..] -* Website for partner -* Partner contact: [Name of Contact], [slack handle of contact if any] -* If you do not have a partner leave this section out +## How to Run the File -### Methods Used -* Inferential Statistics -* Machine Learning -* Data Visualization -* Predictive Modeling -* etc. +1. Open the file in Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab +2. Install the required packages using pip command -### Technologies -* R -* Python -* D3 -* PostGres, MySql -* Pandas, jupyter -* HTML -* JavaScript -* etc. - -## Project Description -(Provide more detailed overview of the project. Talk a bit about your data sources and what questions and hypothesis you are exploring. What specific data analysis/visualization and modelling work are you using to solve the problem? What blockers and challenges are you facing? Feel free to number or bullet point things here) - -## Needs of this project - -- frontend developers -- data exploration/descriptive statistics -- data processing/cleaning -- statistical modeling -- writeup/reporting -- etc. (be as specific as possible) - -## Getting Started - -1. Clone this repo (for help see this [tutorial](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/)). -2. Raw Data is being kept [here](Repo folder containing raw data) within this repo. - - *If using offline data mention that and how they may obtain the data from the froup)* - -3. Data processing/transformation scripts are being kept [here](Repo folder containing data processing scripts/notebooks) -4. etc... - -*If your project is well underway and setup is fairly complicated (ie. requires installation of many packages) create another "setup.md" file and link to it here* - -5. Follow setup [instructions](Link to file) - -## Featured Notebooks/Analysis/Deliverables -* [Notebook/Markdown/Slide Deck Title](link) -* [Notebook/Markdown/Slide DeckTitle](link) -* [Blog Post](link) - - -## Contributing DSWG Members - -**Team Leads (Contacts) : [Full Name](https://github.com/[github handle])(@slackHandle)** - -#### Other Members: - -|Name | Slack Handle | -|---------|-----------------| -|[Full Name](https://github.com/[github handle])| @johnDoe | -|[Full Name](https://github.com/[github handle]) | @janeDoe | - -## Contact -* If you haven't joined the SF Brigade Slack, [you can do that here](http://c4sf.me/slack). -* Our slack channel is `#datasci-projectname` -* Feel free to contact team leads with any questions or if you are interested in contributing!