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291 lines (213 loc) · 14.3 KB

Contributing Guide

First, thanks for being interested in helping us out! If you find an issue you're interested in, feel free to make a comment about how you're thinking of approaching implementing it in the issue and we can give you feedback. Please also read our code of conduct before getting started.

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

When you come to implement your new feature, clone the repository and then create a branch off develop locally and add commits to implement your feature.

If your git history is not so clean, please do rewrite before you submit your PR - if you're not sure if you need to do this, go ahead and submit and we can let you know when you submit.

To submit your changes for review you have to fork the repository, push your new branch there and then create a Pull Request with OpenOversight:develop as the target.

Use to create the description for your PR! (The template should populate automatically when you go to open the pull request.)

Recommended privacy settings

Whenever you make a commit with git the name and email saved locally is stored with that commit and will become part of the public history of the project. This can be an unwanted, for example when using a work computer. We recommend changing the email-settings in the github account at and selecting "Keep my email addresses private" as well as "Block command line pushes that expose my email". Also find your github-email address of the form <id>+<username> in that section. Then you can change the email and username stored with your commits by running the following commands

git config "<your-github-email>"
git config "<your-github-username>"

This will make sure that all commits you make locally are associated with your github account and do not contain any additional identifying information. More detailed information on this topic can be found here.

Linting / Style Checks

We use pre-commit for automated linting and style checks. Be sure to install pre-commit and run pre-commit install in your local version of the repository to install our pre-commit checks. This will make sure your commits are always formatted correctly.

You can run pre-commit run --all-files or make lint to run pre-commit over your local codebase, or pre-commit run to run it only over the currently stages files.


Keep in mind when adding images that alt tags are required for screen readers. If text outside of the image explains what the image is or is referring to, the tag can be an empty string (alt=""). The tag can also be empty if the image is decoration and does not add information or context. If the image has text or important information, use the present tense to describe what is happening in the image.

For further reading:

Development Environment

You can use our Docker-compose environment to stand up a development OpenOversight.

You will need to have Docker installed in order to use the Docker development environment.

To build and run the development environment, simply make dev. Whenever you want to rebuild the containers, make build (you should need to do this rarely).

Tests are executed via make test. If you're switching between the Docker and Vagrant/VirtualBox environments and having trouble getting tests running, make sure to delete any remaining .pyc files and __pycache__ directories.

To hop into the postgres container, you can do the following:

$ docker exec -it openoversight-postgres-1 bash
# psql -d openoversight-dev -U openoversight

or run make attach.

Similarly to hop into the web container:

$ docker exec -it openoversight-web-1 bash

Once you're done, make stop and make clean to stop and remove the containers respectively.

Setting Up Email

OpenOversight tries to auto-detect which email implementation to use based on which of the following is configured (in this order):

  • Google: service_account_key.json exists and is not empty
  • SMTP: MAIL_SERVER and MAIL_PORT environment variables are set
  • Simulated: If neither of the previous 2 implementations are configured, emails will only be logged


To send email using a GSuite email account, you will need a Google Cloud Platform service account that is attached to that email address. Here are some general tips for working with service accounts: Link. We would suggest that you do not use a personal email address, but instead one that is used strictly for sending out OpenOversight emails.

You will need to do these two things for the service account to work as a Gmail bot:

  1. Enable domain-wide delegation for the service account: Link
  2. Enable the scope in the Gmail API for your service account: Link
  3. Save the service account key file in OpenOversight's base folder as service_account_key.json. The file is in the .gitignore file GitHub will not allow you to save it, provided you've named it correctly.


To send email using SMTP, set the following environment variables in your docker-compose.yml file or .env file:


For more information about these settings, please see the Flask-Mail documentation.

Setting email aliases

Regardless of implementation, save the email address associated with your service account to a variable named OO_SERVICE_EMAIL in a .env file in the base directory of this repository. For development and testing, update the OO_SERVICE_EMAIL variable in the docker-compose.yml file.

Example .env variable:

OO_SERVICE_EMAIL="[email protected]"

In addition to needing a service account email, you also need an admin email address so that users have someone to reach out to if an action is taken on their account that needs to be reversed or addressed. For production, save the email address associated with your admin account to a variable named OO_HELP_EMAIL in a .env file in the base directory of this repository. For development and testing, update the OO_HELP_EMAIL variable in the docker-compose.yml file.

Example .env variable:

OO_HELP_EMAIL="[email protected]"

Testing S3 Functionality

We use an S3 bucket for image uploads. If you are working on functionality involving image uploads, then you should follow the "S3 Image Hosting" section in to make a test S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services.

Once you have done this, you can put your AWS credentials in the following environmental variables:

$ export S3_BUCKET_NAME=openoversight-test
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=testtest
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=testtest
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

Now when you run make dev as usual in the same session, you will be able to submit images to your test bucket.

