- Comment style I follow this
- I always give tests but sometimes I didn't since tests actually don't ensure the correctness.
- I didn't prove those theorems which are not proved before when learning DMIA and mcs since I am not reading SICP to learn maths. (SkipMath)
- I won't dig into complexity analysis like exercise 2.64.
- I mainly follow the wiki (from about sicp-ex-2.53 I only read codes first and then possibly the description if not understanding the solution for code exercises).
Then I read repo xxyzz/SICP codes.
- repo read up to (notice from about 2.42, I only gives a glimpse of these solutions and probably they are already in schemewiki).
I have read repo solution chapter 1,2,3,4.1
4.64,4.7079 (This line is kept to avoid forgetting to check this repo solution). repo solution may be better like 1.7.- I assumed the solution is either in the code or README but splitted into 2 parts where one is in the code and the other is in README.
- repo read up to (notice from about 2.42, I only gives a glimpse of these solutions and probably they are already in schemewiki).
I have read repo solution chapter 1,2,3,4.1
- cond uses
: Exercise 2.18map
: Mapping over lists.accumulate
is almost same asreduce
: p139memq
: p195apply-generic
: p247
is can be accomplished using error, which takes as arguments a number of items that are printed as error messages. i.e. In this case a condition of type condition-type:simple-error is created with the message field containing the reason and the irritants field containing the arguments. See (I won't dig into format func
) irritants contains a list of objects
- ./3_25_nttest.perl
Same as my former exercise solution repos, - [ ]
means my solution is at least partly wrong. It doesn't mean I skipped this exercise except when I explicitly say that.
Also see https://gitlab.com/Lockywolf/chibi-sicp/-/blob/master/Experience_Report.org for what exercises are very hard.
- 2.92
- 4.79
Up to 1.28 I mistakenly use 20220522214709 (verified by viewing the saved page link colors which has the most orange count in my browser history. Its adjacent saved pages 1 2 all have only the red link color) wiki archive instead of 20240228133955 which is latest at that time. To compare them, I only give one brief comparison after inspecting they are mostly similar in exercise 1.6. And I skip comparing all pages "Last modified" before 20220522214709.
- Ben Bitdiddle
- 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 trivial
- 1.3
(cond ((and (<= x y) (<= x z)) (squareSum y z)))
- schemewiki has solutions using
, etc. - jfr just splits into 2 if's.
- gr should be
which means same as jfr.
(+ (sum-of-square a b) (square c))
- gr should be
- bthomas just excludes min and keep 2 numbers.
- schemewiki has solutions using
- 1.5
- "applicative-order" endless loop due to expanding
. "normal-order" ->(if (= 0 0) 0 (p)))
. detailed see schemewiki - Also see https://stackoverflow.com/a/61307130/21294350.
- "applicative-order" endless loop due to expanding
- 1.6 I don't know why "Aborting!: maximum recursion depth exceeded"
- wiki
- the key
an interpreter follows applicative substitution so it only evaluates one of its parameters- not both. it never stops calling itself due to the third parameter passed to it in sqrt-iter.
i.e. it will always expanding the 3rd without ending.such that any expressions within the consequent or alternate portions are evaluated regardless of the predicate the iteration procedure is called without return Also see emmp That includes sqrt-iter which is extended to new-if which again leads to the evaluation of all the sub-expressions including sqrt-iter etc. which is same as jhenderson. - See R5RS Conditionals
and lambda
by binding the variables in the formal argument list to fresh locations
- jsdalton is same as the main part.
- book link https://web.archive.org/web/20160603160145/https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node85.html from 2018 https://web.archive.org/web/20180101000000*/http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node85.html (I don't read it when learning chapter 1 since they are from chapter 4) Also see 1.1.5 for one brief intro.
- dft
- without reading his 2nd comment, here
is nested inlambda
so(/ 1 0)
is evaluated. This corresponds toThe reason the above example generates an error is because (1 / 0), the second parameter to try, is evaluated before the try is even called. And
has the same problem asnew-if
indeed. -
The applicative vs. normal explanation made sense until I saw the try example above. Does him read the 1st version book? See emmp who read the book more carefully.
- without reading his 2nd comment, here
- andersc
And I guess for a certain interpreter, maybe it should use a consistent way for all processes? As [how_special_form_is_special] says, "special form" is just exception as expected.
- See uninja's commment which is what I thought after reading dpchrist's comment for how dpchrist's comment is different from the exercise.
- srachamim's comment is trivial
See student's comment for where trevoriannguyen is wrong about understanding others' comments although his thoughts are right:
Indeed, the new-if procedure body (which contains the cond special form) is never even applied to the resulting 3 arguments as the 3rd argument never stops evaluating itself!
- cypherpunkswritecode says right about if but a bit wrong about
See R5RSA 'cond' expression is evaluated by evaluating the expressions of successive s in order until one of them evaluates to a true value (see section see section Booleans). When a evaluates to a true value, then the remaining s in its are evaluated in order, and the result(s) of the last in the is(are) returned as the result(s) of the entire 'cond' expression. means same as "Conditional expressions are evaluated as follows. ..."
- the key
- 2024 wiki
- diff
$ diff sicp-ex-1.6.html sicp-ex-1.6_new.html | grep -v /web | grep -v /\? | less_n # only the last comment is added with other misc links updated
- what poxxa says about "a sequence of expressions" doesn't influence this exercise's result.
- diff
- wiki
- 1.7
- wiki
a relative tolerance of 0.001 times the difference between one guess and the next Here should be "a relative tolerance of 0.001" by definition
This is not the case at all — the original programme checks that the guess squared is within 0.001 of the radicand, whereas the algorithm described by "random person" checks that the new guess is within 0.001 of the former guess.
Weird in the archive link, it "checks that the new guess is within 0.001 of the former guess" same as this oldest archiveMaybe he wants to mean because, 0.001 being by definition smaller than the thousandth of any number larger than 1, the lower tolerance forces the algorithm to continue refining the guess. It is indeed, however, inferior for very small numbers because 0.001 is by definition a larger tolerance than the thousandth of any number smaller than 1. - Maggyero
- after numerical analysis 1
the proof of the 1st formula, "can be written as", Sterbenz lemma, why
$\delta$ disappears after Sterbenz lemma, something which we can easily verify. - I skipped the proof of the 1st formula
then the key is
4×10−3 which is larger than the (absolute) tolerance which we are currently using. Then "relative error" becomes
$\frac{1}{2}\tau$ which isepsilon
in the code. We choose the number maybe due to$|\epsilon|\le u$ .- $\lesssim$ why 3/2 and 9/4
- after numerical analysis 1
the proof of the 1st formula, "can be written as", Sterbenz lemma, why
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) (if (= x 0) min-float (* tolerance x)))
instead of0
. - notice
(* tolerance guess)
corresponds to the difference withguess
while(* tolerance x)
is withx
. min-float
- Here root should be
by R5RS - notice those solutions using
abs (- (square guess) x)
in comparison is wrong when that condition can't be met by the precision. - Owen
because of the limitation of bits, the "improved guess" will simply be equal to "old guess" at some point, results in (- y^2 x) never changes and hence never reach inside the tolerance range. ... This situation applied to the small number case as well --- if the threshold is to be set extremely small. i.e. 0.001 is no use at all. should never care about a specific precision value (or percentage) at all simply reference to GWB's solution, which I believe is the best solution, guaranteeing to stop and at the same time, with the best accuracy.
- Thomas
I should've read the whole discussion before posting — my mistake!
- berkentekin is same as solution 1, 2.
- Maggyero QUESTION is same as the problem kw: scale, relative error, scaled to the radicand/guess
- new wiki
- KoiCrystal here C++ is to tune the precision (I didn't dig into the code because the basic idea is probably same)
so I think the best way is mentioned above by Maggyero: iterating until guess and the next guess are equal Maggyero is still based on relative ratio
(* tolerance guess)
- wiki
- 1.8
I didn't notice the special case of
$x=-2$ - if we solve
$y=x^3\Rightarrow f(y)=y-x^3$ then$y-\frac{y-x^3}{1}=x^3$ says nothing useful.implies directly calculating$x^3$ . - Newton's method may not work at least when
$x_2=x_0$ and ad infinitum.when we have x0, x1 6= x0, and then again x2 = x0, etc. This also relates with the init guess. See the code 1_8.scm from wiki.
- Also see footnote 62 in 1.3.4.
- wiki
- See the 2nd solution
;; Fix: take absolute cuberoot and return with sign which ensures positive -> no weird zero. And it directly takes improve instead of
1.0 0.0
- the 3rd solution is similar to the original solution in the book for
. - the 4th is similar to the 2nd.
This solution makes use of the fact that (in LISP) procedures are also data. the 5th i.e. use func as the param, e.g.
. - Chan's
if (< x 0)
is said in the 2nd solution andgood-enough?
is just same as the 5th.-
But I just made this procedure with low precision. I think you can fix this one solution is to change from
to one smaller number.
- See the 2nd solution
- if we solve
- 1.9
- trivially the first is recursive while the second is iterative.
- 1.10
This definition is same as DMIA 5.4 exercise 50-57 and mcs p227.
but not same as wikipedia, GeeksforGeeks, wolfram
(A 0 n)=(* 2 n)
(A 1 n)=(* 2 (A 1 (- n 1)))
->$2^n$ by DMIA 5.4 exercise 52 since(A 1 1)=2
. - similarly $2\uparrow\uparrow n$ i.e.
in Buck's definition. - Based on the above, they are similar to Buck's definition where the recursive definition is similar to Hyperoperation but with ending at y=1 instead of y=2 here.
- See wiki the above lacks considering
$n=0$ - new wiki
I don't check the detailed values of
$A(3,3)$ since that is a bit useless.-
Alternatively, (h n): 0 for n=0, g^{n-1}(2) for n>0 i.e.
$2^{2(n-1)}$ which is wrong.
- 1.11
- wiki
meaning of
n >= 3 and not n >= 3.0 it is sufficient As it is decimal values evaluate to the next whole value. ie 3.2 -> 4
Here is another iterative version that the original poster called "a little bit different".
(+ b a) (+ c (* 2 a)) (* 3 a))
- I skipped
To see where those calculations come from, consider this example of how (f 5) calculates 25. since it can be proved more formally.
Heres another iterative solution, counting up (with no relation with the adjacent
(f-iter n a b c)
) is similar to(f-iter 2 1 0 3)
meaning of
- new wiki
Note that this solution's use of cond and else is optional. Since there are only two alternatives, you could use if instead of cond, without any else clause. trivial
- the last comment
treat the input variable and the counter as separate variables; This seems to be unnecessary since the solution locationed top doesn't mix them
keep the input variables in the same order they appear in the specification. already done in "the solution locationed top"
Neither version does any unnecessary calculations i.e. exit when one of
a b c
is the result expected. - Solution 2 is
same assimilar to my trivial modification for(f_iter n)
. -
the result of this called on a floating-point input might differ by a small amount from the result of the recursive version called on the same input. Their calling orders are converse to each other.
- wiki
- 1.12 trivial by the footnote definition.
- wiki
- the 2nd
manipulates with the wrong input casesassumes all unfilled case zero which make(= col row)
be contained in(+ (pascal-triangle (- row 1) (- col 1)) ...
. -
I find this one easier to grok, it allows only values though: almost same as the 2nd but more readable.
Not having to worry about zero values makes it clearer to me: same as the 1st
If you don't consider out of bounds cases Just change the col and row definition. The basic idea is same as the 1st.
; Left-aligned triangale with start at row=0 and col=0 This weirdly changes the triangle angle although it is feasible.
counts from top to below and from left to right. - "Wikipedia formula" just index from 0 due to
$\binom{0}{0}$ and the rest is same as the 2nd.-
Here's one with binomial coefficient and tail recursion: This is based on the binomial equation with the index starting from 1.
- the 2nd
- new wiki
Linear recursion. Row and diagonal (column) starting from 1. then n row k diagonal ->
$\binom{n-1}{k-1}$ as wikipedia says. Thenelse
is based on$\binom{n-1}{k-1}=\binom{n-1}{k-2}\cdot \frac{n-k+1}{k-1}$ - I skip checking the syntax of
raise "bad input"
- wiki
- 1.13
- trivial using linear recurrence or as the hint says using induction.
"the closest integer" doesn't hold forWe can useFib(1)
.$|\varphi|<0.5$ to directly prove "the closest integer". Also see [this][evernote_proof_1_13] - diff between $\models$ and $\vdash$ (See Examples) They may not be same but be same for First-order logic
- It directly inserts into the definition and due to the unique solution property, it is proved.
- Also see [evernote_proof_1_13] which assumes
$a^n\ldots$ (although not intuitive if not using linear recurrence) and the rest is similar.
- wiki is more formal. But the basic idea is same.
But it
- uses the property of "the golden ratio".
- cares about "base case" (in [evernote_proof_1_13] but not in sicp-solutions).
- ...
- new wiki
- It only changes by
num=13;diff sicp-ex-1.${num}.html sicp-ex-1.${num}-new.html | grep -v /web | grep -v /\? | less_n
Fib(k) + Fib(k+1) = (φᵏ⁺²-ψᵏ⁺²)/√5. which is already noticed in the old wiki.
- It only changes by
- 1.14
- wiki
Read it in https://stackedit.io/app#
The analysis below is wrong i.e. qu1j0t3's comment.
- Space complexity similar to the binary tree.
contains successive recursive calls with the amount decreased by 1. In this case, we first decrease "kinds-of-coins", then decrease "amount" by at least step 1 (in 11 cents, the step is 5). So complexity is
$O(1)+\lceil n/k\lceil<O(1)+n/k+1=O(1)+n/k\overbrace{=}^{\text{check the dominating term}}O(n)$ -
the green node is a terminal node that yields
$1$ (corresponding to the first condition in the code for cc) i.e.$(0,1)$ - Time complexity
It assumes each node has time
$O(1)$ then count the node number.-
$\lfloor {\frac {n} {5} } \rfloor \left( 2n + 2 \right) + 2 = \Theta\left(n^2\right)$ $O(n^2)$ is got by lifting all terms to$n^2$ and floor to$\frac{n}{5}$ $\Omega(n^2)$ is got by keeping only the$n^2$ term(if there are negative terms then when$n\to\infin$ we can let it be )$\lfloor {\frac {n} {5} } \rfloor\cdot 2n>(\frac {n} {5}-1)\cdot 2n>\frac {n} {10}\cdot 2n,\text{when }n>10$ . -
Excluding the root and and the last level in this tree which contains the red-green terminal node, there will be exactly
$\lfloor \frac{n}{5}\rfloor$ levels. See sicp-solutions This doesn't hold when$n=5k,k\in\mathbb{N}^+$ We should say "at most".
grows exponentially with the number of allowed denominations of coins, and polynomially with the amount to be changed when the number of denominations is fixed
- Space complexity similar to the binary tree.
- 3|1 meaning
since the 2nd branch is O(a), and the first branch is called O(n) times. i.e.
(cc (- amount (first-denomination kinds-of-coins)) ...
and(cc amount (- kinds-of-coins 1))
. - samphilipd's comment shows "stack" summarises the space complexity.
- gollum0's comment is the summary of ysagade's answer.
- Another wonderful explanation basic idea is similar to ysagade's but it doesn't differentiate between the space complexity and the time complexity.
- voom4000
both processes try to build a sum \sum_{i=1}^n k_i d_i by incrementing indices k_i this seems to be wrong due to 2 branches.
- It cares about "the number of tuples" without strictly following the process of the tree.
So it can only give one upper bound ->
$O(\ldots)$ .
Read it in https://stackedit.io/app#
- repo
(Note that we are not really concerned with the orders of growth as the number of kinds of coins grows, only the amount to be changed.) although we can as ysagade does.
At any point in the computation we only need to keep track of the nodes above the current node. This seems to said in one wiki link.
- It is very similar to ysagade although not that rigorous.
- new wiki
- Maggyero
a − k × d(n) > 0
is to ensure it can branch - Here we have
$k-1<\frac{a}{d}-1<=k$ Then since$\lceil m \rceil -1<m<=\lceil m \rceil$ We have$k=\lceil \frac{a}{d}-1 \rceil=\lceil \frac{a}{d} \rceil-1$ -
The space required by the process is the height of the tree and grows as Θ(a) with a and n: See https://sicp-solutions.net/post/sicp-solution-exercise-1-14/#orders-of-growth-of-space It is easy to see that the longest series of calls will happen when making the change of the amount n using only pennies (1 cent). i.e.
So$\overbrace{n}^{\ldots a,1}+\overbrace{a}^{0\sim a-1}$ -
R(a, 0) = 1
here we have no sum, so we can also sayR(a, 0) = 0
$R(a, n) = \overbrace{1 + ⌈a/d(n)⌉}^{\text{The longest right branch from the root}} + Σ_{i = 0}^{⌈a/d(n)⌉ − 1} R(a − i × d(n), n − 1) = Θ(a^n).$ eventually the main part is$Σ_{i = 0}^{⌈a/d(n)⌉ − 1} R(a − i × d(n), n − 1)=Θ(a^n)$ .
