All notable changes to the "code-itop-tools" extension will be documented in this file.
- Added AttributeInteger and AttributeDecimal fields to snippets
- Added extensions needed/recommended for iTop development
- redhat.vscode-xml: XML Tools for datamodel changes
- DotJoshJohnson.xml: XML Formatting, XQuery and XPath Tools
- bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client: Intellisense/Intelephense client for PHP Development
- PrateekMahendrakar.prettyxml: XML Formatting tools
- Added question to disable certificate validation for self-signed certificates when configuring URL from config file (in addition to setting)
Initial release
- Snippets for XML file creation
- Functions for toolkit (validate datamodel, apply code changes, apply database changes)
- Config file parser for iTop URL