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I learnt SICP as mit_6_006_2005 recommends and then finds 6.5151 course. So my intention is "A strong understanding of programming".

  • I won't read many reference papers except when they are specifically about programming.
  • I don't have time to test all possible types of inputs. I will only give some types of inputs which IMHO are all possible types without the review from others. Any review of this repo is appreciated.
  • I skipped digging into
    • the complexity of internal functions like remainder since by modularity this is unnecessary.
    • the details of testing.scm since it is not covered in the book.
    • mathematical formulae unknown when reading SDF since it is off-topic.
    • make-unit-conversion implementation since it uses functions not covered when introducing this function.
      • similar for register-predicate!.
  • contract meaning. See SICP

    together with specified conditions that these procedures must fulfill in order to be a valid representation or from or 6.001 lec11 Stack Contract

  • Sometimes I use yellow mark to show I have read some footnotes.
  • SDF_original_book search is a bit weird. Better to search codes which will be successful most of time (searching paragraph contents may fail).
    • Emm... codes may fail at some time.
  • CPH means chris-hanson

Won't dig into

  • I am to learn programming general strategies so won't dig into
    1. maths proof etc
    2. ingenious algorithm or program structure etc (should be taught in CRLS etc).


  • cph: Competitive Programming Helper

misc clipboard

  • SDF_exercises TODO
  • code_base TODO
    • check by grep TODO -r . | grep -v SDF_exercises | grep -v ";;;\|IGNORE"
  • regex search sdf/**/*.scm

@How to learn

  • I forgot how I read book contents in chapter 1~3 (maybe just read the 1st sentence in each paragraph if that is sufficient to get the main ideas). From chapter 4, I will read codes first and then read
    1. code term contexts since IMHO SDF codes are complexer than SICP although this may not hold for chapter 4.
    2. the 1st sentence in each paragraph
    3. contents enclosed by square brackets

@%Check p14, 23~27 (chapter 1 underlined words by searching "section"/"chapter" as what I did when learning SICP) after reading each chapter.

Here chapter 1 is like one introduction chapter not teaching the detailed programming techniques.

  • chapter 2, 3 checked.

@%Check the preface of each chapter and section same as SICP.

I probably only checked the preface before something like "Pattern constants" instead of 4.3.1

  • done up to section 4.4 included (not including chapter 4).

Chapters to check

"chapter, section" contexts

  • Updated up to section 3.6 included.
  • From chapter 4, also check the "page, exercise" context. I forgot whether I checked exercise contexts in chapter 1~3.

chapter 2

  • > In the implementation of section 2.4.1, we used the terms jumping and capturing interchangeably.

chapter 3

  • > but they have limitations, which we will discuss in section 3.1.5.
  • > In section 3.2 we will see how to add new kinds of arithmetic incrementally, without having to decide where they go in a hierarchy, and without having to change the existing parts that already work. Since all are dispatched by "generic procedure" if using add-to-generic-arithmetic!.
  • > And functional differentiation can be viewed as a generic extension of arithmetic to a compound data type (see section 3.3). i.e. differential type.
    • See this
      • it refers to a mapping from a space X ${\displaystyle X}$ into the field of real or complex numbers i.e. multi variable calculus.

      • it is synonymous with a higher-order function see extract-dx-function.

  • > We will extend to n-ary functions in section 3.3.2
  • > For an alternative strategy, see exercise 3.8 on page 113.
  • > The details will be explained in section 3.3.3. > special addition and multiplication procedures d:+ and d:* for differential objects, to be explained in section 3.3.3. > We will explain this technical detail and fix it in section 3.3.3, > It will be fully explained in section 3.3.3.
  • > We will return to the problem of explicit tagging in section 3.5 See tagging-strategy:always where tag only has data simple-tag-shared got by %make-tag-shared for make-simple-tag.
  • > We will see an example of this in the clock handler of the adventure game in section 3.5.4. IMHO it is more appropriate to check something like enter-place! since avatar? <= person?.

@%chapter 4

exercise checked before section 4.5, page checked before section 4.5, section checked before p272 ("chapter" checking is finished).

  • We will see this technique again in chapter 4, where we use it to compile combinations of pattern-matching procedures from patterns.

  • > (We will explore algebraic simplification in section 4.2.)
  • > In section 4.2 we will demonstrate this in a term-rewriting system for elementary algebra.
  • unless, somehow, x=(+ x y).1 We will learn about that sort of situation when we study unification matching in section 4.4

  • > We will learn how a pattern is compiled into a match procedure in section 4.3;
  • This will be needed in the code supporting section 4.5.

  • In this chapter we have seen how to build a term-rewriting system.

  • This code is more complex than one might expect, because we will extend the variable syntax in section 4.5 and some of the exercises.

  • This code is more complex than one might expect, because we will extend the variable syntax in section 4.5 and some of the exercises.

  • In section 4.4.4, when we add code to experiment with segment variables in the patterns, we will be able to extract multiple matches by returning #f from succeed, indicating that the result was not the one wanted

  • This will have consequences that we will see in section 4.5.4.

