Creating a website providing the current information in a readily available, coherent intelligible format.
Launching a survey to assess the academic landscape with regards to;
Which tools are used by researchers at different data life-cycle i.e. Planning, Creation/Collection of data, Analysis, Sharing, Preservation.
Which tools are used by researchers in aid of improving computational inclusion such as those used in capacity building/training and community building.
What technological challenges/ shortcomings contribute to reduced computational inclusion.
Analysing data from survey results and looking at trends in computational infrastructure and resources in different geographical regions to identify areas with reduced computational inclusion such as low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Helping institutes assess their digital landscape to enhance computational inclusion in academic research.
Providing a community forum for researchers interested in openness and digital inclusion to interact and contribute.
Providing know-how guides and/or linking to communities specialized for training events.