- "dark gray node" -> solution
ignoring the floor that won’t impact since
$\lfloor n\rfloor=\Theta(n)$ . -
By simplifying a little, and ignoring the floor that won’t impact, the result when the number grows larger, it is possible to estimate the number of calls to cc as ... which are composed of two parts should be By simplifying a little, and ignoring the floor that won’t impact the result when the number grows larger, it is possible to estimate the number of calls to cc as
There is
$\frac{n}{5}+1$ green nodesSee ysagade, it should beHere$\frac{n}{5}+2$ when$n\neq 5k$ .(cc -3 2)=0
, so it is dropped. - Here $T(n,2)=(\lfloor n/5\rfloor+1)\cdot (T(,1)+1)$ which droppes the "red-green terminal node" in ysagade and uses the correct $T(,1)$.
when calculating complexity
$T(n,1)$ is also ok since we only cares about the leading part. -
TODO(= kinds-of-coins 3)
simplificationSee thisfrom sympy import symbols x, y = symbols('x y') from sympy import floor from sympy import simplify simplify(simplify((floor(x/5)+1+(x-10*floor(x/10))/5+1)*(floor(x/10)+1))) # not work
mutually recursive procedures for
- Maggyero
- wiki
- 1.15
- derivation of the formula
- depth:
$\lceil \log_3 10a\rceil+1$ when considering the root. so space:$\Theta(\log a)$ time: Here I assume(p x)
has$\Theta(1)$ time complexity. Then we have$\Theta(\log a)\cdot \Theta(1)=\Theta(\log a)$ time complexity. - The above is same as wiki.
- 1.16
- wiki Solution 2 also holds
$ab^n$ is constant.- Here
(= counter 1)
is needed since$\frac{1}{2}-1$ and$\frac{1-1}{2}-1$ both are not positive integers.
- Here
- repo uses racket implementation where the basic idea is same.
TODOwhy we needs "associative multiplication". Because floating may not hold this property in computer See p244 in the reference book.
- wiki Solution 2 also holds
- 1.17
- wiki
12 * 2 + 6
corresponds to(+ a b)
at the last step. Heren
is not tracked. - the 1st method is trivially not iterative since
(* ...
is not at the top level of the recursive call.
- repo trivial
- new wiki
- anon
the procedure would throw an error for b=0 right since it will go into the infinite loop. Easily solved by adding in another condition though. Or just as the original code, use
as the base.
- anon
- wiki
- 1.18 (See 1.17 code)
- wiki
(- b 1)
the other(- (halve c) 0.5)
- wiki
- 1.19
T= \begin{matrix}
q &p
from sympy import * init_printing(use_unicode=True) p,q,m=symbols('p q m') M=Matrix([[p+q,q],[q,p]]) M*M Out[2]: ⎡ 2 2 ⎤ ⎢ q + (p + q) p⋅q + q⋅(p + q)⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2 2 ⎥ ⎣p⋅q + q⋅(p + q) p + q ⎦
- wiki
$T^2$ has the same form as$T$ , so the function can work. TODO here I didn't give one linear algebra proof of that.- kw of Jordan Chavez: Tpq(Txy(a, b)) T is commutative the identity values (i.e. identity matrix) We had an accumulator for the "odd" factors -> accumulator goes from 1 to 12 where exp goes from 7 to 6.
b <- (bp + aq) = (0p + 1q) = q <--- this is the final value fib(n) to
(= n 0) q-acc
Each time you replace Tpq with Tp'q', you get to halve the number of times you apply it to(even? n) ...
just apply the transformation.
- wiki
- 1.20
the tree ismany nestedif
and keepingremainder
expand and then most of time executes smallergcd
. - applicative-order -> 4
1 ]=> (gcd 206 40) [Entering #[compound-procedure 12 gcd] Args: 206 40] [Entering #[compound-procedure 12 gcd] Args: 40 6] [Entering #[compound-procedure 12 gcd] Args: 6 4] [Entering #[compound-procedure 12 gcd] Args: 4 2] [Entering #[compound-procedure 12 gcd] Args: 2 0]
- normal-order (wrong)
each time it will calculate in
and then again ina
except for the last timeb=0
. So2*4-1=7
. - wiki
- Notice
14 when evaluating the condition and 4 in the final reduction phase. So we don't care
in(gcd (remainder 206 40) (remainder 40 (remainder 206 40)))
. We will expand it and only count theremainder
since it will again expand togcd ...
.How does the expansion know ending if it doesn't calculate(remainder 206 40)
?Here although we calculate(remainder 206 40)
but we doesn't insert the result into the correspondinggcd
. So we have(gcd (remainder 206 40) (remainder 40 (remainder 206 40)))
. - Then it will have the form
so we need $1+4+\ldots+(33-2)+4=2(1+7)+4=20$
if 0 gcd 0 1 if 1 gcd 1 2 if 2 gcd 2 3 ... if 4 (Here b=0) a
- The above is wrong
we should have
gcd 2 1+2+1=4
. So we haveif 0 gcd 0 1 if 1 gcd 1 0+1+1=2 if 2 gcd 2 1+2+1=4 if 4 gcd 4 2+4+1=7 if 7 (Here b=0) 4 gcd 7 4+7+1 ; doesn't execute
Then we need(wrong) see repo reference link Here we have1+4+8+15+11
"remainder operations".$a_{n+1}=a_n+a_{n-1}+1,a_0=0,a_1=1$ (interestingly this is same as the process to calculate the complexity ofFib
- The above is wrong
we should have
The correct count should be 1 while the formula gives 2.
this is wrong. "The correct count should be"$1+1+0=2$ .if 0 gcd 0 1 if 1 0
This is wrong because it only considers the abovetrue based on repo_reference_1_20if
and the ending4
.- Then
R(n) = SUM(i from 1 to n - 1, fib(i)) + fib(n - 2) - 1
is also wrong becausefib(n)<=b(n)
then the above is less thanb(1)+b(2)+...+b(n)+b(n-1)
.- If it is true based on
The above formulas are wrong. The truly correct one should be: Then
based on p48. Then0=f(n)+2f(n-1)-n-1
fib_seq=[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233] for i in range(2,len(fib_seq)): print(fib_seq[i]+2*fib_seq[i-1]-i-1) # not all 0
- If it is true based on
- Then
num_b(k) = fib(k+1) - 1
This doesn't hold since$2\neq 2-1$ .num_b fib 0 0 1 1 2 1 2
- The above index is wrong. See
R(n) = SUM(i from 1 to n, num_b(i)) + num_a(n)
still wrong. HereTrue based on repo_reference_1_204+7+1
doesn't count enough fora
. -
The correct formula above can also be written as This is based on
. - We ca derive the formula for
.from sympy import *;init_printing(); from sympy import Function, rsolve; from sympy.abc import n; y = Function('y'); f = y(n+2)-y(n + 1)-y(n)-1;print(latex(rsolve(f, y(n), {y(0):0, y(1):1}))) from sympy import *;init_printing(); from sympy import Function, rsolve; from sympy.abc import n; y = Function('y'); f = y(n+2)-y(n + 1)-y(n);print(latex(rsolve(f, y(n), {y(0):0, y(1):1})))
- Notice
- new wiki
(It isn't obvious to me either until I looked through the results for k = 1..10. The conjecture is then easily proven by induction.) It is also shown in Fibonacci_variant
- 1.21 trivial
- 1.22 See code
- 1.23
I don't know the reason.
how do you explain the fact that it is different from 2
- As wiki says
This is mainly due to the NEXT procedure's IF test. The input did halve indeed, but we need to do an extra IF test.
will almost have ratio 2 (Seediff
of them).- This is also implied in csapp.
- Also see this repo which has one more elegant modification.
- As wiki says
- 1.24
- comment
;;; wiki ;;; 1. > This exercise requires a Scheme implementations which provides a runtime primitive, such as MIT/GNU Scheme or lang sicp for DrRacket. ;;; Or see this repo use `current-inexact-milliseconds` which is same as ;;; > Another implementation also easy to understand: ;;; 2. > the inner procedure can be rewritten without repeating the if test: ;;; the original uses cond which allows multiple statements in one condition
- double, not, can't. (See code)
This is probably because performing primitive operations on sufficiently large numbers is not constant time, but grows with the size of the number. This is true. But this depends on the CPU performance.
To avoid this in DrRacket add: (#%require (lib "27.ss" "srfi")) to gain access to the random-integer procedure. See most likely because operations on large integers (above the normal 32/64-bit limit) are not constant in time But in machine code, AVX, etc., will increase the speed.
it's possible that the number we use when testing 1,000,000 is not 1000 times larger than the number we use when testing 1000. Hence the difference in runtime. On average, it is still "1000 times larger".
- comment
- 1.25
- correct
- yes.
- see wiki for time consideration although it is intuitive. So not "fast prime tester".
- 1.26
- Let
$D(n)$ be the multiplication number of(expmod base exp n)
Then $$ D(n)= \begin{cases} 2D(n/2)+1,n\text{ is even}\ D(n-1)+1,\text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$- intuitively the above is just inserting Parentheses which doesn't decrease the multiplication count. So
$D(n)=n$ . - TODO I don't know how to solve it, so I ask
- intuitively the above is just inserting Parentheses which doesn't decrease the multiplication count. So
grows exponentially with the depth of the tree, which is the logarithm of N. See footnote 37, the depth is at most
$\lfloor \log_2 n\rfloor+\lceil \log_2 n\rceil$ (See ). So it has at most$2^{\lfloor \log_2 n\rfloor+\lceil \log_2 n\rceil}< 2^{2\lceil \log_2 n\rceil}<2^{2(\log_2 n+1)}=4n^2$ nodes. similarly we have$2^{\lfloor \log_2 n\rfloor+\lceil \log_2 n\rceil}>1/4\cdot n^2$ Therefore, the execution time is linear with N. let depth start from 0 then we have node number (i.e. multiplication count here)$2^0+\ldots+2^{\Theta(\log n)}=2^{\Theta(\log n)+1}-1=2^{\Theta(\log n)}=\Theta(n)$ - tiendo1011
- relation between them See https://sicp-solutions.net/post/sicp-solution-exercise-1-26/ last sentence.
- google
A cursory inspection of the code makes it seem like the explicit multiplication will cause twice as many calls to expmod because each input argument to * will be evaluated separately, instead of only once when expmod is passed as the single argument to square. This isn't enough to account for the reported slow down.
I should point out that this is a worst case scenario. This causes the number of recursive calls to expmod to grow exponentially instead of simply doubling.
This is a pretty straightforward linear recursive process not exactly since here is
$\Theta(\log n)$ instead of$\Theta(n)$ See book p44
- repo
3n - 1
only considers
- exact formula
- Let
- 1.27
because of the way the algorithm was implemented it is also necessary to test whether n is equal to 0 in order to avoid division by zero IMHO here when
$n=0$ we will also loop infinitely.-
(remainder a n)
is unnecessary since we will go up from 1 until n. -
((not (= (expmod a n n) (remainder a n))) false)
holds whenn=0
so(= n 0)) false
is unnecessary.
- 1.28 See code
- See mcs where it uses one newer and better AKS test.
have discovered a ``nontrivial square root of 1 modulo n,'' that is, a number not equal to 1 or n - 1 whose square is equal to 1 modulo n. It is possible to prove that if such a nontrivial square root of 1 exists, then n is not prime. See this the only square roots of 1 modulo n are 1 and −1.
((even? exp) (remainder (square (expmod base (/ exp 2) m)) m)) ; change to ((even? exp) (if (= (remainder (square (expmod base (/ exp 2) m)) m) 1) #f))
- Ignore the above codes
- wiki
https://web.archive.org/web/20191231030706/http://wiki.drewhess.com/wiki/SICP_exercise_1.28 from wiki
- kw
Note that the text states that one of the proofs only applies to odd numbers, so the prime test checks for even numbers (excepting 2, which is prime) before employing the Miller-Rabin test. non-trival square root
Similar to ... means it also uses "nested functions".
- kw
- Another solution in GNU Guile:
- This is same as "Another solution that avoids nested functions" iterating all numbers in
$[1,n-1]$ but with guile implementation. - tiendo1011 means the book is wrong instead of the code.
See (I only read up to "Correct claim")
which means "at least half"
$a<n$ , we have n is not a strong probable prime to base a.
- This is same as "Another solution that avoids nested functions" iterating all numbers in
- tiendo1011
A common use of `call-with-current-continuation' is for structured, non-local exits from loops or procedure bodies Whenever a Scheme expression is evaluated there is a continuation wanting the result of the expression. The continuation represents an entire (default) future for the computation.
https://web.archive.org/web/20191231030706/http://wiki.drewhess.com/wiki/SICP_exercise_1.28 from wiki
- new wiki
- Maggyero's answer considers the
case by(> n 1)
. - I use MIT-Scheme so
(import (scheme small))
doesn't work.
- Maggyero's answer considers the
- 1.29
Simpson’s Rule
Lagrange polynomial interpolation is trivial by finding several shared points
- Here k+1 nodes -> degree<=k due to the form of
$l_j(x)$ .
- Here k+1 nodes -> degree<=k due to the form of
- How to use integration by substitution here -> See. Then we do
$\int_{-k}^k P(t+m)dt,k=m-a,t=x-m$ Then$y_{-1}=P(-k+m)=P(a)=f(a)$ , the rest is similar. - The book uses Composite Simpson's 1/3 rule
- notice "Simpson's 1/3 rule" corresponds to $n=2$ instead of
Lagrange polynomial interpolation is trivial by finding several shared points
- wiki
the error of that method is proportional to the fourth derivative of the function to integrate, so for cube the error is zero. See Composite_Simpson_rule. proof see p218,222
- (7.10)
$H'(0)=0$ since$G'(t)=F(t)+F(-t)-\frac{1}{3}[F(t)+4F(0)+F(-t)]-\frac{t}{3}\ldots$ Then$G'(0)=0$ -
$H''(t)=G''(t)-5\cdot 4t^3G(1)$ Let$K(t)=F(t)+4F(0)+F(-t)$ Then$G''(t)=F'(t)-F'(-t)-\frac{1}{3}[F'(t)-F'(-t)]-\frac{1}{3}[F'(t)-F'(-t)]-\frac{t}{3}\cdot K''(t)=\frac{1}{3}[F'(t)-F'(-t)]-\frac{t}{3}\cdot K''(t)$ Then$G''(0)=0$ $G'''(t)=\frac{1}{3}[F''(t)+F''(-t)]-\frac{1}{3}[K''(t)=F''(t)+F''(-t)]-\frac{t}{3}\cdot K'''(t)=-\frac{t}{3}\cdot (F'''(t)-F'''(-t))$ -
this means that ... due to
$\frac{dF}{dt}=\frac{dF}{dx}\cdot \frac{dx}{dt}\Rightarrow F'=f'\cdot \frac{b-a}{2}$
- (7.18)
- Here for each interval in m intervals, (7.8) only changes
$b-a\mapsto (b-a)/m$ . Then we follow this
- Here for each interval in m intervals, (7.8) only changes
- (7.10)
using the composite midpoint rule is not exact because the error of that method is proportional to the second derivate of the function to integrate See
- I skipped proving "trapezoidal error".
(* (/ h 3) (sum simpson-term 0 inc fixed-n)))
- solve with odd
$n$ case. - it directly solves with composite instead of summing over all
$n/2$ small intervals.
- solve with odd
This is a similar solution
- This manipulates with factors instead of the whole term.
(* (cond ((or (= k 0) (= k n)) 1) ((odd? k) 4) (else 2)) (yk k))
- This manipulates with factors instead of the whole term.
There is a third way which approaches the solution by breaking the problem into four parts: (f y0), (f yn) and two sums,one over even k and another over odd k. just as it says (JAIS).
Here's a version that sums over pairs of terms (2 y_k + 4 y_k+1). similar to the above. It just splits the sequence differently
(* (/ h 3) (+ (y 0) (y n) part-value))
similar to "There is a third way" but manipulates with factor same as "This is a similar solution". - "GNU Guile:" just uses
to replace multipledefine
which is similar to "This is a similar solution". -
So I tried a iterative version JAIS but as CS 61A notes say, we don't need to explicitly use "iterative version" since it is easily implemented in some language with
, etc.-
same as the 2ndsimpson-term
Simpson’s Rule
- 1.30
(define (sum term a next b) (define (iter a result) (if (> a b) result (iter (next a) (+ (term a) result)))) (iter a 0))
- repo uses one specific implementation for one problem.
- 1.31 See codes for where I was "wrong".
- Wallis product I learnt the formulae for $I(2n),I(2n+1)$ when learning calculus.
