Python application/plugin template repository
[toc]: # Table of Contents
Requirements for compiling/installing the application itself
Additional requirements for the CI/CD flows
Configuration file for the application, installation and CLI entry point
Additional build instructions
Instructions for building development container
Rename this dir to .github to activate the Github Actions
Scans the code for errors/formatting, outputs a HTML report uploaded to Github
Testing on several OSes with several python versions
Regular testing on a single OS/version
Publish the package to pypi and the documentation to github pages (/docs)
The source code of the application
The entry point, can be empty but needs to be present
The version information for the package/module
The CLI entry point, if usage via the command line is desired
The main entry point, example class. No need for using the name
The tests for the application. With inclusion like, the tests need to be run from the project root folder (python3 -m unittest discover tests/)