  • This pattern shares several characteristics with those we've looked at in previous sections

chapter 5

  • In chapter 5 we will transcend this embedding strategy, using the powerful idea of metalinguistic abstraction.

chapter 6

  • This is a kind of layering strategy, which we will expand upon in chapter 6.

chapter 7

  • We will examine a very nice example of this optimization in chapter 7 in chapter 1 footnote 17.

func description

code base

  • n:...
  • (default-object) see default-object?
    • maybe just returns #t for default-object? implied by (remove default-object? ...).

      The procedure default-object produces an object that is different from any possible constant. The procedure default-object? identifies that value.

scheme internal

  • make-parameter see and common/predicate-counter.scm
  • fresh-line

    If port is such a port, this procedure writes an end-of-line to the port only if the port is not already at the beginning of a line. If port is not such a port, this procedure is identical to newline. newline -> "Writes an end of line to textual output port."

  • define-record-type <property> Here it may be just used when debugging due to "bound". <type name> is bound to a representation of the record type itself.

  • checked
    • lset-adjoin


@SDF code base

  • define-load-spec seems to be only one instruction but does nothing.

    The instructions for which files to load

  • guarantee (TODO seemingly defined in code base) search name guarantee) in SDF_exercises/software/sdf/manager/saved-total-index
  • missed-essential-match! is not defined.

not in MIT_Scheme_Reference, saved-total-index and the book

  • #!default
  • bundle?
  • uninterned-symbol? (but works in mere MIT/GNU Scheme.)
    • Also for
      1. symbol>?
      2. make-bundle-predicate
      3. ->environment
      4. object-type
      5. symbol
      6. list-of-type?
      7. list-of-unique-symbols?
      8. unspecific
    • not knowing how to use
      • define-pp-describer
      • (conjoin)
  • (declare (ignore fail)) works but directly (ignore fail) won't. It seems to be in common lisp.

@skipped due to small relations with where it is referred to.

  • package-installer
  • temporarily
    • arithmetic->package
    • combined-arithmetic
    • get-constant in make-arithmetic
  • simple-function in is-generic-handler-applicable?.
  • parse-plist
  • autonomous-agent?

@after reading related chapters

  • generic-procedure
    • equal*? used by tagged-data=.
      • not used by chapter 3.
  • tag
    • simple-abstract-predicate
    • predicate-constructor

TODO after algorithm

TODO after numerical analysis

TODO after OOP like C++

  • choose one of the arguments to be the principal dispatch center

    • It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.” the former may mean "the types of all of the arguments" while the latter may mean sometimes "thing being moved" is "the principal dispatch center" while sometimes "the source location" is.

TODO after compiler

  • 4.4.3. exercises. At least 4.14.

ps (It doesn't have solutions for all SDF exercises)



  • discrete logarithm problem It only considers the integer solution.

  • Notice "y=m*P^T(mod p)" is different from the original Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
  • IMHO for m=(y/x^S)(mod p), y and $x^S$ should not take (mod p) to make it work.
  • "leading zeros" may mean "leading ones".


  • I lacks "(d) Test Fermat's Little Theorem:".

ps01 (unfortunately ps01 when 6.945_assignment_solution isn't same as 2024 version.)

  • TODO index-fixnum? implementation which is not documented in MIT_Scheme_Reference.
    (pp index-fixnum?)
    (named-lambda (non-negative-fixnum? a1)
      (index-fixnum? a1))
  • 2.b See Exercise 2.2.


  • To allow use of assign-handler ! do the following : Since we need to rebind original procedures to generic procedures.

    • This makes the default top-level arithmetic it may mean *current-arithmetic* or the above.


  • reader/writer bugs
    • See my notes for former books learnt.
    • csapp3e

      Writers must have exclusive access to the object, but readers may share the object with an unlimited number of other readers. It shows first and second readers-writers problem. In a nutshell, this just decides how the waiting order is based on the arrival order.

      • See exercise 12.19~12.21.
        • Gosh! After the review I found many of my implementations at that time are so weird and also wrong. I took some time to review this (about 6 hours).
    • OSTEP since csapp has already contained 3 types. I won't review it.
  • "video interface" and "distributed game" are beyond the intention of following this course and reading this book. So I won't do these.

project (it only has but not solutions for SDF exercises)


chapter 1

Interestingly this chapter compares the computer system with many other systems like biology and physics, etc. (I only read the footnotes about biology detailedly possibly.)

  • Thus a designer may design a compound function and later choose the family for implementation. The families differ in such characteristics as speed and power dissipation, but not in function. The families are cross-consistent as well as internally consistent in that each function is available in each family, with the same packaging and a consistent nomenclature for description. IMHO it means we should construct multiple alternative primitive implementations.

  • Hox complex
  • To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. See

chapter 2

  • A program that implements this idea is straightforward: See R5RS for why we use apply here.

  • The result of ((iterate n) f) is a new function, of the same type as f. Same domain and codomain.

  • (((iterate 3) square) 5) same as python ((5**2)**2)**2.
  • so it does not have a well-defined numerical arity, and thus it cannot be passed to another combinator that needs its arity. I didn't dig into the arity implementation (hash-table-ref/default arity-table proc #f) since it is related with data structure (i.e. hash table) which should be learnt in CRLS, i.e. procedure-arity.