- wiki
Another approach would be to recognize the series as 4466.../3355... The leading factor of 2 in the numerator must be dealt with. See wikipedia the correct derivation should start from
$2/1$ where LHS is$\pi/2$ . as 2 numbers are skipped TODO IMHO only the denominator$2$ is skipped which is 1 more than the upper term 1 less than we have to divide that back out of the result i.e.(+ limit 2)
then there is no need to take into account the "stray" 2 at the start of the numerator sequence.
- Then simplify more
My method is the same as the above. A clarification though, this method works by splitting the formula into:
- Then simplify more
using integer arithmetic instead of the even? predicate: It uses the step of
$\lceil (n+k)/2\rceil$ is 2. Then since it increases 2 at each increasing step, so we have$2\lceil (n+k)/2\rceil$ Then we use$2\lceil (n+k_1)/2\rceil+k_2$ to solve$k_{1,2}$ . -
- Here
must be even to ensure ending with$1/(n+1)$ for thedenominator1st sequence. - Its
is for one new sequence like2 * (1/3) *4 * (1/5) ...
- Here
Another way is to recognise that the formula for pi is composed of two separate products: This is same as the 1st method but with different indices.
The method I used for the Wallis Product recognizes the pairs as following: it has map:
$a/b\mapsto (a+b)/2$
- 1.32 See codes for where I was "wrong".
- 1.33
- wiki
- the comments are almost all incorporated into the main part except that that is done selectively, i.e. "And the iterative version:" and ctz's is not incorporated directly.
@poly: I don't see the point of defining accumulate in terms of filtered-accumulate. i.e. we should define complex from primitive instead of the other way around.
- repo
it uses racket library although it can be implemented using what the book has introduced.
is already implemented in MIT/GNU Scheme.
- wiki
- 1.34
- if applicative order, then
- apply but
is a function, so we do nothing. - substitute ->
(f 2)
- again do nothing but due to that
is one number. -
(2 2)
syntax error.
- apply but
- wiki
Note that both substitution models, applicative-order evaluation and normal-order evaluation, will lead to the same expansion. since we do no expansion.
- if applicative order, then
- 1.35
- trivial by dividing by
- trivial by dividing by
- 1.36
- wiki
this takes 33 iterations to converge, printing out the final answer on the 34th line. same for MIT/GNU Scheme. This converges in 10 iterations, printing the result on the 11th line. not same.
- wiki
- 1.37
- See this for proof of the relation with "the golden ratio". Also see
The convergents of these continued fractions ... are ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers.
- convergent see ($a_i$)
proved by induction
if $n$th convergent
$G_n$ is $\frac{F_{n+1}}{F_n}$ then $n+1$th is$G_{n+1}=1+\frac{1}{G_{n}}=1+\frac{F_n}{F_{n+1}}=\frac{F_{n+2}}{F_{n+1}}$
- convergent see ($a_i$)
proved by induction
if $n$th convergent
Note that the negative root is nicely approached from above by the even numbered terms and from below by the odd numbered terms. We first prove
$d_n<0$ using induction. By induction where the negative root$k$ is the split term which satisfies$k=\frac{1}{-1+k}$ .
- wiki
It takes on the order of ten terms to be accurate within 0.0001. I didn't check it because it is
no usenot easy to know the exact iteration number for one specific error bound. -
Making the solution recursive:
(/ (n k) (+ (d k) (cont-frac n d (- k 1))))
is due to$N_k=N_1$ which also holds for$D_k$ . -
descend into each layer of denominators should be numerator
This Is incorrect. It needs to do the last division. Like This: This boy is wrong and the top answer is correct. If you see the text, the definition uses i=1 to i=k.
The recursive solution above is incorrect also. It calculate the finite continued fraction from 1 to k-1 TODO I don't see any above functions using
as the init condition. Andfrac-rec
is right. -
(frac-iter 1 0.0)
uses the wrong direction from outer to inner.you neek to work backwards, starting with (n k) and (d k) and working your way down with (n (- k 1)) and (d (- k 1)) etc. For the recursive process, the fraction is built, in a way, from the outside to the inside.
Note that because you start counting at 0, you need to stop the counter at k (not k + 1). also implied by
(- k i)
should be positive.
Perhaps the discussion around this exercise is carried to too great a length. Yes. Many useless comments. Actually, I think that the recursive version of the first comment and the iterative version of the second comment is already correct. For the wiki "2021-11-04 15:43:26", it should be "the recursive version of the second comment and the iterative version of the first comment" where index starts from the top answer which is seen as one comment.
- See this for proof of the relation with "the golden ratio". Also see
- 1.38
- proof
- Olds, C. D. Continued Fractions. New York: Random House, 1963. p71 doesn't prove it.
- (Wall 1948, p. 348). TODO (91.3) has 1-,1+ instead of all +.
To prove (2) (i.e., An + Bn_i + Cn_i = 0) integrate both This is due to RHS
$F'$ has$F(1)=F(0)=0\Rightarrow F(1)-F(0)=\int_{0}^1 F'(x)dx=0$ -
e need only verify the initial conditions A0 = e ? 1, B0 = 1, and C0 = 2 - e TODO
- I skipped calculating this integral.
- I also skipped "convergent" calculation.
- (2)~(4) is probably due to
$p_{3n}$ recurrence formulae, etc.
- This is skipped due to only one reference to E953 -> [15].
- This is too general
- 40~42
I don't know 40,
$\frac{1}{e}$ expansion in 41, "that if" in 42
- 40~42
I don't know 40,
- https://math.stackexchange.com/a/3387/1059606
- OEIS gives one proof https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0601660 (i.e. the above paper)
doesn't give one prooflike https://oeis.org/A254077- https://sci-hub.se/10.2307/27641838 is almost similar to the above paper.
- repo ->
diff ~/SICP/1_Building_Abstractions_with_Procedures/1.3_Formulating_Abstractions_with_Higher-Order_Procedures/Exercise_1_37.rkt ~/SICP/1_Building_Abstractions_with_Procedures/1.3_Formulating_Abstractions_with_Higher-Order_Procedures/Exercise_1_38.rkt
- proof
- 1.39
- proof
- I didn't check this which is more complex.
- See wiki for some possible optimization
Another version calculating the square only once using let. Dividing once by -x outside the call to cont-frac obviates the need for the if statement
Here's yet another version, not defined in terms of cont-frac. It splits
$N_1$ out and pairs$(D_i,N_{i+1})$ and then at last$D_n$ .
- repo see
diff ~/SICP/1_Building_Abstractions_with_Procedures/1.3_Formulating_Abstractions_with_Higher-Order_Procedures/Exercise_1_37.rkt ~/SICP/1_Building_Abstractions_with_Procedures/1.3_Formulating_Abstractions_with_Higher-Order_Procedures/Exercise_1_39.rkt
- 1.40 trivial
- 1.41
is wrong See wiki- wiki
double3 double2 = double2 (double2)
implies$a_{n+1}=a_n^2$ where$a_n$ is the call number.
- wiki
- 1.42 trivial
- 1.43
- wiki
(lambda (x) x)
manipulates unusual inputs - kw
An extremely succinct solution uses the accumulate procedure defined in 1.32: The following related comments can be skipped I think the following solution is more elegant.
An solution with O(log n) complexity using compose: similar to
. Also see A logarithmic iterative solution. which is similar to exercise 1.16
- wiki
- 1.44 very similar to 1.45 but simpler.
- wiki
- "Be aware below is WRONG:" is similar to .
- wiki
- 1.45
Originally I didn't know the answer
$\lfloor\log(n)\rfloor$ .- wiki
(pow b p)
just Exercise 1.16fast-expt-iter
. - the 2nd comment shares the same basic idea as the 1st.
- my implementation
- See https://stackoverflow.com/a/53933846/21294350
- the key is as An5Drama's comment "In a summary ..." says
my key takeaway/ah-ha moment was when you named and simplified the lambda function and then defined h
- the key is as An5Drama's comment "In a summary ..." says
- See https://stackoverflow.com/a/53933846/21294350
- repo
- TODO how it is strictly proved as zhihu reference does.
- (JP) https://web.archive.org/web/20161018022729/https://sicp.g.hatena.ne.jp/n-oohira/20090207/1233979052 similar to Kaihao says in wiki
- based on experiments
- (JP) https://www.serendip.ws/archives/491
"Rounding" is based on that we at least needs
$\lfloor\log(n)\rfloor$ TODO - https://ivanovivan.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/sicp-exercises-section-1-3-4/
- (JP) https://tetsu-miyagawa.hatenablog.jp/entry/20130320/1363781534 which is based on
$\lceil \log(n+1)\rceil-1=\lfloor\log(n)\rfloor$ (This can be proved by 3 cases$\log(n)\in\mathbb{N}$ or$\log(n+1)\in\mathbb{N}$ or neither) - (JP) https://snufkon.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/06/21/112209
- http://science.kinokoru.jp/sicp-1-3-4-exercise-1-40-1-46-memo/
- (JP) https://www.serendip.ws/archives/491
"Rounding" is based on that we at least needs
- In a summary it concludes "lowest point <= fixed point" by inspecting some mapping figures although without one strict proof.
Then here
$1-2^k<0$ , so we have "Rounding up: ...".- It visualizes "fixed points" as
$f(x)=x$ where$f$ is the mapping compound with many average-damp's.
- It visualizes "fixed points" as
- plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Data for plotting ending=2.0 t = np.arange(0.0, ending, 0.01) s = 1/2*(t+1/2*(t+2/t)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/stairs_demo.html#sphx-glr-gallery-lines-bars-and-markers-stairs-demo-py ax.plot(t, s, label="level 2 average damp to solve $y=\sqrt[2]{2}$") # https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html ax.plot(t, 2/t, label="no average damp to solve $y=\sqrt[2]{2}$") ax.plot([0,ending],[0,ending], label="y=x") #https://stackoverflow.com/a/31993651/21294350 ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y') ax.set_xlim(0, ending) ax.set_ylim(0, ending) ax.legend() ax.grid() # axs[1].plot(t, 2/t) # axs[1].set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', # title='no average damp to solve $y=sqrt[2]{2}$') # axs[1].grid() plt.show()
TODO it seems we can't use neither too large nor too small number ofaverage-damp
- wiki
- 1.46 See codes
- 2.1
- wiki
- the 1st solution is based on the 4 cases.
it will have sign depending on the number of iterations it runs and the signs of a and b due to remainder implementation nr has the same sign as n1
Comment on how the above solution works: This is about the 1st solution
(* n (/ d abs-d))
just uses(/ d abs-d)
as the sign
- wiki
- 2.2
- CS61A lab shares the same idea.
- 2.3
- probably trivial as 2.2. Here I give one brief implementation description
(make-rectangle tl_pnt br_pnt)
or(make-rectangle tr_pnt bl_pnt)
where tl means top left and similar for others. Then(x_len rect)
by(abs (x-point (minus (top_pnt rect) (bottom_pnt rect))))
(simiar fory_len
) Then(perimeter x_side y_side)
and(area x_side y_side)
are trivial. - wiki
Same abstraction for
as the above.-
they should call some kind of factory method (cf "Domain Driven Design"). This just means the arguments should be assumed to be known. should match the business domain
naming is a bit not readable.- cmp's comment is outdated.
- ";; Here's another one"
it assumes these 2 sides are perpendicular then it is same as the top solution.I checked 2 cases (p1,p2: 1. bl,tr 2. tl,br) and here due to geometry (I won't give one strict proof. I lastly learned about pure geometry is when in middle high school) it can be probably generalized.(let ((new-x (- x1 (* height (sin theta)))) (new-y (+ y1 (* height (cos theta))))) ...)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-driven_design
- CS61A lab Week 4
- The 1st is same as
"Alternate implementation of rectangle""Alternative Implementation II"but doesn't decide the rectangle uniquely"As an alternative to this alternative". - kw
it includes the common point twice, and it doesn't take into account that the angle between the two legs must be 90 degrees
- the 2nd is same as "Here's another one".
Specifically, we need to know that if the slope of the base segment is Dy/Dx (using D for delta) then the slope of a perpendicular height should be -Dx/Dy. Since Dx=0 or Dy=0 is possible, here the instructor just rotates the scaled side.
Alternatively, you might find it easier to redefine perimeter and area in terms of the new representation, and then to make them work for the old representation you'll have to define base-rectangle and height-rectangle in terms of first-leg and second-leg Since it is easier for
but not vice versa.
- The 1st is same as
- probably trivial as 2.2. Here I give one brief implementation description
- 2.4 trivial
(z (lambda (p q) q))
.- wiki
That inner function will be passed p and q in that order, so just return the first arg, p. IMHO it is better to state that "passed a and b ... the first arg, a".
- CS61A lab Week 4 trivial by the substitution rule.
- wiki
- 2.5
- This is proved using the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
is trivialcar
may be implemented by keeping checking(remainder x 2)
after division by 2 with one state variable to check division number until(not (= (remainder x 2) 0))
. Similar forcdr
. - wiki
The top example has a few more layers than are really necessary, so I flattened it out IMHO this is unnecessary for ";; Another way to define count-0-remainder-divisions ".
- chekkal's is interesting
(expt 3 (logb 3 x))
gets one$3^{b+k},k>=0$ then(gcd x (expt 3 (logb 3 x)))
will get$3^b$ - jsdalton's uses one different implementation similar to the top by recursive calls but with no state variables.
- 2.6
Use substitution to evaluate (add-1 zero)
(n f)
->(zero f)
->(lambda (x) x)
(f ((n f) x))
->(f ((lambda (x) x) x))
->(f x)
This is more detailed than wiki.- by induction if
(n f)
->$\overbrace{f(f(\ldots))}^{n\text{ times }f}$ then it is trivial((+ 1 n) f)
is also that case. - Also directly implement using wikipedia definition
- by induction if
Give a direct definition of the addition procedure +
(f ((n f) x)))
->((n1 f) ((n2 f) x)))
- wiki
Essentially, we need to apply a's multiple calls to its f (its outer lambda arg) to b's multiple calls to its f and its x. Poor explanation. Yes. The to syntax is a bit messy. Just see codes
(fa (fa (fa (fa ... (fa xa))))...)
, etc. - IMHO better to abstract the maths definition and then define all functions.
- TODO who is Ken Dyck?
- jsdalton's is interesting (See anonymous's for small correction).
- alexh's is right by removing redundant
. - in
(define (church-mult m n) (compose m n))
, it isn
which is transformed bym
while in(compose (m f) (n f))
it isf
(compose m n)
->(lambda (x) (m (n x)))
->(m (n inc))
while(lambda (f) (compose (m f) (n f)))
->(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (m f) ((n f) x)))
->(lambda (x) (m inc) ((n inc) x))
The latter needslambda
to glue(m inc)
and(n inc)
. - it is also intuitive by thinking
as func data then(compose m n)
just means$m\circ n$ and(compose (m f) (n f))
just means $\bigcirc^{m} f\circ \bigcirc^{n}f$.
- we better transform
to(f (f .. (f
to better understand it~~ since if it is seen as one single entity~~. - TODO
- 2.7 trivial by
- wiki
- jz doesn't assume the order of
although the book assumes that when implementingmake-rat
. -
The passage and the implementation indicate that lower-bound is positional rather than value dependent. implies the above assumption. We can ignore what HannibalZ says.
- jz doesn't assume the order of
- wiki
- 2.8
(- (lower-bound x) (upper-bound y)) ...
Specifying subtraction in terms of addition is more accurate. We also have the example of division specified in terms of multiplication in the text
This doesn't comply to abstraction barriers.Fine.-
This even works for negative valued interval, whether or not , we want to use values in that range ;-) trivially this is same as the original implementation. So the original implementation also "works for negative valued interval".
this width of the first interval minus the second interval must equal the width of the result of sub-interval. trivially it should be "add" instead of "minus".
- 2.9
- See my comments for 2.8
- when
$a,b,c,d>0$ for$[a,b],[c,d]$ then $bd-ac=a(d-c)+d(b-a)\quad()$ but when $a<0<b,c,d$ then the result is $[ad,bd]$ $d(b-a)\neq ()$ trivially. -
Give examples to show So wiki is enough.
- 2.10 strictly the result is
$(-\infty,\infty)$ . Then we just signal error without manipulating with it. This is trivial.- wiki
The answer above(vi) misunderstand the question, if the interval is zero(upper-bound = lower-bound), that's alright, it won't cause any problem just reduced to the division by one number.
- wiki
- 2.11 See codes for what I was wrong originally
- wiki
This ensures that we're never breaking any more than we need to at any given time. This may mean "we need at ...".
To see how this works draw a chart of the operator meaning
What followed was the cond block to end all cond blocks. My next challenge would be to make a procedure that simplifies those ands at least, but I want to move on. "but I want to move on": Yes. These comments are really too detailed.
- jared-ross's shares the same logic as atomik's but use the symbolic version.
(repeat-call f n)
will callf
n-1 times. - The test is based on random interval between
$[-2.5,2.5]$ .
- jz's is really similar to atomik's.
- all tests are based on intervals spanning zero.
