find php-cgi-wasm on npm
The CGI Counterpart to php-wasm.
This package encompasses the CGI-specific build artifacts of php-wasm. The goal of this part of the project is to provide a version of PHP that more closely resembles the environment facilitated by PHP when running under web servers like Apache and nginx. This is achieved by building a binary artifact of PHP-CGI, rather than PHP-CLI to Web Assembly. The resulting WASM binary can then be run under nodejs with express, in a webpage, or inside a service worker.
import { PhpCgiWorker } from "php-cgi-wasm/PhpCgiWorker";
// Spawn the PHP-CGI binary
const php = new PhpCgi({
prefix: '/php-wasm'
, docroot: '/persist/www'
, types: {
jpeg: 'image/jpeg'
, jpg: 'image/jpeg'
, gif: 'image/gif'
, png: 'image/png'
, svg: 'image/svg+xml'
// Set up the event handlers
self.addEventListener('install', event => php.handleInstallEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('activate', event => php.handleActivateEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => php.handleFetchEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('message', event => php.handleMessageEvent(event));