  • In the mathematical tensor product, f and g are linear functions of their inputs, and h is a trace over some shared indices TODO IMHO it is more related with "direct sum".

  • Note that here we do not need to use restrict-arity because the returned procedure has exactly one argument. The main difference here is that here the func parameter is not variant.

regular expression (Here only give one translator from Scheme r:... to normal regex but not give one interpreter to match regex.)

  • the quotation conventions are baroquen See TODO how is regex related with quotation?

  • the parenthesis characters are treated as self-quoting characters i.e. mere parenthesis

  • See this from this

    :RE#46:B (a{0,1})*b\1 ab (0,2)(1,1) echo "ab" | sed -n "s/\(a\{0,1\}\)*b\1/\1/p" will give the wrong output a since ba doesn't exist in ab.

TODO related with regex syntax (no relation with programming)

  • There is also a special case for a set containing only caret and hyphen

  • most regular expressions are not composable to make larger regular expressions IMHO regex is easy to be nested.

  • protect a pattern beginning with “-” in man grep.


  • (unit:invert inch-to-meter) can be thought as inch/meter. so applying twice make psi->psm.
    • similar for pound-to-newton
    • notice here it applies to those conversions with only / or * at least. But if with something like +, it may not hold. For example, if inch-to-meter is (lambda (inches) (+ inches meters-per-inch)). Then A/B^2 psi will become A/B^2+2*mpi psi instead of A/(B+mpi)^2 psi.
  • broadening its applicability without changing the original program. just based on something like the lib, i.e. units.scm here. wrap it to specialize it for a particular purpose i.e. make-specialized-gas-law-volume and conventional-gas-law-volume.

  • And the unit-specializer procedure knows very little about either. i.e. what gas-law-volume is and what input units are.

  • This is somewhat like a combinator system except that the combinators are generated by the compiler according to a high-level specification. by seeing its code, it is just based on finding necessary "primitive unit conversions" by make-converter and then nested procedure calls in (output-converter ...).


  • First, the aggregated moves may contain jumps for some pieces and ordinary moves for others, in which case only the jumps are legal moves. It should be "for some paths".

  • TODO

    For example, the accumulation of changes (steps in the path) is built into the control structure, as is chaining of a multiple jump. Maybe it means we need to pass paths arg implied by "distribution".

  • We redefine should-be-crowned? and crown-piece to use the piece type, so they behave the same as before, but they are no longer part of the core domain model. we will abstract away the checkers-specific parts and hide many of the details of the domain model. IMHO so "the core domain model" is all defined in game-interpreter.scm. The details are defined in rules. The domain model we will use has three abstract types. The domain model's implementation is fairly complex, providing implementations of pieces, coordinates, and the board. in which the nouns and verbs of the language are directly related to the problem domain The domain model provides a set of primitives that are combined to make the rules, giving us a language for expressing the rules. The rest are defined in board.scm and coords.scm. This is an informal description of a domain model for a class of board games. So without codes, it is just one definition of how we play one board game.


  • TODO
  • why "stalemate" is draw since IMHO here "Black" doesn't have "no legal move" but each move will make "Black" lose. The difference is that here we are not in check (in Checkmate we are already in check) but must be in check after any move. This is what "has no legal move" means.
  • dead position

    both kings are trapped on their respective sides since all black positions at black's 4th row are occupied. the pawns cannot move i.e. "Blocked positions can arise" in wikipedia.


  • using mix-and-match interchangeable parts means combined by > we used the terms jumping and capturing interchangeably. means "a family of" by defines a set of interchangeable incrementers.

    • mix-and-match just means use the appropriate interfaces (i.e. match).
  • TODO
    • How "lexical scoping" is related with "combinators".
  • C that do not have lexically scoped higher-order procedures. "lexically scoped" implies no env propogation different from "Dynamic Scoping" (better see or same) ("calling functions" means ancestor. See "the value returned by f() is not dependent on who is calling it"). > In simpler terms, in dynamic scoping, the compiler first searches the current block and then successively all the calling functions. Under dynamic scoping, a variable is bound to the most recent value assigned to that variable

  • When we are confronted with a system based on parts that do not compose cleanly, such as regular expressions, it is often possible to ameliorate the difficulties by metaprogramming

    • the 1st part is due to regex expr is just one str which needs manual inspection to find its structure, i.e. composition. So "domain-specific intermediate language"

      but it is not so nice as a scripting language for a user to type.

    • TODO how is it related with Metaprogramming since it doesn't read programs?
  • For that purpose we would want to design a clean and more concise syntax for matching strings that can be compiled to a combinator-based intermediate language. maybe str --> intermediate (e.g. regexp-replace) -> regex --(regex matching program)> result (--> means not covered by SDF).

  • Scheme's powerful means of combination and abstraction i.e. some lib func like fold etc. for combination and "higher-order procedures" for abstraction.

self summary

  • It provides a general framework for the construction of a variety of related programs that share the domain of discourse. See the referee system.

  • In this chapter we first introduce systems of combinators, a powerful organizational strategy for the erection of domain-specific language layers. e.g. (reduce compose (lambda (x) x) aggregate-rules) in the referee system.