- repo
- wiki
- 2.12 See 2_11.scm
- wiki
here as "6.8 ohms with 10% tolerance" shows, we should use 10 as the param instead of 0.1.
- danlucraft's is stricter (also see ";We are talking about percentages rather than fractions. Therefore")
- Also see point 2 of dxdm's to be stricter.
- danlucraft's is stricter (also see ";We are talking about percentages rather than fractions. Therefore")
- wiki
here as "6.8 ohms with 10% tolerance" shows, we should use 10 as the param instead of 0.1.
- 2.13
- IMHO it is tedious to give cond for each case as 2.11 does which is also implied by 2.11 wiki comments.
You may simplify the problem by assuming that all numbers are positive.
- wiki
- it should have no
$0.5$ . - sTeven's is more rigorous.
- it should have no
- IMHO it is tedious to give cond for each case as 2.11 does which is also implied by 2.11 wiki comments.
TODO http://wiki.drewhess.com/wiki/SICP_exercise_2.16
- 2.14
- wiki
Here, for par1, R1R2 and R1+R2 are dependent, so (div-interval R1R2 R1+R2) got wrong answer.
TODO At least for "R1 = [1, 2]; R2 = R1 + 1=[2, 3]", we will get the right answer.1/R1 + 1/R2; they are all independent,why? since R1 and R2 are dependent, then also for 1/R1 and 1/R2. - for why "Lem is right".
You will get the most insight by using intervals whose width is a small percentage of the center value.
This just gives the test, i.e.(make-center-percent 10. 2.) (make-center-percent 15. 2.)
, without giving the reasons behind that.
- solution
Demonstrate that Lem is right See Tengs's comment. Also see pt's comment.
Make some intervals A and B, and use them in computing the expressions A/A and A/B. See jz's comment
You will get the most insight by using intervals whose width is a small percentage of the center value See my first comment.
Examine the results of the computation in center-percent form See wqzhang blog.
- wiki
- 2.15
I give one intuitive instead of strict proof:
Since one interval will increase the error bounds, no repeated intervals imply the better error bounds.
- wiki The above is same as jz's.
- 2.16
Can you devise an interval-arithmetic package that does not have this shortcoming, or is this task impossible? As the examples in 2.14 shows, it may be impossible.
- See drewhess reference links.
- wiki
jz's comment is mainly about manipulating with "identity".
See the problem is our simple implementation doesn't remember things or record what has been added before i.e. not know C-C.
Then you take the min/max of all function values (all of them were 1) TODO why min/max analytical methods I skipped it
some of the laws of algebra that we're accustomed to don't apply to certain operations, so algebraic expressions that are equivalent in a non-interval arithmetic system are not necessarily equivalent in an interval arithmetic system. Which one is "correct"? Are both?
There are other algebraic laws that fail in our system as well: try squaring the interval [-2,2], for example. This says the problem essence.
- I skipped those too detailed reference links.
- This replies
Explain, in general, why equivalent algebraic expressions may lead to different answers
- 2.17
- probably by iterative with one
state variable and thelist
variable. when writing the code I think checking the length is enough. - wiki
- the top answer tracks the last without using 2 variables.
- See otakutyrant's comment.
- Daniel-Amariei's comment is outdated.
- I skipped anon's comment since it is beyond the book.
- probably by iterative with one
- 2.18
- concatenate the
recursively. - repo same as wiki jz's.
- CS61A lab same as my last comment.
- kw
However, + is commutative; it doesn't matter whether you add a series front-to-back or back-to-front. Cons is NOT commutative, and the pair-diagram representation of a list is NOT left-right symmetric.
the first invocation adds the first term to the result and then does the second invocation. while recursive will do that in the most inner block by adding the last term. Then I read it keeps doing recursive invocations, keeping pending the addition of the partial result into the larger result.
- See the trace.
but this will be really slow, O(n^2). This is also said in "6.001_fall_2007_recitation/r07sol".
- DAV -> data abstraction violation.
- kw
- concatenate the
- 2.19
- wiki
-ve may mean negati"ve".
- Rptx's comment has been said in CS 61A notes.
- I skipped Sphinxsky's comment.
- 2.20
- use
(f x . y)
then iteratey
and check(= (remainder (- (car y) x) 2) 0)
This is same as jz's comment. - wiki
It's better simply to build the list in reverse order, and then reverse the final list at the end i.e. as Exercise 2.18 does. Use
. The comment has "----" in wiki to differentiate its comment from others.
- use
- 2.21 trivial
- 2.22
- See 2.20 for why the 1st fails
the 2nd doesn't conform to the
structure. It has something likep_1:[nil,a], p_2:[p_1,b]
- See 2.20 for why the 1st fails
the 2nd doesn't conform to the
- 23
- The preface is same as R5RS.
- trivial by mimicking
. - See wiki. Here the concatenation operator depends on the returned value of
(null? items)
.- See simv's comment.
- the code after it assumes
(>= (length items) 1)
. - See sritchie's comment for the improvement.
- the code after it assumes
so it can arbitrarily be the list of items in the list applied to the given procedure. it should be "the list of items which is got by applying the given procedure to the list".
- See simv's comment.
- 24 just
(list 1 2 3 4)
(wrong)- See wiki. Here
(list 2 (list 3 4))
is stored as one pointer instead of beginning with 2.- See wiki 25 solution "(cons 5 (cons (cons 6 (cons 7 nil)) nil))" for how these
's work.
- See wiki 25 solution "(cons 5 (cons (cons 6 (cons 7 nil)) nil))" for how these
- See wiki. Here
- 25
(car (cdar (cddr '(1 3 (5 7) 9))))
(caar '((7)))
(car (cddr (cddr (cddr '(1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 7))))))))))
wrong.(cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr (cadr '(1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 7))))))))))))
76 times. - wiki
- timo do the solution from inside to outside instead of from outside to inside.
(error "Just cAr or cDr - - Char Not recognized" (car oper))
Here(car oper)
can't be too large.
- repo
- After translating into
seq also as jz shows, all is intuitive.
- After translating into
- 26
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
,((1 2 3) . (4 5 6))
,((1 2 3) (4 5 6))
the 2nd is wrong. - wiki
- 27
- wiki
- jz
(append (deep-reverse (cdr x)) ...
is based oncdr
is always one list.
A solution that uses reverse to do the work: most straightforward translating the list with its ele-ments reversed and with all sublists deep-reversed as well
- jz
- wiki
- 28
- 29
- 30 just similar to
(i.e. as wiki bishboria or meteorgan's 2nd says. Also see master's and "The map solutions implicitly handles nil trees, though.")- wiki
you're simply specifying a transformation to apply to elements of an input ~~IMHO both are manipulating with "elements of an input". But master ~~ i.e. without
but justsquare-tree
- wiki
- 31 almost same as 30 (see wiki bishboria).
- jwc's doesn't use
- jwc's doesn't use
- 32 why no
?- see wiki
the set of all subsets excluding the first number, with the first number re-inserted into each subset. This implies the subset number doubles when increasing the element number by 1.
- Also see "evolve the process manually"
- see wiki
- 33
(cons (p x) y)
seq2 seq1
(lambda (x y) (+ y 1))
- 34
Horner’s rule evaluates the polynomial using fewer additions and multipli-cations than Horner’s: n multipli-cations and n additions th original: n additions but with
$n+\ldots+1$ . (+ this-coeff (* x higher-terms))
- 35
we can directly(map enumerate-tree t)
although(enumerate-tree t)
, then do as Exercise 2.33(length sequence)
. (Using identity is hinted by wiki(lambda (x) 1)
)- See wiki top solution for how to use iterative in
. It just incorporates "iterative" of(enumerate-tree t)
into the map.
- See wiki top solution for how to use iterative in
- 36
(map car seqs)
(map cdr seqs)
- 37
(lambda (w) (dot-product v w)) (accumulate-n cons '() mat) (lambda (row) (map (dot-product v w) cols)) ; row-vector*matrix.
- See wiki, here row or column vectors are assumed with the same form, i.e. list, since (column) vectors and rows of matrices are both lists. ~~ So the first form returns a list which is ~~
Sothe above 3rd is wrong and can be better. - repo
This linear transformation function is a 1x2 matrix. just think of matrix as cols which are maps of corresponding coordinates. See feels just like taking the dot product of two vectors.
Why on earth does this numerical process of matching coordinates, multiplying pairs, and adding them together have anything to do with projection? what this video intends to convey.
- Then based on "Linear transformation", we first checks how Linear transformation
$unit(w')*v$ works (then scale it by$|w'|/|unit(w')|$ we get the result by scaling the basis "each of its components gets multiplied by 3"). Then we check$unit(w')*v_x$ and$unit(w')*v_y$ (then use Linear transformation to get$unit(w')*v$ ). Then we check$unit(w')*unit(v_x)$ (Again we use Linear transformation to get $unit(w')v_x$. Similar for $v_y$). This just means $\hat{u}\hat{i}$. So the above just does the unit projection and then scale. But since projection meets the properties of Linear transformation, so we can just project. Then projection by "Linear transformation" is implied by matrix multiplication (i.e. dot product by duality).
- 38
- Here
(op result (car rest))
corresponds to(lambda (acc elt) ...)
.- Here
does(kons (kons (kons knil e1) e2) … en)
which is different fromfold
. This is also different from MIT-Schemefold-left
since it does(proc elt acc)
instead of(op result (car rest))
. - Notice if mimicking
because it combines the first element of the se-quence with the result of combining all the elements to the right.
should be defined almost same asfold-right
But that can be achieved easily by modifying(define (fold-left op initial sequence) (if (null? sequence) initial ;; only swap the following order. (op (fold-left op initial (cdr sequence)) (car sequence))))
argument order. So maybe due to thisfold-left
is not defined as the above shows.
- Here
(/ 1 (/ 2 (/ 3 1)))
where the last 1 is knil. (/ (/ (/ 1 1) 2) 3)
- property:
(kons (kons (kons knil e1) e2) … en)
) is same as(kons e1 (kons e2 … (kons en knil)))
. which can be done based on 3-ary Commutative property (makee1
of the former at the most outside) and 2-ary Commutative property to swap, e.g. forknil en
of the transformed former.-
following wiki woofy(kons (kons (kons knil e1) e2) … en)
->(kons (kons (kons e1 (kons e2 knil)) … en)
- wiki with the correct detailed description about the property the but the repo doesn't.
- Here
- 39
- based on the above "property:"
is more straightforward:(cons x y)
(wrong order)fold-right
:(append y x)
- wiki
- the above should use
(list x)
. - Liskov
(list x)
as each newknil
does same asreverse
(See the above "property:").
- the above should use
- based on the above "property:"
- 40
- shouldn't it just be
(flatmap ...)
- shouldn't it just be
- 41
- generate all triples and then filter.
- 42
- 43
- I don't know since IMHO here
(queen-cols (- k 1))
in the changed case doesn't depend on the outer loop and also for(enumerate-interval 1 board-size)
in the book original case. - wiki
- jpath's assumes
has O(1) time. - I didn't dig into https://wernerdegroot.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/sicp-exercise-2-43/ since maths is not the main point to learn for SICP.
- repo doesn't consider
count in the modified case.
- jpath's assumes
- I don't know since IMHO here
- 44
- trivial since exercise already gives the solution.
- wiki I only checked jz and aQuaYi.com.
- 45
- trivial based on 44. See jz's.
- 46
- trivial since exercise already tells how to do that.
- wiki
- TDD means "Test Driven Development"
- See jz's.
- 47
- trivial
- 48
- trivial based on 46.
wiki IMHO electraRod's is better.
- 49 See codes
- wiki I skipped
since I can't know how to draw it by only inspecting it.
- wiki I skipped
- 50 rotation is trivial and also see ctz's in wiki sicp-ex-2.42.
: ((1,0),(0,0),(1,1)) - See dudrenov
- 51
- "analogous to the beside procedure given above": just change the corresponding coordinates.
"in terms of beside and suitable rotation operations":
(rotate90 (beside painter1 painter2))
- wiki
we needs
(rotate270 painter1)
, etc.
- "analogous to the beside procedure given above": just change the corresponding coordinates.
"in terms of beside and suitable rotation operations":
- 52
- I skipped a. since it is just adding some segments although the values depends on how we view "smile".
- b.
(beside up up)
. - c.
(square-of-four flip-horiz identity rotate180 flip-vert)
->(square-of-four identity flip-horiz flip-vert rotate180)
- wiki uses one different modification but both are fine here since we only need "in a different paern".
- 53
- trivial
- 54
- base case is
and symbols. - wiki
is just one special symbol, so we can simplify the above.
- base case is
- 55
- trivial
- 56 See codes "lacks".
- 57
(define (augend s) (list '+ (caddr s)))
. see wiki) "products" is similar.
- 58 See codes "The above is wrong".
- 59
- just mimicking
- just mimicking
- 60
- for efficiency where we use the latter 2 much more frequently.
- See partj's.
- 61
- trivial since it is just constant complexity plus
complexity.- See wiki the above is wrong since we needs to keep the increasing order.
- Also see book "and the element being added to the set is never already in it."
- trivial since it is just constant complexity plus
- 62
(or (null? set1) (null? set2))
changed to the similar forms in exercise 59 when(= x1 x2)
is false,(cons x1 (cons x2 (intersection-set (cdr set1) (cdr set2))))
- See wiki shyam's we needs to ensure the order afterwards.
- 63
- a. IMHO they are same using In-order.
- b. still same since call right first -> entry -> left.
- See wiki meteorgan's.
- repo doesn't consider
- 64
- based on wishful thinking where leaves are all branches with 2
child branches with leaf got by(this-entry (car non-left-elts)
. - Also see
- complexity same as
.- wiki
both of which take constant time I didn't check which solution is right but just follows the top.
- wiki
- based on wishful thinking where leaves are all branches with 2
- 65
Similar to Exercise 2.62, the former 2 cases are same.tree -> ordered lists -(2.62 etc.)> transformed lists -> tree.- same as hp's but use different transformation. (also see emj's) same as repo.
- 66
- 67 trivial
- 68 See codes
- 69 See codes "more general"
- 70 trivial by
(encode '(Get a job) (generate-huffman-tree '((A 2) (GET 2) ...)))
$\log 8*8$ using "fixed-length" "for the eight-symbol alphabet".
- 71
- trivial by duplicating
/ \ 2^{n-1} ... / \ 2^{n-2} ...
- trivial by duplicating
- 72
$O(tree-depth)$ forencode-symbol
due tosoappend
$O(n)$ for "least frequent" and$O(1)$ for "the most frequent" for 2.71. - see wiki jirf's "searching for the symbols in left-branch" and my comments based on repo.
- 73
- a.
((get 'deriv (operator exp)) (operands exp) var)
make-??? -> get ... addend, etc. -> operands- since no related operators for "number? and variable?".
- a.
- 74
- See repo for one complete implementation.
- IMHO this exercise is open, so any reasonable solutions are accepted.
- 75 trivial.
- 76
- generic opera-tions with explicit dispatch
new type: new constructor, selector with new
case, new predicates likerectangular?
. new op: probably new selector, just writing this proc is enough. - data-directed style
new type: all in one
with no predicate. new op: add one func in all correspondinginstall-foo-package
- Message passing
new type: one new
new op: add onecond
case for eachmake-from-foo-bar
. -
new types must oen be added data-directed style / Message passing new operations must oen be added generic opera-tions with explicit dispatch
- same as jirf's.
- wiki
by adding new entries in the dispatch table i.e.
, etc. - jirf
Might have to jump around to make sure you include each data type in the dispatch table. i.e. ensure we have
(rectangular? z)
etc. all included. - notice
Creating a new data type requires only the creation of the constructor.
- generic opera-tions with explicit dispatch
new type: new constructor, selector with new
- 77
- IMHO we also need
(define (magnitude x y) (apply-generic 'magnitude x y))
then we first get this func from polar, then put it. Then at the outside we again get it from(complex)
.how many times is apply-generic invoked? 1 (Wrong. See the following) What procedure is dispatched to in each case? trace back from "get it from
". - See wiki jirf's for why the original fails.
as his second to last paragraph says, we installs
(define (magnitude z) (apply-generic 'magnitude z))
by(put 'magnitude '(complex) magnitude)
so(apply-generic 'magnitude z)
->(apply proc (map contents args)
where proc is still(apply-generic 'magnitude z)
->(apply-generic 'magnitude ('rectangular . (3 . 4)))
then call the primitivemagnitude
- IMHO we also need
- 78
- just add
etc. predicates (lacking details like((number? datum) 'scheme-number)
) - wiki IMHO top one is fine for "simply as Scheme numbers" with
(number? contents) contents
.((number? datum) 'scheme-number)
is to makeget
- just add
- 79
- wiki
I think it's best to define equ? in each implementation of complex: unnecessary since
etc. are already generic.- This is similar to 2.77 with 2 calls for
. -
The above solution for defining equality for polar terms is incorrect. This is related with maths instead of how to program.
- This is similar to 2.77 with 2 calls for
- repo
better with one
together and considering comparing different types.
