The main purpose of sales analysis is to turn sales data into insights that can be used to improve a bottom line of a business. By analyzing sales data, companies can identify trends, understand what's working and what's not, and make data-driven decisions to boost sales and grow revenue.
I have done the data cleaning, analysis and visualization using Python. The dataset for this analysis have been collected from different sources month wise for a year. Then those datasets were merged together using the Pandas library.
My objective was to collect the data from different sources and perform required analysis, and answer the following questions:
- What was the best month for Sales? How much was earned that month?
- What city had the highest number of sales?
- What time should we display advertisements to maximize likelihood of customer's buying product?
- What product was sold the most? What was the reason behind it?
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
import datetime
df = pd.read_csv("./Sales_Dataset/Sales_April_2019.csv")
files = [file for file in os.listdir('./Sales_Dataset/')]
all_months_data = pd.DataFrame()
for file in files:
df = pd.read_csv("./Sales_Dataset/"+file)
all_months_data = pd.concat([all_months_data, df])
all_months_data.to_csv("all_data.csv", index=False)
all_data = pd.read_csv("all_data.csv")
- Order ID: The unique Id of each sale's record
- Product: Description of the product
- Quantity Ordered: Number of items ordered of that particular product
- Price Each: Price per unit of the product
- Order Date: Date on which the product was ordered
- Purchase Address: Delivery Address of the order
There are some rows with nan values so, I will drop those rows
nan_df = all_data[all_data.isna().any(axis=1)]
I am going to create a new dataframe with those sales details where there are actual values to work with rather than just repeations of the column names
all_data = all_data[all_data['Order Date'].str[0:2] != 'Or']
Now I need to change the data type of 'Quantity Ordered' and 'Price Each' to numbers.
all_data["Quantity Ordered"] = pd.to_numeric(all_data['Quantity Ordered']) # making int
all_data["Price Each"] = pd.to_numeric(all_data['Price Each'])
Some new columns were needed to be augmented with the already existing ones in the dataset. 'Month', 'Sales' and 'city' are the new columns which are added.
all_data['Month'] = all_data['Order Date'].str[0:2]
all_data['Month'] = all_data['Month'].astype('int32')
all_data["Sales"] = all_data["Quantity Ordered"] * all_data["Price Each"]
def getState(address):
return address.split(",")[2].split(' ')[1]
def getCity(address):
return address.split(',')[1]
all_data['City'] = all_data['Purchase Address'].apply(lambda x: f"{getCity(x)} ({getState(x)})")
Firstly, I grouped my dataframe by the 'Month' parameter using the groupby()
function and calculated the sum()
Now I have used the bar chart from matplotlib.pyplot().bar()
to plot the Monthly Sales
months = [, monthinteger, 1).strftime('%B') for monthinteger in range(1,13)]
results = all_data.groupby('Month').sum(numeric_only=True)
plt.title("Monthly Sales"), results['Sales'], color="green")
plt.xticks(months, rotation="vertical",size=8)
plt.yticks(size = 8)
plt.xlabel('Month Number')
plt.ylabel('Sales in USD($)')
The month of December has the highest sale from all the other months. The total sales in December is about 4 million dollars. This might happen because it is month of cheerful christmas, for that reason the business was so good.
Here I have grouped the dataset by 'City' parameter using the groupby()
and have calculated the sum()
I have used a bar chart from matplotlib.pyplot().bar()
to plot the total sales in each city.
records = all_data.groupby('City').sum(numeric_only=True)
cities = [city for city in records.index]
plt.xticks(cities,rotation="vertical", size=8)
plt.ylabel('Sales in USD($)')
I have changed the 'Order Date' column to datetime type using the to_datetime()
all_data['Order Date'] = pd.to_datetime(all_data['Order Date'])
I have augmented two new columns Hour and Minute. As I would need the Hour column to group the dataset.
all_data['Hour'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.hour
all_data['Minute'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.minute
I have used a line graph from matplotlib.pyplot.plot()
results = all_data.groupby(['Hour']).count()
hours = [hour for hour in results.index]
plt.xticks(hours, rotation="vertical")
plt.ylabel("Number of Orders")
As we can see that the number of orders went up at the 12 hours and 19 hours ususally so, the advertisements can be rolled out at 10 or 11 hours and again at 17 or 18 hours. This can increase the number of orders rapidly.
First, I have used a bar chart from matplotlib.pyplot().bar()
to plot the Quantity of each type of Products ordered
product_group = all_data.groupby('Product')
quantity_ordered = product_group.sum(numeric_only=True)['Quantity Ordered']
products = [prd for prd in quantity_ordered.index],quantity_ordered, color="tab:blue")
plt.xticks(products, rotation="vertical", size=8)
plt.ylabel("Quantity Ordered")
Now to find out why AAA Batteries(4-pack) was the most sold item, I needed to compare the prices of each item. In order to do that I created an overlay line graph for the prices of each item using matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
.The price is marked as a second y-axis.
prices = all_data.groupby('Product').mean(numeric_only=True)['Price Each']
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx(),quantity_ordered,color="tab:blue")
ax1.set_ylabel('Quantity Ordered')
From the overlay graph of proces it is very much evident why the sales of the AAA Batteries (4-pack) is so high because it is the cheapest product among all the others. The prices of the LG Dryer and LG Washing Machine are significantly less than the prices of the Macbook Pro and Thinkpad Laptop, still the quantity of orders for Macbooks and Thinkpads are more then LG Dryer and Washing. This might happend because the Laptops are mostly used for educational and work purposes and they are used by each and every students and working professionals so there quantity of orders are higher than LG Dryers and Washing Machine.