  • We will demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy by showing how to reformulate the ugly mess of regular expressions for string matching into a pretty combinator-based domain-specific language embedded in Scheme. maybe Using composable parts and combinators to make new parts by combining others

    • TODO it seems only use nested functions withouting using something like compose etc. e.g. r:char-not-from, r:char-from based on bracket and quote-bracketed-contents. r:*, r:+ based on merely r:repeat.
      • exercise 2.7 (see sdf-regex.rkt), 2.8 (see 6.945_assignment_solution), 2.9, 2.10 (see 6.945_assignment_solution) all have no relations with "combinators".
  • We illustrate this with a domain-specific language for making unit-conversion wrappers for procedures i.e. unit:* etc. which redefines *, etc.

chapter 3

  • We first generalize arithmetic to deal with symbolic algebraic expressions, and then to functions See extract-dx-part

comparison with SICP

Here I am mainly based on SICP "Data-Directed Programming" since that is more structural than explicit dispatch and based on data instead of proc dispatching (similar to operation-applicability dispatching in operation-union-dispatch here).

  • 3.1
    • it mainly uses make-arithmetic (* means they are largely different.)
      1. name is only for debugging or arithmetic->package.
      2. bases is related with base-operations which helps defining primitive operations. In SICP install-polynomial-package just uses one generic procedure like add to combine all bases. Here we can do this step by step with add-arithmetics.
      3. domain-predicate is used when functioning as the base of another arithmetic. In SICP this is done by tag. Here it is done by record primitive data type.
        • get-constant is mainly used for get-identity. In SICP it only considers argument >=2 (see Exercise 2.82).
      4. get-operation uses operation-applicability to choose the correct operation procedure and selects the first available operation by operation-union-dispatch. In SICP, it uses hash table to store procedures with type and uses (get ⟨op ⟩ ⟨type ⟩) to find the unique entry.
    • Then it uses add-arithmetics to increment (operation-union may overload if not carefully used, see exercise 3.3). In SICP it just does many install-... since it won't overload due to no type conflicts.


IMHO this is almost duplicate of SICP chapter 2, especially 2.5, by reading the preface.

  • It introduces arithmetic
    1. symbolic-arithmetic-1
    2. combined-arithmetic
    3. pure-function-extender
    4. function-extender
    • vector-extender in exercise 3.2.
    • matrix-extender in exercise 3.6.
  • a well-specified and coherent entity. IMHO "coherent" -> closely related.

  • the use of combinators to build complex structures by combining simpler ones i.e. bases in make-arithmetic or (extend-arithmetic extender base-arithmetic), etc.

  • A program that depends on the exactness of operations on integers may not work correctly for inexact floating-point numbers. TODO IMHO it means we need to check whether we manipulate with "integers" or "floating-point numbers"?

  • Stormer's integrator of order 2 See p102.

3.1.1 A simple ODE integrator

  • what arithmetic operations are used in evolver?
    1. stormer-2: +,*,/,expt, and what is used in F.
    2. stepper: +
    3. make-initial-history: -,*.


Problems with combinators and possible solutions using generic procedure:

  1. add-arithmetics prioritized its arguments, such that their order can matter See constant-union from add-arithmetics

  • sol: See add-generic-arith-constants! which still uses constant-union, so the above problem is not solved. See 3.2.2 Construction depends on order! where add-handler! may overload handlers so "order" matters.
  1. means that it's impossible to augment the codomain arithmetic after the function arithmetic has been constructed. implied in (arithmetic-domain-predicate codomain-arithmetic) in function-extender by extend-arithmetic which calls add-arithmetics.

  • sol: solved by extend-generic-arithmetic! and add-generic-arith-operations! since we delayed func addition until add-generic-arith-operations! and "generic" have no restriction for dispatch.
  1. we might wish to define an arithmetic for functions that return functions. IMHO pure-function-extender has done this by (lambda args (apply-operation ...)). (the above is wrong since codomain-operation doesn't support func type supported by pure-function-extender. So (apply-operation codomain-operation '(func-1 func-2)) will fail.)

  • The key problem may be "self reference" implying nested recursion. See exercise 3.4.
  • sol: same as the above point since generic will always dispatch, ~~after ((* num func-1) arg) -> (* num func-2), ~~ the above codomain-operation must work if inner handler supports that.
  1. TODO

One problem is that the shapes of the parts must be worked out ahead of time ... This is not a problem for a well-understood domain, such as arithmetic IMHO See exercise 3.4, i.e. what types do each func allow decides the order of arithmetics.

  • sol: again all are delayed until add-generic-arith-operations!.
  1. Other problems with combinators are that the behavior of any part of a combinator system must be independent of its context. A powerful source of flexibility that is available to a designer is to build systems that do depend upon their context. IMHO this is due to that they don't need global variables. This is also shown in add-arithmetics.

  • sol: Maybe again due to add-generic-arith-operations! since handler is that context and for outside we just uses generic?


  • The power of extensible generics I only read the context of "generic".


  • The problems we indicated in section 3.1.5 are the result of using the combinator add-arithmetics. See the above.

  • CLOS and tinyCLOS
  • where both the vectors and the components of a vector are manipulated by the same generic procedures. We could not build such a structure using just add-arithmetics introduced earlier. since add-arithmetics is based on base arithmetic. But actually they are all done by operation-union-dispatch which selects the appropriate operation.