- wiki
- 80
- 81
apply-generic may try to coerce the arguments to each other’s type even if they already have the same type when
doesn't have type like'(scheme-number scheme-number)
.- a. but this will cause the infinite call loop.
- b. wrong.
- c.
put the trivial check outside
(let ((t1->t2 (get-coercion type1 type2)) ...)
. - wiki IMHO meteorgan's is right and same as the above.
- repo
both are correct IMHO for Louis it means we need to do c.
- 82
- e.g. only one "suitable mixed-type operations" where the former half is the 1st type and the rest is another.
- jirf's will fail if
is nil when trying coercing all the rest to the 1st type. 2bdkid's just implements the book "One strategy" (same for repo). - IMHO here we have
$n^n$ combinations for n args, so one straightforward but not good solution is to try all available combinations. TODO how to solve this elegantly not using "One strategy"?
- 83
- repo is better based on coercion and with
- repo is better based on coercion and with
- 84
- if as 83 repo does, raise is based on coercion. Then just change
(t1->t2 a1)
to(raise a1)
will not lead to problems in adding new levels to the tower. just let
manipulate with "new levels". - all these are contained in
which avoids keeping recursively callingapply-generic
. -
need to devise a way to test which of two types is higher in the tower. repo solves this similar to Exercise 2.82.
- wiki
- meteorgan's
(equal? s-type t-type)
won't occur since(proc (get op type-tags))
may probably already return one value.(raise-into a1 a2)
don't need 2 args since where to raise is already defined.- sam's is right for the unnecessary
((equal? s-type t-type) s)
- sam's is right for the unnecessary
- I skipped Rptx's implementation since
is not necessary.
- meteorgan's
- if as 83 repo does, raise is based on coercion. Then just change
- 85
- 86
De-scribe and implement the changes to the system needed to accommodate this. all related operations like
(+ (real-part z1) (real-part z2))
needs to be generic. See YZ's for the detailed list.
- 87
- 88 See codes "; wrong type"
- 89 See codes
- 90
- 91
- *92
IMHO here what we needs to do is just make 2 poly share the same order of var's.
- Review when reading SDF chapter 4:
By imposing an ordering on variables One can impose a towerlike structure on this by ordering the variables and thus always converting any polynomial to a ``canonical form'' with the highest-priority variable dominant and the lower-priority variables buried in the coefficients. The basic ideas are straightforward compared with 4.79. I may skip this exercise due to "This is not easy!" and I have already got the underlying programming ideas which are what I learnt SICP for. This strategy works fairly well, except that the conversion may expand a polynomial unnecessarily, making it hard to read and perhaps less efficient to work with. e.g.
$(f_1(x)*z^2+f_2(x)*z+f_3(x)*z)$ is already one simplified form when we think ofz
as the highest-priority variable. But we will expand and re-connect when thinking of `x` as "the highest-priority variable".- This is
probablythe 2nd exercise with something like "This is not easy!" (the 1st is probably SDF exercise 2.14) since I read SDF chapter 3 after SDF Chapter 2 and then SICP "sections 2.4 and 2.5".
- This is
- Review when reading SDF chapter 4:
So everything will be "raised" to a polynomial in x.
this doesn't ensure the ordering by reading the paragraph (The codes are too long, I didn't dig into it.)
Well, the sketch of the idea was to rearrange the polynomials to a canonical form, so that the variables are ordered sequentially.
lockywolf may be right but I won't dig into it due to the complexity of "the net amount of hours spent is about 10" ...
- 2.93
- just change
etc. toadd
etc. and check tag inmake-rat
. - see repo which incorporates
- just change
- 94
trivial bycadr
trivial by usinggcd-terms
. -
A Euclidean ring is a domain that admits addition, subtraction, and commutative multiplication See satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers.
TODOwhy define such a measure? maybe due toy = qx + r
have the greater degree thanx
for polynomial case.
- 95
- $$
$Q_1/Q_2=\frac{11}{13}x\ldots$ -
try tracing gcd-terms while comput-ing the
- TODO (maths)
c 1+O 1 −O 2
wheredividend will have the greatest orderthe 1st quotient term will be$2O_1-O_2$ $(cx)^{O_1-O_2}$ .-
Our answer will thus differ from the actual by an integer constant factor why must remainder also scale?
- $$
- 96
- a. trivial by
(div-terms (* a factor) b)
- b. use
.- wiki scheme internal
can accept multiple arguments.
- wiki scheme internal
When you obtain the , multiply both numerator and denomi-nator by the same integerizing factor before dividing through by the , so that division by the will not introduce any nonin-teger coefficients maybe this is based on "Our answer will thus differ from ...".
- a. trivial by
- 97
- 1~5
- 6
- IMHO we need one
which is inited to 0. then generate:(+ base (random))
reset:(set! base ...)
- See wiki using self-defined
the above can't ensure "starting from a given value".
- IMHO we need one
- 7
- we first check the old password
and then checks the new one by adding one new
wrapper based onpeter-acc
- we first check the old password
and then checks the new one by adding one new
- 8
- for simplicity, let
be binary func. so we does (v
is the local variable) from left to right:(+ (f-op v 0) (f-op (f-op v 0) 1))
from right to left:(+ (f-op v 1) (f-op (f-op v 1) 0))
By trial we can letv
be inited with1
. - wiki the above is same as chm's.
- repo is based on passing arguments as one contrived sequence.
- for simplicity, let
- 9
- recursive create E1~E6. similarly for iterative but with the different bindings and body.
- wiki
- Notice as Figure 3.5 shows, here E1~E6 all have GLOBAL as "the enclosing environment".
- The above "iterative" is wrong.
- repo is same.
e environment model will not clarify our claim in Section 1.2.1 that the inter-preter can execute a procedure such as fact-iter in a constant amount of space using tail recursion See wiki where the relations between calls are not shown explicitly.
- 10
- For
(define W1 (make-withdraw 100))
, here((lambda (⟨var⟩) ⟨body⟩) ⟨exp⟩)
will create oneE1'
. - So
(W1 50)
will create oneE1''
. -
Show that the two versions of make-withdraw create ob-jects with the same behavior. trivial since
is "alias" ofinitial-amount
.- wiki
(W1 50)
behaviors for details. So "alias" is wrong.
- wiki
- wiki
is "body: (if (>= balance amount) ... )"E1'
~~ HereE0
is the aboveE1
. AndE1
is the aboveE1'
- In a summary each new
will create one new envA procedure object is applied to a set of arguments by constructing a frame Here actually we have 3 lambda's
(make-withdraw initial-amount)
,(let ((balance initial-amount))
and(lambda (amount)
. -
Compared with Figure 3.8here it combines "..." and(if (>= balance amount) ...)
.And it just relocates the "a pointer to the environment" (the internal ideas are same.)body: (if (>= balance amount) ... )
has no relations withamount: 50 ...
in Figure 3.8 since that is related with(W1 50)
which creates one new env due to "A procedure object is applied to a set of arguments" (see Figure 3.3E1
). -
How do the environment struc-tures differ for the two versions? See Amy's comment.
- In a summary each new
- repo no solution.
- For
- 11
(define acc (make-account 50))
has one pair in global. when applied with arg50
is created. Similarlywithdraw-E
etc. pairs are created inE1
. -
((acc 'deposit) 40)
(acc 'deposit)
will createE2
, similarlyE3
for(deposit 40)
. The above is similar to Figure 3.11. -
(set! balance (+ balance amount))
will do similarly as Figure 3.8~9. -
((acc 'withdraw) 60)
is similar to the'deposit
one. -
Where is the local state for acc kept i.e.
etc. inE1
How are the local states for the two accounts kept distinct? one totally new
. -
Which parts of the environment structure are shared be-tween acc and acc2? The code parts of
etc. (see Figure 3.11).- See wiki for what is lacked, i.e. "global environment".
- wiki shares the same basic ideas as the above.
- repo no solution.
- 12 trivial
and(b c d)
- I will skip all of box-and-pointer diagrams since that is routine.
- 13 trivial
- the pointer pointing to
points back to the 1st pointer (see Figure 3.15 for what this means).- wiki
wrong since we are
but notset-car!
- wiki
wrong since we are
- infinite loop
- the pointer pointing to
- 14
- based no each call we does (I assume
(set-cdr! x y)
instead ofmystery
which is ensured by book "That is, one finds the first frame in the environment that contains a binding for the variable and modi-fies that frame.") The followingx
are allx
.(x y)
->((cdr x) ((car x) y))
->((car x) y)
((cdr x) ((car x) y))
->((cddr x) ((cadr x) ((car x) y)))
and(cdr x)
->((cadr x) ((car x) y))
(notice herex
doesn't change.)- so recursively at last we have
(nil x')
where(cdr x')
is nil.so it is justThenlast-pair
is(reverse x)
since we passy
as nil in(loop x '())
. Andx
is only changed in the firstloop
call so it is(car x)
. - The above assumption is verified in CS61A notes.pdf p54 I-B.
- so recursively at last we have
Draw the box-and-pointer diagram that represents the list to which v is bound trivial Draw box-and-pointer dia-grams that show the structures v and w aer evaluating this expression. What would be printed as the values of v and w? Let
be(1 2 3)
, ~~then we will do(1 nil)
->(2 1 nil)
->(3 2 1 nil)
. Here we already have . ~~ Based on the above analysis,v
is(3 2 1)
.See wiki x3v's "box-and-pointer" is not as the pattern of the originalv
.- repo just runs without explanation.
- based no each call we does (I assume
- 15 trivial
- 16
- return 3:
(cons (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2))
- return 4: let
be(cons 1 2)
, then(cons (cons x 2) x)
- return 7: based on 4, we need add 3. So ... I don't know.
- ~~based on ~~ wiki have
(cons (cons x x) (cons x x))
we can have(cons (cons x 2) (cons x 2))
- ~~based on ~~ wiki have
- never return at all:
points back tox
.y=(cons (cons 1 2) (cons y 2))
(I don't know how to do this in Scheme)- wiki use
after already defining one pair.
- wiki use
- return 3:
- 18
- wiki
any of your next boxes will point to the different 'a', but yours will break and claim it's an infinite loop which is not true TODO maybe due to
. -
but all that stuff accumulated in the "local storage" after walking down the sublist is now a garbage and shall not be referenced anymore ... (because it's on lower level and is finite, which means it doesn't contain an infinite loop).
in case of mutating that storage we will have all named garbage in there so no
. - TODO
In other words, we have to throw into our "local storage" only the pointer to that sublist
- IMHO DFS works for the general case
DMIA only has https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/detect-cycle-in-a-directed-graph-using-bfs/ related with bfs to check cycle.
But that needs all
which is inappropriate here.-
is more straightforward for the case here where each car/cdr adds one level.However, B is already in the visited set, and its parent node is not E, but A. is wrong. Think about A->B->E->D->C (here D->C is fine). ->C
- wiki
- 19
since we need to track what has been encountered, how to achieve "a constant amount of space"?
- TODO change "See the following."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_detection#Floyd's_tortoise_and_hare (1d)
- cycle with
$k,\lambda,\mu$ definitions <->$x_i=x_{i+k\lambda},\forall i\ge\mu$ (i.e. we keep following the cycle.) ->$\exists i=k\lambda\ge\mu$ since k can be arbitrarily large (<- based on "cycle with$k,\lambda,\mu$ definitions") ->$x_i=x_{2i}$ (<- should be based on "$x_i=x_{i+k\lambda},\forall i\ge\mu$"). So$v=k\lambda$ . Then the first$x_\mu=x_{\mu+v}\leftrightarrow x_\mu=x_{\mu+\lambda}$ based on the definition of$\lambda$ . - The above seems to only think about 1d
- algorithm about general graph including the "alleged binary tree" here.
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/261595/21294350 not O(1)
https://stackoverflow.com/q/11355382/21294350 (I only check the question title)
needs to traverse the graph TODOneeds to keep table of all edges to check whether duplicity, so not O(1) IMHO.
- complexity
O(1) storage space. trivial as wiki "Note that the space is constant ..." says. O(λ + μ) operations of these types This is said in reference p238 Once Y is defined, Floyd’s algorithm looks for the first index t such that Yt = Xt. Clearly, this can be done in time O(t) using a very small amount of memory i.e.
$x_t=x_{2t}$ , so$t=kλ$ We can show if$t=λ + μ$ , then turtle goes back to the loop start. So if it keeps going, then turtle can meet hare. So O(λ + μ).
- algorithm about general graph including the "alleged binary tree" here.
- cycle with
possiblyfor 2d- originally Matt Timmermans says about destroyed pointer which may mean Dangling pointer
pointers that do not point to a valid object of the appropriate type. That includes Null pointer, i.e.
Node<T>* root=NULL
. pointer pointing to NULL may mean*root=NULL
. - TODO
> use the left-link> 3. in the previous paragraph, we inverted... - Stef means for many nodes, node-id may be huge (i.e.
) even if we have O(1) additional nodes. So space ->O(log(n))*O(1)=O(log(n))
although Matt Timmermans disagrees. - Matt Timmermans's and Frigo's doesn't consider DAG which needs back edge to have one cycle which is learnt in DMIA/mcs.
They all think about the tree globally which is wrong (see this and its next comment).
- Frigo's is possibly right for undirected IMHO since at last all elements will be connected with inorder traversal. At least we can check cycle for that in O(1). Anyway Matt Timmermans's is right IMHO with recovery added.
- related states
We continuously track the "current node"
when left chain ends with T. The open stack is the chain of left links from the current node to B. its predecessor on the open stack (the one with a left link that points to it) is either its left or right child.
The top-most node on the open stack has no predecessor, and its left link is overwritten to point to its parent, root seems to have no parent.
check a discovered not to see if it's open or complete. now?
so we need a single separate pointer to remember its actual left child. shouldn't it be
has no child?
The right link will only hold a left child when the left child is complete implies we have inorder traversal.
- TODO new
so we need a single separate pointer to remember its actual left child. "The top-most node" seems to be one leaf.
- related states
- originally Matt Timmermans says about destroyed pointer which may mean Dangling pointer
- 20
(define x (cons 1 2))
: bindscons
in global and then createsE1
"binding the formal parameters" with "enclosing environment" global.Then(see wiki here we doesn't apply, so no new env.) Then bindsE1'
in global -
(define z (cons x x))
is similar withE2
. -
(set-car! (cdr z) 17)
in global-
(cdr z)
then(z 'cdr)
creates 1 new envs bindingm
with "enclosing environment"(see wiki) since we are callingE2'
. (i.e. wikiE5
) - similarly
for(z new-value)
parameters "with "enclosing environment" global" (i.e. wikiE3
). then((z 'set-car!) new-value)
creates 2 new envs bindingm
with "enclosing environment"(see wikiE1'
) and thenv
with "enclosing environment"E1
(car x)
similar toset-car!
(cdr z)
. - repo no solution
- 21
Ex-plain what Eva Lu is talking about. Define a procedure print-queue i.e. we only need to print
.- repo just iterates manually and does the same at all.
show why Ben’s examples produce the printed results that they do. just 3 cases (2 for
and else ofdelete-queue!
- 24
- define one internal
based on "Creating local tables" implementation. - wiki
con-structor make-table that takes as an argument a same-key? The above is wrong for arg location.
- define one internal
- 25,26
- I won't check why repo errors occur.
- With roy-tobin's test, I finished these 2 codes by debugging.
- wiki mainly see roy-tobin's.
- 27
When the memoized procedure is asked to compute a value, it first checks the table to see if the value is already there and, if so, just returns that value. Otherwise, it computes the new value in the ordinary way and stores this in the table. This is same as the behavior of
- an environment diagram
memo-fib memoize E1: f E1': table (lambda (x) ...) E2 (by `(memo-fib n)`): x E3: previously-computed-result E4 (since `previously-computed-result` is #f): result E2' (by `(memo-fib (- n 1))`): x ... E1'' (for `make-table`): E3' (lookup): x table E4' (for f in `(result (f x))`): x E5 (insert!): x result table...
See wiki
- better show pair for
to be more clear. - Here
(lambda (n) ...)
is one anonymous func with "enclosing environment" global. - "(for f in
(result (f x))
)" should ben
to be compatible with the lambda func.
- better show pair for
See wiki
Explain why memo-fib computes the nth Fibonacci number in a number of steps proportional to n. Since each will be calculated only once, ~~then if
is O(1) we we have ~~(result (f x))
will be called onlyn-1
times. -
Would the scheme still work if we had simply defined memo-fib to be (memoize fib)? No since that will fail for
(lookup x table)
and then we just calculate(result (f x))
, i.e.(fib x)
which is exponential. - The above 2 explanations are same as wiki meteorgan's and Manu Halvagal's.
- repo doesn't have valuable infos.
- 28
- 29
- OR: only (0,0) -> 0.
$\overline{\overline{a}\land \overline{b}}$ to ensure only the above- As wiki says, i.e. NAND
What is the delay time ... 2
plus 1and-gate-delay
.- same as wiki squarebat's.