Database commands

Running make dev will create the database and persist it into your local filesystem.

You can access your PostgreSQL development database via psql using:

psql  -h localhost -d openoversight-dev -U openoversight --password

with the password terriblepassword.

In the event that you need to create or delete the test data, you can do that with $ python --populate to create the data or $ python --cleanup to delete the data

Within the database we use timestamptz fields for timestamps. To make sure that you are setting timestamps in the correct timezone, set the environment variable TIMEZONE to your respective Olson-style timezone so that you can make sure any DST conversions are handled by PostgreSQL.

Migrating the Database

You'll first have to start the Docker instance for the OpenOversight app using the command make start. To do this, you'll need to be in the base folder of the repository (the one that houses the Makefile).

$ make start
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
[+] Running 2/0
 ✔ Container openoversight-postgres-1  Running                                                                                                                                                             0.0s
 ✔ Container openoversight-web-1       Running

From here on out, we'll be using the Flask CLI. First we need to 'stamp' the current version of the database:

$ docker exec -it openoversight-web-1 bash # 'openoversight-web-1' is the name of the app container seen in the step above
$ flask db stamp head
$ flask db migrate -m "[THE NAME OF YOUR MIGRATION IN ALL LOWER CASE]" # NOTE: Slugs are limited to 40 characters and will be truncated after the limit

(Hint: If you get errors when running flask commands, e.g. because of differing Python versions, you may need to run the commands in the docker container by prefacing them as so: docker exec -it openoversight_web_1 flask db stamp head)

Next make your changes to the database models in OpenOversight/app/models/ You'll then generate the migrations:


And then you should inspect/edit the migrations. You can then apply the migrations:

$ flask db upgrade

You can also downgrade the database using:

flask db downgrade

Using a Virtual Environment

One way to avoid hitting version incompatibility errors when running flask commands is to use a virtualenv. See Python Packaging user guidelines for instructions on installing virtualenv. After installing virtualenv, you can create a virtual environment by navigating to the OpenOversight directory and running the below

python3 -m virtualenv env

Confirm you're in the virtualenv by running

which python

The response should point to your env directory. If you want to exit the virtualenv, run


To reactivate the virtualenv, run

source env/bin/activate

While in the virtualenv, you can install project dependencies by running

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

OpenOversight Management Interface

In addition to generating database migrations, the Flask CLI can be used to run additional commands:

$ flask --help
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A general utility script for Flask applications.

  Provides commands from Flask, extensions, and the application. Loads the
  application defined in the FLASK_APP environment variable, or from a file. Setting the ENV environment variable to 'development'
  will enable debug mode.

    $ export
    $ export ENV=development
    $ flask run

  --version  Show the flask version
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  bulk-add-officers            Bulk adds officers.
  db                           Perform database migrations.
  link-images-to-department    Link existing images to first department
  link-officers-to-department  Links officers and units to first department
  make-admin-user              Add confirmed administrator account
  routes                       Show the routes for the app.
  run                          Runs a development server.
  shell                        Runs a shell in the app context.

In development, you can make an administrator account without having to confirm your email:

$ flask make-admin-user
Username: redshiftzero
Email: [email protected]
Type your password again:
Administrator redshiftzero successfully added

Debugging OpenOversight - Use pdb with the app itself

In docker-compose.yml, below the line specifying the port number, add the following lines to the web service:

   stdin_open: true
   tty: true

Also in docker-compose.yml, below the line specifying the ENV, add the following to the environment portion of the web service:


The above line disables the werkzeug reloader, which can otherwise cause a bug when you place a breakpoint in code that loads at import time, such as classes. The werkzeug reloader will start one pdb process at import time and one when you navigate to the class. This makes it impossible to interact with the pdb prompt, but we can fix it by disabling the reloader.

To set a breakpoint in OpenOversight, first import the pdb module by adding import pdb to the file you want to debug. Call pdb.set_trace() on its own line wherever you want to break for debugging. Next, in your terminal run docker ps to find the container id of the openoversight_web image, then run docker attach ${container_id} to connect to the debugger in your terminal. You can now use pdb prompts to step through the app.

Debugging OpenOversight - Use pdb with a test

If you want to run an individual test in debug mode, use the below command.

docker-compose run --rm web pytest --pdb -v tests/ -k <test_name_here>

where <test_name_here> is the name of a single test function, such as test_ac_cannot_add_new_officer_not_in_their_dept

Similarly, you can run all the tests in a file by specifying the file path:

docker-compose run --rm web pytest --pdb -v path/to/test/file

where path/to/test/file is the relative file path, minus the initial OpenOversight, such as tests/routes/

Again, add import pdb to the file you want to debug, then write pdb.set_trace() wherever you want to drop a breakpoint. Once the test is up and running in your terminal, you can debug it using pdb prompts.