  • We also added function arithmetic over numeric arithmetic, so if functions are numerically combined (here by +) their outputs may be combined only if the outputs are numbers. see (apply-operation codomain-operation ...).

  • because the functions are defined over the generic arithmetic: see codomain-operation in function-extender which is generic operation here which can "add new kinds of arithmetic incrementally".

    • call order of (+ ’c cos sin): generic -> get-handler to choose function-extender -> call (cos (+ 3 ’a))
      • then call order of (+ 3 ’a): generic -> symbolic-extender -> return (+ 3 a) by (cons operator args).
      • then call order of (cos (+ 3 a)): almost same as (+ 3 ’a) -> call (+ c (cos (+ 3 a))) -> symbolic-extender ...
      • The key here is "defined over the generic arithmetic" so operation always works but let possible errors thrown in "handler" (Abstraction).
    • We can even use functions that return functions: This is due to (make-generic-arithmetic make-simple-dispatch-store) has one generic-procedure. Then we only change generic-procedure-handler by (add-to-generic-arithmetic! -> add-generic-arith-operations! -> define-generic-procedure-handler) without changing the procedure.

      • notice when calling the generic operation it always work due to any-object?. Then it calls generic-procedure which then calls generic-procedure-dispatch -> get-generic-procedure-handler -> generic-metadata-getter if possible (otherwise generic-metadata-default-getter to throw errors here since default-handler is #f) -> get-handler -> predicates-match? notice here predicates are (operation-applicability operation) of base arithmetic which is probably not any-object?.
      • call order: generic -> function-extender to (+ (lambda (y) (cons 3 y)) (lambda (y) (cons y 3))) -> generic (see SDF_exercises 3_3.scm where + in codomain-operation doesn't support the currently defined func arithmetic) -> again similarly (+ (cons 3 4) (cons 4 3)).


  • which worked in the previous arithmetic, fails because the symbolic arithmetic captures (+ ’c cos sin) to produce a symbolic expression

    • This is a bit like overload in 3_3.scm due to too general any-object? sometimes.
    • See add-handler! which prioritizes the latter added handler based on find in get-handler. so (symbolic? any-object?) is prioritized over (any-object? function?). Here it just have "ambiguity"

      because there is no ambiguity in the choice of rules.

  • TODO

    With this mechanism we are now in a position to evaluate the Stormer integrator with a literal function: ... What does these want to say? just to say: Though each integration step in the basic integrator makes three calls to f, the two steps overlap on two intermediate calls. ?


  • Its relation to an expression derivative is: ... Here $\frac{d}{dx}f(x)$ is "the derivative Df".

  • equation (3.5): it means $f([x,\delta x])=f(x+\delta x)=f(x)+Df(x)\delta x=[f(x),Df(x)\delta x]$
    • So

      we obtain the chain-rule answer we would hope for: where we just substitute

      1. $f$ with $g$
      2. $x$ with $f(x)$
      3. $\delta x$ with $Df(x)\delta x$
    • (3.6) is similar.
  • The handler for exponentiation f (x, y) = x is a bit more see SDF_original_book.

  • Here we are extracting the coefficient of the infinitesimal dx in the result of applying f to the arguments supplied with the ith argument incremented by dx. This is based on $f(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_i+\delta x_i,\ldots,x_n)=f(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_i,\ldots,x_n)+f'_{i}(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_i,\ldots,x_n)\delta x_i$ (In my review of calculus, this should be right by thinking of we move delta in each direction until we get $f(x_0+\delta x_0,x_1+\delta x_1,\ldots,x_i+\delta x_i,\ldots,x_n+\delta x_n)$. I won't verify it since I am learning programming and I have learnt calculus at least 3 times, one in class, one to prepare for one contest and another to prepare for the graduate entrance exam. I am a bit ambiguous about calculus now due to forgetting.)

  • general-derivative just calculates $Dg(args)\cdot \Delta(args)$.
  • If the result of applying a function to a differential object is a function i.e. the 1st derivative calls (f (d:+ x (make-infinitesimal dx))) where f is the 1st lambda. This returns the 2nd derivative which is func. So we need to call extract-dx-function.

    • Let $g(x,y)=x*y$, then the inner func does (lambda (x) g_y(x,y)), so this func does $g_{yx}(x,y)$


  • we define an algebra of differential objects in “infinitesimal space.” The objects are multivariate power series in which no infinitesimal increment has exponent greater than one. I won't dig into Multivariable calculus (also see) also for infinitesimal space

  • I won't dig into bug fix [87] since I am to learn programming general strategies (skip-due-to-general-strategy-target).
  • active-tag related funcs like with-active-tag, tag-active?.
  • ""maximal factor" in differential analysis" doesn't have anything related with

    with any one of the maximal factors (here δx or δy) being primary.


  • This is a simple example of the use of delegation to extend an interface, as opposed to the better-known inheritance idea i.e. change one passed init arg instead of ...

  • the results of different handlers can be combined to provide better information. For "numerical interval", we may get the intersection of all these numerical intervals.