- OR: only (0,0) -> 0.
- 30
I made one mistake as this diff shows.
- I learnt "Ripple-carry adder" in COD (IMHO here it is not strictly "parallel" due to the wait of carry bit's).
The major drawback of the ripple-carry adder is the need to wait for the carry signals to propagate.
- delay
each FA will have 2 delay of half-adder and one or to output
$C_{out}$ .- half-adder:
S has
(+ (max or-gate-delay (+ and-gate-delay inverter-delay)) and-gate-delay)
C: and-gate-delay. - So FA
$S_h+C_h+or-gate-delay$ SUM:$2*S_h$ - So
to get the final C of "ripple-carry adder" we have
$n*(S_h+C_h+or-gate-delay)$ the final S_1 is similarly $(n-1)(S_h+C_h+or-gate-delay)+2S_h$
- half-adder:
S has
- I learnt "Ripple-carry adder" in COD (IMHO here it is not strictly "parallel" due to the wait of carry bit's).
- 31
Explain why this initialization is necessary At least for
, we need to register agenda byafter-delay
. Forprobe
it may be just to tell the init value. -
(half-adder input-1 input-2 sum carry)
former: register -
(set-signal! input-1 1)
former and latter: will callaction-procedures
, i.e.and-action-procedure
. -
former will call more item's listed inthe-agenda
. - wiki
in which actions (``events'') trigger further events that happen at a later time i.e. "trigger"ed by
. - IMHO thomas's emphasis is
However this will not happen when we run propagate (without an initialization), since the propagate-procedure will only call the procedures stored in the agenda, but the commands will only get stored in the agenda when the procedures are run in the first place. But actually
will also be called inset-signal!
the procedure is immediately run is wrong since
(inverter c e)
should wait when we getc
changed. But if we do this when(half-adder input-1 input-2 sum carry)
, then the delay will just be earlier. Sosum
will be got with justand-gate-delay
due to(and-gate d e s)
TODOafter reading implementation about "delay".the time will be only updated whenfirst-agenda-item
.So we need to call
- repo
lacks this solution.see 3.32 which is same as the wiki top.
- 32
Explain why this order must be used. IMHO this is natural.
is only called inafter-delay
-> gatesaction-procedure
. Seehalf-adder
where gates are run by how they are connected in Figure 3.25 circuit. -
last in, first out As the normal one implies, we just reverse the
order in the sequence, so the result is obviously wrong.- same as wiki top and the last paragraph of https://github.com/kana/sicp/blob/master/ex-3.32.md.
- 33
- 34
- by viewing
, if we setb
, thena
can't be set automatically.- same as wiki meteorgan's and repo.
- by viewing
- 35
- 36
- GE, i.e. global environment: a,b,
- E1 (
for a) null parameter:- E1' (
-> false etc:set-my-value
- E1' (
- E2 (
): similar to E1 - E3 (
-> a etc:- E3' (
-> 'set-value!:- E3'' (
-> 10 etc.:- E3''' (
) `` -> setter etc.:
- E3''' (
- E3'' (
- E3' (
- 37
(celsius-fahrenheit-converter x)
just transforms from c to f which is one part of what(celsius-fahrenheit-converter c f)
does. - trivial
- repo is same as wiki.
- 38
- here "half" depends on the context.
- a. 3 cases based on when Mary does.
- b. here each sub-sequence is deterministic.
- all accesses concurrently, then 3 cases based on who
at last. - 2 concurrently
- Peter, Paul:
90/75/50 if Mary access before
or 45/37.5 - ... IMHO this is more about mathematics... So I skipped.
- See wiki for details.
- all accesses concurrently, then 3 cases based on who
- repo only has solution for a.
- 39
- here we have 3 components which can't be splitted.
part 1: access x -> (* x x)
set x
part 2: set x to (+ x 1)
here part 1 is implicitly ordered. So 3 cases for where part 2 is.
- before part 1: 121
- inside: 100
- after: 101
- the above is wrong repo is same as karthikk's.
- here we have 3 components which can't be splitted.
part 1: access x -> (* x x)
set x
part 2: set x to (+ x 1)
here part 1 is implicitly ordered. So 3 cases for where part 2 is.
- 40
Give all possible values of x that can result from executing
Emm... 5 accessesbetter to use program to simulate...- here possible access value are 10,100,1000.
- all l0 (l00/1k)
- the 2nd
has 100,... (1e+6) / 10,100... (1e+5) / 10,10,100 (10000). - the 1st has 1k,... (1e+6) / 10,1k (10000)
- so 1e+2 to 1e+6.
- same as meteorgan's and repo.
- here possible access value are 10,100,1000.
Which of these possibilities remain if we instead use seri-alized procedures: 2 trivially but they are same as
$x^6$ .
- 41
Do you agree? Yes. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazard_(computer_architecture)#Read_after_write_(RAW).
- repo is same as Mike's.
- 42
- IMHO here
doesn't change so(protected withdraw)
also won't change. So safe.
- IMHO here
- 43
Argue that if the processes are run sequentially, ... trivial since each
just swaps between accounts. -
... can be violated if the exchanges are implemented using the first version of the account-exchange (10,20,30) -(Paul)> (30,20,10) -(Peter already gets "difference" since
is not protected)> (40,10,10) (This is similar to repo where "+10" is done first)-
the sum of the balances in the accounts will be preserved since whatever
is, each'withdraw, 'deposit
is "serialized". Soaccount1
will withdrawdifference1+difference2
(similar toaccount3
) So sum "will be preserved". -
did not serialize the transactions on individ-ual accounts. just see
which may at last only withdrawdifference1
if doing both withdraw concurrently.
- 44
- Based on "ac-cepts ''negative amounts''" and the prerequisite that the operation sequence of each account will be "serialized", the result is right.
- repo is same as sam's.
- 45
serialize accounts and deposits as make-account did maybe withdraws "and deposits".
- If just checking
(deposit account amount)
, the behavior is same sincedeposit
are all static and can be calculated in advance and reused in the future.-
In particu-lar, consider what happens when serialized-exchange is called. So here
(account 'deposit)
will cause problems since it causes lock. Same as xdavidliu's. since two procedures can be run concurrently if and only if they have not been serialized with the same serializer.- This is can be avoided by reentrant lock (see the reference link)
A reentrant lock is one where a process can claim the lock multiple times without blocking on itself.
- difference from semaphore
see this which is same as this
Yes, ReentrantLocks are owned by a single thread and can only be released by that thread. https://stackoverflow.com/a/17683722/21294350 If for any reason you need non-ownership-release semantics then obviously semaphore is your only choice. ... If more than one thread (but a limited number) can enter a critical section you can do this through either thread-confinement or a semaphore. See example
- difference from semaphore
see this which is same as this
- This is can be avoided by reentrant lock (see the reference link)
- 46
time-slicing interrupts i.e. If the time slice goes off first, CPU shifts it out to back of ongoing queue.
- trivial same as Figure 3.29
where both gets #f and sets to #t. Then "acquire the mutex at the same time".
- same as xdavidliu's and repo.
- 47
- 48
- since no circular waiting as OSTEP 32.3 "Circular Wait" says.
- add one number identifier in
and order by that inserialized-exchange
.- See wiki leafac's. maybe better to avoid id conflict with one global record (this is done in repo).
- 49
- by this, "deadlock-avoid-ance mechanism" should work
Deadlock is avoided when two threads request the same two locks but one thread completes its transfer before the other thread begins. Similarly, deadlock is avoided if the two threads request the same two locks in the same order (which would happen if they both transfer money from one account to a second account) or if two transfers involving distinct accounts occur concurrently.
- as wiki leafac says, the problem here is that we may be unable to decide the "ordering" beforehand. (the above is wrong) This may always occur in "database management systems" due to something like unknown future transactions.
- repo no solution
- by this, "deadlock-avoid-ance mechanism" should work
- 50
- TODO by
((lambda (a . args) (null? (car args))) 1)
here(car argstreams)
may fail.- see wiki this is impossible (see
(map (lambda (x) x))
error). - Shade's is correct.
- see wiki this is impossible (see
??, cons-stream, stream-car, stream-cdr
- TODO by
- 51
(stream-enumerate-interval 0 10)
is(cons-stream 0 (stream-enumerate-interval 1 10))
so we do(cons-stream (show 0) (apply stream-map ...))
- Then
will doshow
until(= n 0)
where we won'tforce
. So this outputsthe former 5 items.the former cdr items, i.e. item 1 to item 6. Then(stream-car s)
will get(car s)
, i.e. showing item 6. -
(stream-ref x 7)
depends on whethermemo-proc
, then only item6 and7 and 8 will be outputed. Otherwise, the former 8. - wiki
- the above
(cons-stream (show 0) (apply stream-map ...))
implies we will output item 0 there. - the above strikethrough is hinted by the wiki.
- the above
- repo is based on racket whose implementation is a bit weird based on its result.
- 52
- 0,0-
(accum 1)
)-(8,11,15 Notice here(6+4 due to memorizer. Soseq
is not modified by the sequence before, so(accum 2)
will be rerun.)>15-(17,... until 15+(2+...+8)=15+5*7=50)>50-(50+(2+...+))>delay
will be onlyforce
d once.)>10-(10+5...+8=36)>36->(1+20)*20/2=210- 36 wrong
What is the printed response to evaluating the stream-ref and display-stream expressions? item 8 -> 36 1,3,...,210
- wrong, see wiki.
Would these responses differ if we had implemented (delay ⟨exp⟩) simply as (lambda () ⟨exp⟩) without using the optimiza-tion provided by memo-proc?
just see the above strikethroughed ones.- hinted by wiki, without memoization:
(accum 1)
) -(8,11,15 Notice hereseq
is not modified by the sequence before, so(accum 2)
will be rerun.)>15 -> 15+4(since we begin from the next number unevaluated fory
)+5(even)+... until we get another 7 even numbers, i.e. until $(27+3)=17$, so $15+2114/2=162$ -> 162+5+6+7...+20=162+25*8=362, so output 10,180,...- same as wiki codybartfast's.
- hinted by wiki, without memoization:
- wiki
- the above is
(stream-ref y 7)
instead of(stream-ref seq 7)
, so it begins with(accum 4)
until(accum 10)
(wrong) - the above
(display-stream z)
will output10 15 45 ...
due to memorizer, then190 ...
. - here MIT/GNU Scheme just uses 'odd' streams, so "Racket With ..." won't occur.
- the above is
- repo is just based on wiki.
- 0,0-
- 53 trivial
$a_n=2a_{n-1}$ - 54
mul-streams trivial
(integers-starting-from 2) factorials
- 55
(define (partial-sums S) (cons-stream (stream-car S) (add-streams (stream-cdr S) (partial-sums S))))
- see wiki: the above is wrong.
- 56
But this is very inefficient, since, as the integers get larger, fewer and fewer of them fit the requirement. IMHO it should be due to that we need to check much more possible prime factors.
notice the following facts about it. This is one generative method instead of the filtering method above, i.e. just listing all numbers "with" only factors from "2, 3, or 5".
(scale-stream S 2) (merge (scale-stream S 3) (scale-stream S 5))
- 57
- based on "shifted by one place: ..."
(index starting from 0) total addition: 0,0,1,2,... since all the former results are stored in
itself. -
without using the optimization provided by the memo-proc procedure In a nutshell, each item will be recalculated. So each item needs addition: 0,0,1,2 with
$a_{n+2}=a_{n+1}+a_{n}+1$ , so$a_{n}+1$ is like fibonacci sequence with 1,1,.... So $a_{n}=F_{n+1}-1$ So$\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_{i}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} F_{i}-n=F_{n+2}-1-n$ , so exponential. - same as wiki adams "max(0, n-1)".
fib(n) means item n, needing
$a_{n}=F_{n+1}-1=fib(n+1)-1$ . -
Our call-by-need stream optimization effectively constructs such a table automatically, storing values in the previously forced parts of the stream. This is just how
- based on "shifted by one place: ..."
(index starting from 0) total addition: 0,0,1,2,... since all the former results are stored in
- 58
- this is just
with the first item being the number before the decimal point.- same as repo.
- this is just
- 59
In Section 2.5.3 we saw how to implement a polynomial arithmetic system representing polynomials as lists of terms. Here we doesn't store order (see
(add-terms L1 L2)
) since that is implied as consecutive. -
In a similar way, we can work with power series just reuse the poly lib.
: just based onintegers
except for the constant term since
$\int e^x dx=e^x+C$ - b trivial
- wiki (see meteorgan's which is right IMHO)
(stream-map / ones integers)
can be(stream-map (lambda (num) (/ 1 num)) integers)
- repo
- a. elegant by dropping 1.
- b. same
- 60
(* (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2))
(mul-series s1 (stream-cdr s2))
(scale-stream (stream-cdr s1) (stream-car s2))
- almost same as meteorgan's but swap s1 and s2.
- 61 trivial by the formula.
- see wiki and repo to notice using one internal definition to ensure memorization.
- 62
provided that the denominator series begins with a nonzero constant term. to ensure
exist.- if zero, then we make extract factor
$1/x^k$ , then the rest is same.
- if zero, then we make extract factor
Num*(1/(scale Den 1/C))
- see wiki meteorgan's, not to forget factor back.
- repo is same as wiki cyzx's.
- 63
- See LisScheSic's comment in http://community.schemewiki.org/?sicp-ex-3.55.
- No.
- same as leafac's.
- 64
- Let
(sqrt-stream x)
and(stream-cdr t)
, trivial by comparing(stream-car t)
and(stream-car next)
, then recursively callstream-limit
if not meeting the requirement.- same basic ideas as wiki meteorgan's, i.e. repo.
- Let
- 65 trivial by using
and then use that foreuler-transform
and thenaccelerated-sequence
How rapidly do these sequences converge? just count... (same as repo)
- see wiki Sphinxsky's.
- 66
0 1 3 5 7 2 4 (here "2 4 6" pattern is just duplicate of "0 1 2", then recursion...) 6
- this is about maths and the appropriate ordering depends on what elements we want to see earlier, so I skipped.
- 67 add one
by(stream-map (lambda (x) (list (stream-car s) x)) (stream-cdr t))
(let this bebottom-right
) ->(interleave (stream-map (lambda (x) (list x (stream-car t))) (stream-cdr s)) bottom-right)
which is same as repo.- wiki 3pmtea's is better
- 68
- IMHO this is right since no items are dropped.
- 69
- 70
We will require ... IMHO this is not necessary.
trivial by substituting<
and modifying>
appropriately. - based on footnote 69,
we can assume
(list (stream-car s) (stream-car t))
must be the 1st, so changinginterleave
is enough.- Then
a. trivial by defining
. b. since we are combining 3 sub-streams/elem,filter
at last.- b is wrong.
see wiki
for the inputs first.
- b is wrong.
see wiki
- Then
a. trivial by defining
- wiki x3v's: here same weight doesn't mean the same pair, so no dropping. (same as repo)
- 71
then search the stream for two consecu-tive pairs with the same weight trivial by using iter which adds one pair when necessary.
- same as meteorgan's. TODO test based on "two consecu-tive" elements in the stream is also used in one former exercise.
- repo is based on
with zero mark.
- 72
- same basic ideas as 3.71.
- 73
- 74 trivial
(cons-stream 0 sense-data)
(same as meteorgan's and repo) - 75
- 76
the extractor should not have to be changed if Alyssa finds a better way to condition her input signal i.e. extractor ->
, "condition her input signal" -> average? -
: trivial by(stream-map average s (cons-stream last-value s))
: just letinput-stream
be(smooth input-stream)
- wiki use the same
but usemake-zero-crossings
in Exercise 3.74.
- wiki use the same
- 77 trivial by using
(same as repo and wiki) - 78
- 79 just as the book to use
(stream-map f dy y)
(see mg's which is right. Same as repo and meteorgan's).-
didn't solve the "Fokker-Planck equation on computational graphs" This is not said in its org "Cool. As long as
fis implemented in terms of streams, it works.".
- 80
- 81
- if based on Exercise 3.6, then we just call
(rand 'generate)
or((rand 'reset) 1)
.- see wiki which allows setting the argument for
- see wiki which allows setting the argument for
- if based on Exercise 3.6, then we just call
- 82
Here we only need to set
, i.e.stream-map (lamdbda (x) (experiment)) ones
can be any infinite stream. If usingrandom-update
, IMHO we still needrandom
.- same as wiki meteorgan's but using
instead ofcons
- same as wiki meteorgan's but using
- 1 use
- see wiki. But I will just let
omitted by putting that value incons
with only(let ((first (eval (first-operand exps) env)))
, i.e. krubar's.
- see wiki. But I will just let
- 2
- a. trivial since mismatch as procedure for some special forms.
- b.
(define (application? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'call))
then change foroperator
... - same as wiki.
- 3
up tocond?
useget 'eval (proc exp)
where proc iscar
- 4
- see section 1.1 "The interpreter evaluates the expressions".
