This page is part of the App Framework Documentation
In some cases you want to extend the Vue or Framework7 root object. To make App Framework easier for most of the users, the root object is handled in the background. But for advanced users, there is a simple way to extend the root object.
All you have to do, is to create a app/vue.js file, which exports a function with one parameter (the Vue object) and returns the modified Vue object:
module.exports = (vue) => {
// Example modification
created () {
console.log('Custom Vue extension works!')
return vue
App Frameworks detects that file automatically, there is no need for further configuration.
After creating or deleting the app/vue.js file, you have to run again npm run dev
to update the dev server.
You can easily create your own reusable Vue components, which are available in the app and all pages later on.
- Create the app/vue.js file with basic content
module.exports = (vue) => vue
- Create the component app/components/customButton.vue
<template> <f7-button @click="handleCustomButtonClick" raised fill>Custom Button</f7-button> </template> <script> export default { methods: { handleCustomButtonClick () { this.$f7.alert('Yeah, you clicked the button!') } } } </script>
- Add the component in your app/vue.js file
const customButton = require('./components/customButton.vue') module.exports = (vue) => { vue.component('custom-button', customButton) return vue }
- Integrate the component in any page or the app component
<template> <f7-page> <f7-block> <!-- here it is! --> <custom-button /> </f7-block> </f7-page> </template>
As you can see, all the Framework7 elements are available for your own component.
In this file you can modify the Framework7 initialization parameters as well. As an example, we overwrite the preroute()
module.exports = (vue) => {
// Add modification as mixin with created() hook
created() {
// Check for root element
if (this === this.$root) {
// Overwrite Framework7 preroute
this.$options.framework7.preroute = (view, options) => {
console.log('No further page load now ...')
return false
return vue