  • The call to simple-list-memoizer wraps a cache around its last argument i.e. only needs args (see make-simple-list-memoizer the inner lambda).


  • The tags were implementation-specific symbols, such as pair, vector, or procedure. efficient-generic-procedures/cached-generics.scm uses implementation-type-name.

    (define microcode-type/code->name
      (access microcode-type/code->name (->environment '(runtime))))
    (microcode-type/code->name (object-type symbol?))
    ;Value: compiled-entry
    (microcode-type/code->name (object-type pair?))
    ;Value: compiled-entry
  • We could not have rules that distinguish between integers that satisfy even-integer? and integers that satisfy odd-integer?, for example. TODO maybe due to only having integer??

    • IMHO the code base only defines "superset" and tag<= but doesn't define set=? and combinartion-sets etc.
  • The tag will be easy to attach to objects that are accepted by the predicate. TODO IMHO this may be "attach to" "predicate". See tag->predicate and predicate->tag.

  • Consequently the tagged object can be tested for the property defined by the expensive predicate by using the fast abstract predicate (or, equivalently, by dispatching on its tag). See tagging-strategy:always -> predicate in tagging.scm It is only fast for those not registered by predicate-constructor since (tagged-data? object) is #f.

  • but adding an associative lookup to get the metadata of a predicate, as we did with the arity of a function (on page 28) "arity" uses hash-table. chasing these references must be efficient. i.e. efficient search.

  • Since the subset relation is a partial order, it may not be clear which handler is most specific due to The word partial is used to indicate that not every pair of elements needs to be comparable

  • In this implementation, the property objects are specified by themselves, and two properties with the same name are distinct.

adventure game type relations

  • (troll? student? house-master?) <= autonomous-agent? <= person? <= mobile-thing? <= thing? <= object?
    • Here I assume (set-predicate<=! student? autonomous-agent?) won't do duplicate actions like doing this after doing (set-predicate<=! student? person?) (See uncached-tag<= comments).
  • exit? <= object?
  • (place? bag?) <= container? <= object?

adventure game code review (this project code is much heavier than before).

  • The game
  • In this implementation, the property objects are specified by themselves, and two properties with the same name are distinct. See make-type which calls %set-type-properties! and (type-properties type) called by type-instantiator. Here make-type always has one prefix:.... So "distinct".

    • Notice (lookup-value property) is based on search indexed by property-name. So mammal may have (mammal:forelimb mammal-forelimb-inst) while bat may have (bat:forelimb bat-forelimb-inst) and (mammal:forelimb bat-forelimb-inst)
  • property-setter will at last use the (lambda (#!optional new-value) ... (set-cdr! p new-value)...) in make-instance-data So we use set-holder! implying that the modification is in-place.


  • Extensions of arithmetic are pretty tame See add-arithmetics in arith.scm where operation-union just chooses one possible func implementation for each type predicate list by find. ~~It doesn't have generic, ~~ See 3.1.5

  • addition of floating-point numbers is not associative i.e. applicability matters, so also holds for generic. See

    • TODO the reference is said in one QA comment of this user with one paper pdf link.
  • On the good side, it is straightforward to extend arithmetic to symbolic expressions containing literal numbers as well as purely numerical quantities literal numbers as an integer, as a fixed-point decimal number, or in exponential notation

    • TODO what is purely numerical quantities maybe without unit (also see)
    • For symbolic arithmetic, the operation is implemented as a procedure that creates a symbolic expression by consing the operator the operator name onto the list of its arguments so straightforward.

  • symbolic vectors are not the same as vectors with symbolic coordinates ~~For (+ (vector 'a) (vector 'b)) the former ~~

    • However, we eventually run into real problems with the ordering of extensions—symbolic vectors are not the same as vectors with symbolic coordinates See "3.2.2 Construction depends on order!"

      • TODO I don't know how ordering influences "vectors with symbolic coordinates" since vector in (vector 'a 'b) isn't changed by the code base implementation of vector-extender and symbolic-extender due to that it is not in %arithmetic-operator-alist. The former may probably not mean this since that is "vectors with symbolic coordinates". It may mean literal vector (see Exercise 3.7).
  • We also can get into complications with the typing of symbolic functions. TODO symbolic functions = literal function (see 3.3.4)?

  • forward-mode automatic differentiation See we obtain the chain-rule answer we would hope for: where $Dg(f(x))\delta f(x)\mapsto Dg(f(x))Df(x)\delta x$ is similar to "Forward accumulation computes the recursive relation" This is done by (g (f (d:+ x (make-infinitesimal dx)))) (see derivative) where d:+ returns one differential object and all +,-,* etc can work for differential (see diff:binary-proc). (See the above "equation (3.5)").

  • However, making this work correctly with higher-order functions that return functions as values was difficult See extract-dx-function (trivially due to generic procedure, this works for higher-order functions which returns one higher-order function which returns one normal func or even more levels. see extract-dx-function-deep-level-test.scm) most programmers writing applications that need automatic differentiation do not need to worry about this complication. maybe means using "automatic differentiation" lib so no "worry".

  • introduced a predicate registration and tagging system that allowed us to add declarations of relationships among the types. See simple-abstract-predicate for "a predicate registration and tagging system" and tag<= using hash table tag<=-cache and base pred generic-tag<=. The latter uses get-tag-supersets for inheritance.