- "if there are no expressions" is not said there.
- Compared with https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/stable/mit-scheme-ref/Conditionals.html#index-and
is same. Foror
If all expressions evaluate to false values, the value of the last expression is returned. implies returning #f since that is the only case for false. The conditional expressions count only #f as false.
- see section 1.1 "The interpreter evaluates the expressions".
- 5
- 6
- use
to extractvar1~n
. Thenmake-lambda
. - see wiki Hertz's
isbettercorrect, i.e. repo.
- use
- 7
- "a pointer to the environment in which the procedure was created."
so nested
can access the parent lambda formal parameter bindings. so "sufficient".- same as repo.
- use
(fold-right (lambda (x res) (cons 'let (cons x res))) body bindings)
similar tomake-lambda
.- The above is wrong. my comments are hinted by 3pmtea's test.
my 1st comment is same as repo.
- "a pointer to the environment in which the procedure was created."
so nested
- 8
name collision problem is hinted by wiki.
- see
in chapter 1. - this needs to change
...- also see this detailed answer
x x
means application (also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus#Notation)-
Applications are assumed to be left associative: M N P may be written instead of ((M N) P). so Lambda_calculus_Y_combinator
r r (n−1)
means((r r) (n−1))
, i.e.((fact-gen fact-gen) (sub1 n))
- also see this detailed answer
- see
all the former 4.x exercises are not related with iteration, so no need to check for better solutions for them. - link1 from https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57699637#57699637
- H combinator
so based on this IGNORE: -> we have λz.W ((BC) z) ->BC
will be λy.λz.(λx.λy.λz.x z y) (y z) ->((BC) z)
λz.(λx.λy.λz.x z y) (z z) ->W ((BC) z)
λy.(λz.(λx.λy.λz.x z y) (z z)) y y i.e. λy.((λx.λy.λz.x z y) (y y)) y i.e. λy.((λx.λy.λz.x z y) (y y)) yBW
: λy.λz.W (y z)BC
: λy1.λz1.C (y1 z1)W
: λx2.λy2.x2 y2 y2C
: λx3.λy3.λz3.x3 z3 y3BW(BC)
: λz.W ((BC) z) -> λz.W (λz1.C (z z1)) -> λz.W T0 -> λz.λy2.T0 y2 y2 -> λz.λy2.((C (z y2)) y2) -> λz.λy2.λz3.(z y2) z3 y2 TODO this is not same as link1 definition.- checking consistency with link1
- SKI is consistent
B = S(KS)K
: λx.λy.λz.x z (y z) -> λz.(KS) z (K z) -> λz.(λy0.S) z (K z) -> λz.(S (K z)) -> λz.(S (λy1.z)) -> λz.λy2.λz2.(λy1.z) z2 (y2 z2) -> λz.λy2.λz2.z (y2 z2) consistent- esolangs version
Derivations to prove these (follow them by eta conversions): see eta conversions i.e. B->λx.λy.λz.B x y z.
S (K S) K x y z = K S x (K x) y z = S (K x) y z = K x z (y z) = x (y z) = B x y z;
the 1st = simplifiesS (K S) K x
, i.e.H x
which is allowed due to nested λ.- following the same method to try deriving
to proveHxy = x(yy)
- reference S f g x = f x (g x); x (y z) = B x y z; x y y = W x y; x z y = C x y z; TODO BW(BC) x y=W((BC) x) y=((BC) x) y y=BCxyy=C(x y) y=λz.(x y) z y lacking one variable. But CBUgx=BgUx=g(U x)...
- esolangs version
- See link1
Hgx = g(xx) = BgUx = CBUgx
, so H isCBU
: x (y z) -> g (U x) -> g(xx)CBUg
: x z y -> BgU
- H combinator
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/78586373/21294350 from the above chat
without appealing to their equivalent lambda expressions at all. due to eta conversions as the above esolangs shows.
- H' is chosen instead of
due toS
structure. S(Kg)(S(SSK)(Kg))x
H' itself is not recursive since
H'gx = g(x gx )
where the right part doesn't useH'
.- similar for
Y' and X, which, both, are non-recursive
- similar for
TODO jump-starting?-
Using some speculation better to see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKI_combinator_calculus#Self-application_and_recursion.
Yg = Hg(Hg)
Hg(Hg)=g(Hg(Hg))=g(Yg).- So 2. is by H definition.
- In a summary, for one arbitray
Hanything = g(hanything)
we just to choose appropriate arguments to make the patternYg=g(Yg)
- https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/258659/discussion-between-an5drama-and-will-ness
- https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57699969#57699969 "static" means no mutation. "lexical scoping" see sicp_notes so static implies "redefining global" is not recommended while lexical implies it is better to use local variables.
- see
- 9
- https://www.willdonnelly.net/blog/2008-09-04-scheme-syntax-rules/ doesn't show how
works at all. - see https://stackoverflow.com/q/79098453/21294350
They are paired up properly maybe done by
(extend-environment ⟨variables⟩ ⟨ values⟩ ⟨base-env ⟩)
in section 4.1. - also see https://stackoverflow.com/q/131433/21294350
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150321052219/http://schemecookbook.org/Cookbook/GettingStartedMacros
- Only Dybvig, https://web.archive.org/web/20150316032601/http://library.readscheme.org/page3.html and the last are valid.
- https://web.archive.org/web/20090317073256/http://docs.plt-scheme.org/guide/syntax-case.html i.e. current Racket.
- helpful links
- https://www.greghendershott.com/fear-of-macros/Transform_.html#%28part._.What_is_a_syntax_transformer_%29
shows definition same as
in guile doc. - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/131433/sources-for-learning-about-scheme-macros-define-syntax-and-syntax-rules#comment137193921_133356 https://github.com/mnieper/scheme-macros is more helpful for newbie. like https://github.com/mnieper/scheme-macros?tab=readme-ov-file#incrementing-a-variable says well about hygiene.
- https://www.greghendershott.com/fear-of-macros/Transform_.html#%28part._.What_is_a_syntax_transformer_%29
shows definition same as
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150321052219/http://schemecookbook.org/Cookbook/GettingStartedMacros
- I don't know why I didn't find this pdf when I first read the above QA comment. Maybe I haven't noticed that.
- Also see this email https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2010-03/msg00052.html related with guile and that guide by Shawn.
- https://www.willdonnelly.net/blog/2008-09-04-scheme-syntax-rules/ doesn't show how
- 10
- IMHO this is already done in former exercises like Exercise 4.5.
- wiki demo of postfix is also fine.
- 11
I didn't find this is related with footnote 14.add-binding-to-frame!
as it only redefines the binding of the procedure-local variable frame same as LisScheSic's "this won't work..." (I didn't view all comments when writing that).
- 12
- trivial due to
- trivial due to
- 13
For example, should we remove only the binding in the first frame of the environment? Complete the specification and justify any choices you make.
IMHO to have more control on the frame and same asdefine-variable!
which only adds to "the first frame of the environment", we should "remove only the binding in the first frame of the environment".(eval exp env)
will use(lookup-variable-value exp env)
, so to actually remove "the binding", we need to checkenclosing-environment
.- so just modify
by changing(set-car! vals val)
to(remove-binding-from-frame! var val (first-frame env))
which does(set-car! frame (delq var (car frame))) ...
It is allowed, but not required, to alter the cons cells in its argument list to construct the result. so
may not modify in place as MIT/GNU Scheme does.
- so just modify
- wiki
- we also need to define the syntax of "special form make-unbound!".
- 14
- 15
whether p halts on a for any procedure p and object a
- if halts, then will
which implies(try try)
will not halt. Similar contradiction for not halt.- same as wiki meteorgan's.
- similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem#Proof_concept which is also refereed to in DMIA notes and same as DMIA 3.1.6 proof where
here. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem#Sketch_of_rigorous_proof (TODO it seems that I have read this proof when learning mcs/DMIA but I can't find that)
but the computable function halts does not directly take a subroutine as an argument; instead it takes the source code of a program. i.e. footnote.
- kw
Moreover, the definition of g is self-referential. A rigorous proof addresses these issues. not producing a defined result (for example, by looping forever),
but the computable function halts does not directly take a subroutine as an argument; instead it takes the source code of a program. i.e. body and parameter implied by
. -
The verification that g is computable relies on the following constructs (or their equivalents): similar to the book "Figure 4.2" except for not explicitly showing "duplication of values".
The following pseudocode for e illustrates a straightforward way to compute g: just implement
.- Compared with here. f:halts? i:p ==0:true return 0:'halted so they are same.
In either case, f cannot be the same function as h. Because f was an arbitrary total computable function with two arguments, all such functions must differ from h. here we first define
to return 1 when halt, so we then definef...== 0
part ine
. -
The contradiction comes from the fact that there is some column e of the array corresponding to g itself.
- IMHO this just means
is one unary func which can emulate all unary funcs includingg
by "Turing-complete". ~~ i.e.g(e)
can't be in that array same as~~Butg(i)=0
is different from construction ins
can't be one ofs_n
, so no direct contradiction. This is also shown by the following text which has no relation with column/row. - see
for the relation with "Cantor's diagonal argument".
- IMHO this just means
this reasoning still applies even if halts? can gain access to the procedure's text and its environment this is just how Scheme manipulates lambda procedure in environment model.
- 16
- a. just check
(car vals)
. (same as wiki) - b. so
->(eval (definition-value exp) env)
->(lambda-body exp)
. So just wrap(lambda-body exp)
which will then evaluated byeval-sequence
.- So follow
structure by changingeval
to some test.
- So follow
- c.
Which place is better? IMHO both are fine. The former does transformation when construction while the latter does when usage just as section 2.1 does our rational-number implementation does not reduce rational numbers to lowest terms. We can remedy this by changing make-rat. an alternate way to address the problem of reducing rational numbers to lowest terms is to perform the reduction whenever we access the parts of a rational number, rather than when we construct it. How to choose. If in our typical use of rational numbers we access the numerators and denominators of the same rational numbers many times, it would be preferable to compute the gcd when the rational numbers are constructed. If not, we may be better off waiting until access time to compute the gcd. IMHO the former case is more frequent.
- wiki
make-procedure is better because we can easily explore other transformations e.g. for
or using one generaltransformation
- a. just check
- 17
comparing how this will be structured when definitions are interpreted sequentially with how it will be structured if definitions are scanned out as described.
- original
E1: when applied with one
seq. Then addu, v
bindings. - transformed
E1: "when applied with one
seq." E11 in E1: when applied with'*unassigned*
... Thenset!
special form to change 2 bindings - same as wiki.
- original
E1: when applied with one
Explain why this difference in environment structure can never make a difference in the behavior of a correct program. i.e. not "badly formed" programs, i.e. keep internal definitions come first and do not use each other while the definitions are being evaluated "do not use each other" so original will work.
- "internal definitions come first" so when the above is finished.
has the same environment effect.- same as wiki pvk's "It's pretty clear that ...".
- "internal definitions come first" so when the above is finished.
- wiki
might allow the body to access variables not yet defined in the original code. i.e.
to change some binding. - See @TODO for what I was wrong here.
- 18
- Not since
is unknown. - Fine since
is known. - same as wiki meteorgan's.
- Not since
- 19
- As footnote says, Alyssa's is right for the book implementation while Eva's is right academically. Also see "But actually MIT/GNU Scheme".
- see wiki
if we had to work with a circular dependency (i.e.
depends ona
depends onb
).- Same as repo "If
don't reference each other, rearrange the code will solve the problem otherwise throw an error.".
- Same as repo "If
- 20
so it is not surprising that the variables it binds are bound simultaneously and have the same scope as each other. "the same scope" i.e. "has the exprs as its region." "are bound simultaneously" is implied by
application (just see the book "would be transformed into"). - a.
as shown in the text above i.e. 4.16
- almost same as "Consider a procedure with internal definitions, such as", then "would be transformed into", so just 4.16.
- As wiki meteorgan's shows, this is simpler than 4.16 since we don't need to traverse to get all
s.- This is same as what MIT_Scheme_Reference says except for "unspecified order".
The variables are bound to fresh locations holding unassigned values, the inits are evaluated in the extended environment (in some unspecified order), each variable is assigned to the result of the corresponding init
- This is same as what MIT_Scheme_Reference says except for "unspecified order".
- b.
- letrec: E1: x->5 E11: 'unassigned...
- let:
E1 same
E11: even?->lambda...
Thenso(even? 5)
etc will be evaluatedlambda...
is created in E1 while the former is in E11. Then whenlambda...
is applied it can only search E1 but it doesn't have the binding forodd?
.- see wiki leafac's for the more detailed examples.
in which the bindings of the lambda itself are not in place.
- see wiki leafac's for the more detailed examples.
- As https://mitp-content-server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/books_pres_0/6515/sicp.zip/full-text/book/book-Z-H-21.html#%_sec_3.2 shows the key problem is where we
definecreate the lambda value which decides what bindings we can use when applying that lambda.
- 21
- a. We can do similar to Lambda_calculus_Y_combinator "Given n = 4, for example, this gives:"... Fib also see https://gist.github.com/z5h/238891 from https://stackoverflow.com/a/7721871/21294350.
- see repo for 2 versions for a.
- 22
- 23
What work will the execution procedure produced by Alyssa's program do? just
(lambda (env) ((car procs) env))
. What about the execution procedure produced by the program in the text above?first-proc
. So same -
How do the two versions compare for a sequence with two expressions? exercise:
(lambda (env) (proc-1 env) (proc-2 env))
book:(loop (sequentially first-proc (car rest-procs)) ...)
->(lambda (env) (proc1 env) (proc2 env))
(more longer arg list case: see the comment inanalyze-lib.scm
) IMHO still same.- see wiki
exercise should always be
(lambda (env) (execute-sequence procs env))
-(runtime)>(lambda (env) ((car procs) env) (execute-sequence (cdr procs) env))
- see wiki
exercise should always be
In effect, although the individual expressions in the sequence have been analyzed, the sequence itself has not been. IMHO
(eval-sequence exps env)
just analyze implicitly by iter. So no analyze for "sequence itself"...- Wrong
See wiki meteorgan's
In Alyssa's analyze-sequence, execute-sequence is running in runtime. So the book one has no recursive calls when executing that seq. i.e. does more of the work of evaluating a sequence at analysis time rather than having the calls to the individual execution procedures built in ... the sequence itself has not been. "recursive calls" in
is already done in bookanalyze
.- All in all,
is unexpectedly introduced into the latter eval process while the book only has proc1~n.
- All in all,
- Wrong
See wiki meteorgan's
- 24
- repo doesn't compare but just shows each part time used by analyze and eval.
- 25
What happens if we aempt to evaluate (factorial 5)? keep
expandingevaluating(* n (factorial (- n 1)))
in each recursive call... -
Will our definitions work in a normal-order language? -> if (primitive) then will stop when base.
- same as meteorgan's.
- 26
- Alyssa's is just the complement of and in favor of Ben's
Fill in the details on both ... Ben: just as the derived expression of if.
not a procedure that could be used in conjunction Actually we can be transform that to procedure with something similar to thunk.
it might be useful to have unless available as a procedure debug?
- wrong
: how to getapply
being nested?
- 27
- Here
has the original behavior. 2(id (id 10))
(i.e. (id 10)) ->x
10 10 2- wrong
- also see repo based on
- Here
- 28
- just use
in 27 withx
as one lambda func. Then(w foo)
needs forcingw
.- meteorgan's is also fine based on delayed arg same as the above. (repo similar)
- just use
- 29
- 100, 1, due to memoization
- hinted by the example,
(square (fib 100))
from section 2.2)
- 30
Since the value of an expression in a sequence other than the last one is not used so "the last one" may be forced later, so not necessarily force that in seq.
- a.
returns "an unspecified value", so maybe thunk?-
which gives an important example of a sequence with side effects: Explain why Ben is right about the behavior of for-each. Hinted by b., since here "side effects" are primitives, so automatically force.
- repo shows one full trace although for comparison checking
is enough.
- b.
- p1:
- original: Here
will force x, then x will be bound to'(1 2)
. - Cy's: same as p2 but without the
wrapper, again(actual-value (set! x (cons x '(2))) ...)
- original: Here
- p2:
- original: here
thunk won't be forced. Sox
is just the input thunk. - Cy's:
(eval 'e ...)
-> e-thunk -(force-it
)>(actual-value (set! x (cons x '(2))) ...)
just as p1 to eval(set! x (cons x '(2)))
and then force it (the latter has no effects at all). so'(1 2)
- original: here
- p1:
- c.
since just adds one
which will only have effects for thunk but not for others. But a. has seqif
which at last returns'done
(begin ...)
: just force proc, butproc
returns one "unspecified value" bydisplay
: again(newline)
-> unspecified value.(for-each proc (cdr items))
back to 1.
- same as wiki meteorgan's.