    • generic-tag<= uses bottom-tag? #f and top-tag? #t. i.e. if something is any-object? then all objects are in its subset.
    • See tag-supersets etc. Here tag can do many things including the above "relationships".

      For example, we may tag data with its provenance, or how it was derived, or the assumptions it was based on. So we don't directly set predicate relations. And this tag can work for other data types like complex number, etc.

  • We demonstrated this with a simple but elegantly extensible adventure game. See make-chaining-dispatch-store.

  • if we dispatched on the first argument to produce a procedure that dispatched on the second argument, and so on See "because in such a design one must choose one of the arguments to be the principal dispatch center" and footnote 31. Notice this is different from trie since that only has actual data (i.e. handler here) at leaf. single-dispatch i.e. "dispatched on the first argument". So modeling these behaviors in a typical single-dispatch objectoriented system would be more complicated. since that will have much more generic procedures.

  • We used tagged data to efficiently implement extensible generic procedures. The data was tagged with the information required to decide which procedures to use to implement the indicated operations. See type-instantiator where "information" is something like tag-supersets to be used for rule< used by make-subsetting-dispatch-store-maker -> get-handler. Such audit trails may be useful for access control, for tracing the use of sensitive data, or for debugging complex systems After all it can do anything if possible since it is data.

chapter 4

I first read 4.2.2 (actually directly read the codes after reading the contents before Exercise 4.1 since the book doesn't say much about codes seemingly...)

  • if more than one rule is applicable, the results may depend on the ordering of application

    • Similar to SICP

      depend on the order of clauses in an and i.e. one rule may cause

    • SICP uses stream-flatmap Here at least result order "may depend on".
  • We already encountered problems with the interaction of rules, in the boardgame rule interpreter. (See the critique on page 63.) These problems are not about correctness but design improvements.

  • The first rule could be in the control-structure part of the optimizer, see although the normal call doesn't have this pattern seemingly

  • See section 5.4.2 on page 273 for more examples and explanation of this success/failure pattern. I didn't dig into that codes currently, but with a glance, it should be similar to SICP implementation based on "backtracking". Actually, understanding SICP amb implementation is enough to understand codes here.

  • convergent term-rewriting systems see (I skipped digging)

  • matches a list of any number of elements IMHO it is >= 2.

  • headed list see or SICP Figure 3.22.

  • change the syntax of patterns any way we like i.e. the way patterns are constructed.


  • (unifier a b) etc have been taught in SICP.
  • > Often there are constraints among the variables in an expression.
  • Here I read codes following the book based on abstraction (e.g. understanding unifier ideas only knowing what unify should do but not how) since unification ideas have been taught in SICP.
    • IMHO better to read codes and then read the book contents which will be more fluent.
  • In the guts of this unifier it is convenient for a failure to make an explicit call to a failure continuation. maybe it means what SICP does by explicitly issuing try-again. returning #f from a success continuation i.e. we change success continuation instead of calling fail explicitly.

    • Anyway at last we will call fail.
    • we had to make the reverse transition: the matcher used the #f convention, so make-rule (on page 166) had to implement the transition. i.e. or in match:segment. So make-rule needs to pass #f to succeed, which is what print-all-matches does.

      • "reverse" just means make-rule needs to be compatible with "matcher" reversely. i.e. use #f without using fail at all -> use fail.

        This is to make the convention for use of the unifier the same as the convention for use of the matcher of section 4.3.This is an interesting transition. i.e. use #f but here we uses fail which is similar to what make-rule does.

    • TODO

      is easy to interface these disparate ways of implementing backtracking. see This is to make the convention for use of the unifier the same as the convention for use of the matcher of section 4.3. where matcher actually doesn't have fail continuation (see SDF_exercises/software/sdf/design-of-the-matcher/matcher.scm).

      • So "interface" just means between ways using fail (i.e. SDF_exercises/software/sdf/term-rewriting/rules.scm) and not (i.e. matcher).
  • recursively descend into the pattern, comparing subpatterns of the patterns as lists of terms. same as one-sided match:list.

  • the unification matcher is organized around lists of terms to allow later extension to segment variables. i.e. allowing grab one arbitrary subsequence in the rest.

  • The unifier is the most general common substitution instance of the two patterns: any other common substitution instance of the two patterns is a substitution instance of the unifier. Here "common" means shared. See Exercise 4.19 and 4.20.


  • it is a procedure that takes one numerical input and produces a numerical output. takes two numerical arguments and produces a numerical result. These are all be done by unify with primitive-type. i.e. the type of each internal variable has been determined

  • The process of type inference has four phases. i.e. annotate-program -> program-constraints -> unify-constraints -> match:dict-substitution.

    • semantic structure of the program. here "semantic" means type.

  • this could be accomplished by passing information back in the failure continuations. This is just what fail should do. But then fail 1. won't be thunk 2. or depends on one global variable 3. or just add infos like SICP does for set!, i.e. redefine fail.

  • The annotate-expr procedure takes an environment for bindings of the type variables. Here it means cdr of each binding is "type variables".