- d.
delay evaluation of procedure arguments until the actual argument values are needed so when assignment can be used is actually unable to predict. Then the safe action is to always not delay that, i.e. Cy's approach. Or use more complex approach to bookkeep one table which pairs assignment with variable and evaluate all related assignments when that variable is evaluated.
- 31
- possible changes implied by the exercise
syntax, eval or apply.- same for wiki and repo (
by searching "definition" and inspectingsee "changed procedures:"), onlyeval
is changed. The basic ideas are same.
- same for wiki and repo (
- possible changes implied by the exercise
- 32
- just car is different
be one computation-heavy element. -
; in lazy evaluators, you don't have to worry about the order of definitions right.
- repo same as wiki meteorgan's.
- just car is different
- 33
- 34
- The
test plus revc's are almost complete. The logic of revc is correct IMHO.
- The
- 35
use iteration to create one procedure
, then(an-element-of (integers-between i j))
- wiki (same as repo) is more elegant by incorporating iteration into
- wiki (same as repo) is more elegant by incorporating iteration into
- 36
Only with
test I found the infinity problem.-
That is, write a procedure for which repeatedly typing try-again would in principle eventually generate all Pythagorean triples.
so we need to add one operation to avoid duplicately generate the same Pythagorean triple.- see book
The amb evaluator that we will develop and work with in this section implements a systematic search as follows: When the evaluator encounters an application of amb, it initially selects the first alternative. This selection may itself lead to a further choice. The evaluator will always initially choose the first alternative at each choice point. If a choice results in a failure, then the evaluator automagically backtracks to the most recent choice point and tries the next alternative. If it runs out of alternatives at any choice point, the evaluator will back up to the previous choice point and resume from there. automagically is just by call stack.
- So for here, take example
For example, there are four distinct integer triangles with hypotenuse 65, since then we have (16,63,65) and then proceed for
by dfs, but that will go to infinite... - wiki
xdavidliu's avoids the above problem since
won't be infinite unnecessarily which actually can be decided uniquely byi,j
- So for here, take example
- see book
- see repo for how racket implements
and then we can manually definetry-again
based on that.
- 37
Consider the number of possibilities trivial since here we won't enumerate unnecessarily for
. same as wiki meteorgan.- see wiki uuu's for more detailed infos.
- 38
- With
, this will be easy. As4_36.rkt
says, Racket lackstry-again
to get more results.
- With
- 39
Does the order of the restrictions in the multiple-dwelling procedure affect the answer? No trivially.
Does it affect the time to find an answer? there are 5^5 cases. Assume one of the following runs first:
(distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith))
: -> 5!, so 5!/5^5=24/625 byfrom fractions import Fraction;import math;Fraction(math.factorial(5),1)/Fraction(5**5,1)
in python.(not (= baker 5))
: just 4/5 the 2nd(not (= fletcher 1))
: *3/4(> miller cooper)
based on cooper still has 5 cases (i.e. not run: (1+...+4)/5^2=2/5 (So we can do this first to be faster)(not (= cooper 1))
)(not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1))
: (5^5-8)/5^5- so
(> miller cooper)
can be before(not (= cooper 1))
then all the rest conditions are not influenced. - meteorgan's is based on the complexity of each operation instaed of how many cases will be checked.
Actually the total time is
. So my method decreases the former while meteorgan's decreases the latter. IMHO the latter matters more due to O(1) compared with O(n^2).
- so
- comment with not strict calculation ("Assume we want to choose the 1st filter:" isn't met at all... Better to see xdavidliu's.)
<<<LisScheSic If we just want to decrease the number of constant time testing (i.e. not {{{distinct?}}}), the computation can be done easier without too much combinatorial calculation. If we think of each test as one filter procedure to avoid doing latter filter procedure when necessary, then we just need to put the filter procedure which filters much more first. The filter efficiency can be calculated much easier. Assume we want to choose the 1st filter: {{{ procedure: output-cases/input-cases distinct? ...: 5!/5^5=24/625 (not (= baker 5)), (not (= cooper 1)): 4/5 ... (> miller cooper): (1+...+4)/5^2=2/5 (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1)): (5^5-8)/5^5 }}} So we can put (> miller cooper) before (not (= cooper 1)). Notice these 2 filters only influence miller and cooper. Then assume we have K cases left after (require (not (= baker 5))), then with the reordering, (require (not (= cooper 1))) efficiency changes (also for (require (> miller cooper))). >>>
- repo only has test for 40 with no detailed explanation for 39,40.
- 40
For example, most of the restrictions depend on only one or two of the person-floor variables, and can thus be imposed before floors have been selected for all the people. So this avoids the unnecessary calculation due to
? It is very inefficient to generate all possible assignments of people to floors and then leave it to backtracking to eliminate them.- see http://community.schemewiki.org/?sicp-ex-4.39 revc's.
- 41
- wiki
- woofy:
- if
(check next who)
succeeds, then dfs. Otherwise try the next subtree in the same level. (place who floor result)
means place who at floor based on the former people locations inresult
.(cons floor result)
: is the reversed order, so(- head who)
where we only checks based on former floors as 4.40 does.- Comparison
- Shaw's is similar but lacks modularity as "ugly" implies.
- "Another ugly solution." is just avoids
by usingset!
- "Another ugly solution." is just avoids
- Shaw's is similar but lacks modularity as "ugly" implies.
- if
- timothy235's just adds
(map list ...)
after getting candidates like those in my4_41.scm
.- Its
returns one stream which is unnecessary for here we must check all cases. for/list
- Its
- woofy:
- wiki
- 42
(and (= v (cadr kv)) (iter (cdr next)))
is more conservative. Actually, those left have been checked by the former iterations.
- 43
See code "correction".
- My original comment
(list barnacle moore hall downing mar): this is implicitly got by method of exclusion based on the other 4 fathers' yacht names (the same trick is also done by davl). We can also replace that with implication in "Gabrielle's father owns the yacht that is named after Dr. Parker's daughter.". That implies Gabrielle's father can't be Dr. Parker. So that implication is done by
(require (eq? parker (cadr (assq gab yacht-names))))
where ifparker=gab
(i.e. parker's daughter is gab) then(eq? gab mar)
must be false.- rest comments
Also see revc's which is based on iterating through daughters instead of fathers with similar basic ideas. Thomas (04-2020)'s uses triples which may be unnecessarily complexer IMHO. SteeleDynamics's doesn't use the nested lets but with the full solutions including "if we are not told that Mary Ann's last name is Moore." that can be got with small modifications.
- rest comments
- My original comment
- 44
- 45
- repo skipped this.
- https://wizardbook.wordpress.com/2011/01/15/exercise-4-45/
The problem is that swindle doesn’t “remember” the value of the top level definition of unparsed when it backtracks to the next value of the amb expression after meeting a failure. i.e. the book evaluator automagically46 backtracks to the most recent choice point
On to the actual exercise. I still have to use (driver-loop) to be able to use try-again but at least I can set up all of the parsing procedures through (interpret …) without having to type them. so not feasible at all since most of time we need
- 46
- 47
wouldn't work if the operands were evaluated in some other since we need
(parse-word prepositions)
etc to consume word before(parse-noun-phrase)
that is needed for the sentence structure.- same as meteorgan's and repo.
left recursion elimination
A => Ax | r this shows infinite recursion for
A => Ax
. IfA => Ax | r
orA => r | Ax
, when r will be never met, then also infinite recursion which is same as wiki Because the second branch of amb expression will call (parse-verb-phrase) again, this will lead to infinite loop. -
to: ... same as this Work due to (we have choices to stop or to go deeper).
- 48
- 49
- 50
- wiki
- meteorgan
is similar tofilter
.(or (= k 0) (null? lst))
is safer to allow(>= k (length lst))
- I checked the context of "delete", "remove" since I uses the internal
- meteorgan
- repo skipped this.
- wiki
- 51 trivial and repo same as wiki.
- 52 trivial and repo same as wiki.
- 53
- if
is found, thenpairs
is that pair, and then(amb)
which causes. At last returnpairs
. If not, then'()
.- wrong.
- if
- 54
(not pred-value), (fail2)
.- see wiki better same as repo.
- 55
(supervisor ?x (Bitdiddle Ben))
(job ?person (accounting . ?job))
(address ?person (Slumerville . ?addr))
- similar to repo and same as wiki.
- 56
(and (supervisor ?x (Bitdiddle Ben)) (address ?x ?addr)) (and (salary (Bitdiddle Ben) ?x) (salary ?person ?z) (lisp-value < ?z ?x) ) (and (supervisor ?x ?y) (not (job ?y (computer . ?rest))) (job ?y ?z) )
- same as repo, wiki.
- 57
- 58
- 59
- a. trivial
- 60
- due to symmetry (i.e. swap
?person-1 ?person-2
the rule body still holds).
- due to symmetry (i.e. swap
- 61
- notice here it assumes ?x is at the left of ?y, and doesn't check nestedly.
- 62
- 63
- trivial by and
- 64
(outranked-by ?middle-manager ?boss)
has no var bindings available. So it will keep calling itself.
- 65
- trivial by definition since
Bitdiddle Ben
is the supervisor of 3 people etc.
- trivial by definition since
- 66
- just
(and (wheel ?who) (salary ?who ?amount))
will duplicately accumulates something. -
Outline a method he can use to salvage the situation. Since frame is manipulated independently, we need to filter duplicate
s in evaluator. Then do as Ben's original thoughts.- same as repo.
- just
- 67
The general idea is that the system should maintain some sort of history of its current chain of deductions and should not begin processing a query that it is already working on. just DFS as Exercise 3.18 does.
(After you study the details of the query-system implementation in section 4.4.4, you may want to modify the system to include your loop detector.) Emm... As said before, just DFS...
- TODO see wiki user-unknown's.
Describe what kind of information (patterns and frames) is included in this history, and how the check should be made. both.
- check: replace patterns with possible values. Then compare the current transformed pattern with the former ones. If using the same rule and same number of var's with the same locations, then loop.
(outranked-by ?n_middle-manager ?k_boss)
(married ?y-1 Mickey)
->(married ?Mickey ?x-2)
loops with(married Mickey ?who)
- wiki
- "rule name" and "unbouned" just implies pattern.
- same as repo.
- check: replace patterns with possible values. Then compare the current transformed pattern with the former ones. If using the same rule and same number of var's with the same locations, then loop.
- 68
- 69
- 70
- As hint says, to avoid constructing the infinite stream unexpectedly.
- wiki
so THE-ASSERTIONS will not be evaluated
- This is different from the sub-section "Infinite loops" where loop is caused by recursive calls while here is due to infinite assertion stream.
- Here due to delay,
has the same effects asdefine
where(stream-cdr ones)
will go into the infinite loop. - Also see repo which means same with one detailed example.
- wiki
- As hint says, to avoid constructing the infinite stream unexpectedly.
- 71
This postpones looping in some cases Maybe
(apply-rules query-pattern frame)
-> the 1st(apply-a-rule rule pattern frame)
which also usesdisjoin
)>(outranked-by ?middle-manager ?boss)
should be different from?staff-person
, otherwise?staff-person
will also be in the infinite loop.). But why infinite loop here since we doesn't call the same thing.- As wiki says, the key is "postpone", which doesn't mean "avoid".
- Then how the example works is just as the book says.
Indeed, whether the system will find the simple answer (married Minnie Mickey) before it goes into the loop depends on implementation details concerning the order in which the system checks the items in the data base.
i.e. whether `` first or not.See exercise_codes/SICP/4/demo/logic-programming/infinite-loop.scm
- Then how the example works is just as the book says.
- As wiki says, the key is "postpone", which doesn't mean "avoid".
- 72
- By hint, i.e. there are some infinite results.
Same as 71, if there are one frame which shows the same infinite results, then it is nonsense to keep using that (also see repo for the detailed example).
- as wiki says
The reason is same to why we use interleave in 3.5.3 i.e. we need to devise an order of combination that ensures that every element will eventually be reached
- as wiki says
- By hint, i.e. there are some infinite results.
Same as 71, if there are one frame which shows the same infinite results, then it is nonsense to keep using that (also see repo for the detailed example).
- 73
- Same as
but for frame-stream instead of disjunction. maybe infiniteframe-stream
- Same as
- 74
- a.
stream-car, (lambda (stream) (not (stream-null? stream)))
- b.
implicitly doesstream-map
delay forinterleave-delayed
is implicitly included instream-map
which usescons-stream
.- After all,
(flatten-stream stream)
->(interleave-delayed (stream-car stream) ...)
returns(cons-stream (stream-car (stream-car stream)) ...)
... (if stream has at least 2 non-null elements) is(interleave-delayed (flatten-stream (stream-cdr stream)) the-empty-stream)
which based on induction is(interleave-delayed (cons-stream (stream-caadr stream) ...2) the-empty-stream)
, i.e.(cons-stream (stream-caadr stream) ...2)
. ...2 means by induction(interleave-delayed (flatten-stream (stream-cddr stream)) the-empty-stream)
. So it returns(cons-stream (stream-caar stream) (stream-caadr stream) ...)
which is same as here.
- After all,
- a.
- 75 repo is same as wiki.
- 76
- 77
- wrong comment
<<<LisScheSic Actually, not may be located ''deeply'' in the compound query. As implies, only compound query can have filter query inside it, so maybe not correctly ordered. So we only need to consider one more type of clause in normalize. {{{scheme (define (normalize clauses) (let ((filters (filter filter? clauses)) (compounds (filter compound? clauses)) (rest (filter (lambda (x) (and (not (filter? x)) (not (compound? x)))) clauses))) (append rest compounds filters))) }}} --- As baby says, this works but is inefficient. >>>
- repo
- It uses
to check the possible vars to be matched later. So it won't wait until all vars can be bound but just the maximum possible. (filter-already-bound? exp frame-stream)
is same as SHIMADA's to work for the entire frame-stream.- It stores promise in one separate frame instead of appending as mine does.
- It tries force when extended, which seems too aggressive since this may
fail too many timeshave too many redundant calls forframe-passed-filter?
although fine-grained.
- It uses
- wrong comment
- 78
- For wiki, only poly's and revc's are similar to me.
woofy's/SHIMADA's ideas are straightforward based on amb/stream-one-by-one. I won't dig into them.
cannot deal with infinite outputs or output the answers in an interleaving style solved.
- repo
- skipped due to being similar to wiki woofy's.
- Emm... My implementations may be not expected by the book author. Anyway the basic ideas are same as what woofy says in wiki.
I am stuck at this exercise for a long time, maybe it is better
- For wiki, only poly's and revc's are similar to me.
woofy's/SHIMADA's ideas are straightforward based on amb/stream-one-by-one. I won't dig into them.
- 79
Can you relate any of this to the problem of making deductions in a context (e.g., ``If I supposed that P were true, then I would be able to deduce A and B.'') as a method of problem solving? (This problem is open-ended. A good answer is probably worth a Ph.D.)
IMHO this is more related withi.e. `(rule (P ...) (and (A ...) (B ...)))` although it means A && B->P, but it also holds in the reverse direction.if
...- "block-structured" is just nested definition which is to be used for the final result.
- repo skipped this.
- IMHO this is harder than 4.77 although lockywolf doesn't think that way. It changes data structure for 4.77 while I doesn't.
- maybe related with annotated syntax objects
- wiki
- TODO I don't know what SophiaG means by "never evaluated".
- Also see SDF_notes.md "... SICP 4.79 ..."
Design a way... See
. IMHO just making alldefine
s before the rest is fine.- The above is not allowed by wiki meteorgan's. This is fine due to not allow reordering. Also see the above. (SOLVED)
- If so, what is the difference from meteorgan's and the original
? See "So the above meteorgan's" in the following. (SOLVED) - Most important, what is "simultaneous scope" at all?
- Based on exercise 4.19, it is just one implementation for footnote 24 restriction where "insisting that internal definitions come first and do not use each other while the definitions are being evaluated" all can be ensured by error signaling for
.- one specific case of violating "internal definitions come first"
(define (even? n) ...) (odd? foo) (define (odd? n) ...)
will be'*unassigned*
when accessed earlier. - one specific case of violating "do not use each other"
See exercise 4.19.
- Here "simultaneous scope" just means all are
just create all local variables that will be in the current environment before evaluating
- one specific case of violating "internal definitions come first"
- repo is same as meteorgan's.
- See exercise 4.19
Eva is in principle correct -- the definitions should be regarded as simultaneous. so "simultaneous scope" means the former value will use the latter value when necessary.
it is better to generate an error in the difficult cases of simultaneous definitions "difficult" due to
is based ona
violating footnote 24.- So the above meteorgan's will "generate an error" due to accessing
while the original won't but saying ";Unbound variable: v".
- So the above meteorgan's will "generate an error" due to accessing
than to produce an incorrect answer (as Ben would have it). But actually MIT/GNU Scheme will output as Ben's (IMHO this is just how environment model works where
(+ a x)
will search frames and find(a 1)
and(+ a b)
just uses the first frame(define a 5)
.) -
- 4.78 Update wiki about (big-shot ?x ?y).