  • the same as the types Emm... My English is poor that I used merely "same as" before which is wrong...


  • ((w () ??) (y () ??) (x (b b b) ??)) ((w () ??) (y () ??) (x (b b b) ??)) ~~This is due to unify:segment-var-var has ~~ See SDF_exercises/chapter_4/term-rewriting/book-demo/bidirectional-segments.scm

  • TODO "general unifier" p17
  • The other four are not as general as possible. i.e. same here.

  • But these expressions do match, with the following bindings: Here (?? x) intersects with (?? y) sharing the value 5. But tht codes only consider the containing relation in grab-segment.


  • > Let's see how to organize programs based on pattern matching.
  • > And with only a small amount of work we can add semantic attachments, such as the commutativity of lists beginning with the symbols + and *. TODO Maybe like

    (define addition-commutativity ’(= (+ (? u) (? v)) (+ (? v) (? u)))) where = is like the constraint form, so data for unify are just (+ (? u) (? v)) etc.

  • SDF_exercises/software/sdf/unification/possible-bug.scm
  • > here we are not trying to build a complete and correct segment unifier.
    • maybe

      but an element variable may not have a segment variable as its value.

    • See Exercise 4.19 and 4.20.

difference from SICP logic programming

  • one-sided matching adds (see algebra-2)
    1. segment variable
    2. predicate like (? x ,number?).
    3. extension in exercises.
    4. ...
  • unification
    • doesn't consider recursive unification. The implicit renaming in SDF_exercises/software/sdf/unification/type-resolver.scm is not used for unification but for the general type:... var is used many times.
    • again has segment variable.
    • SDF_exercises/software/sdf/unification/type-resolver.scm
      • still uses counter to differentiate the same var name in different unrelated locations. env is to connect var with types but not 2 vars which is done by unify.
        • Similarly 4.7, 4.9 also don't connect 2 vars but connect var with actual non-var value.
          • The above is different from SICP 4.79 which connect 2 vars. Then depends-on? needs special manipulation. e.g. (?x ?y) -> (?y (+ ?y 1)) should work since after renaming we have (?x ?y) -> (?y1 (+ ?y1 1)), so ?y->(+ ?y1 1) doesn't fail for depends-on?.
            • IGNORE: But with env where we add one new frame for each application, so when adding to that frame in unify-match we fail for depends-on? due to ?y->(+ ?y 1). We may assume we just always add these bindings but that is not that case for the book example (?x ?x) and (?y <expression involving ?y>). More specifically, we need to use env to differentiate these 2 ?y's.
              • Maybe we can change unify-match so that (unify-match (binding-value binding) val frame) will check depends-on? while the unify-match in unify-match won't. Also for equal? p1 p2 checking where if p1 and p2 are on different sides, we should not skip binding them.
                • Anyway we can change unify-match to add one arg to denote which side each of p1 and p2 belongs to. So we add one idx implicitly. But this is not done by env...
            • See my comments in where we need to "uses environments rather than renaming". So maybe store each var seq in one application in different frames to differentiate, then why not use the straightforward index method.

Appendix B

concepts not covered in SICP up to now

  • In MIT/GNU Scheme we can use the sugar recursively, to write:

  • Here, the symbol factlp following the let is locally defined to be a procedure that has the variables count and answer as its formal parameters. See "Named let'" is a variant on the syntax of let which provides a more general looping construct than do' and may also be used to express recursions since it allows "variable" naming.

  • These names are accidents of history

  • There is a constructor vector that can be used to make vectors and a selector vector-ref for accessing the elements of a vector.

  • define-record-type
  • TODO how *:binary, etc. are implemented.
    • (pp *) seems to only give one brief description since (pp complex:*) throws errors.
      (case number-of-arguments
        ((0) (named-lambda (nullary-*) 1))
        ((1) (named-lambda (unary-* z) (if (not (complex:complex? z)) (error:wrong-type-argument z "number" '*)) z))
        ((2) (named-lambda (binary-* z1 z2) (&* z1 z2)))
        (else (named-lambda (* self . zs) (reduce complex:* 1 zs))))
  • A symbol may not normally contain whitespace or delimiter characters, such as parentheses, brackets, quotation marks, comma, or #

  • Here all quotation is implicitly list, so pair? returns #t.
  • Lisp systems provide a mechanism called quasiquotation that makes this easy. See quasiquotation quasiquote is much more powerful than quote, however, because you can write expressions that are mostly literal, but leave holes to be filled in with values computed at runtime.

    • Consult the Scheme Report [109] for a more detailed explanation of quasiquotation. See 4.2.8. Quasiquotation with the list summarizing what it says.

  • For example, we can use set! to make a device that increments a count every time we call it: Here let make set! appear no use. See.

    (define (make-counter)
            (let ((count 0))
                (lambda ()
                  (set! count (+ count 1))
    1 ]=> ((make-counter))
    ;Value: 1
    1 ]=> ((make-counter))
    ;Value: 1
  • Dynamic binding

    This sections introduces parameter objects, which can be bound to new values for the duration of a dynamic extent.

  • A bundle is sometimes called a message-accepting procedure, where the message type is the delegate name and the message body is the arguments This is not recorded in R7RS