Slice (A code for decomposing finite element meshes for running parallel analyses.) (Version: 0.9.99) Modified: 2021/03/10
usage: slice [options] file_to_split -help (Print this summary and exit) -in_type <$val> (File format for input mesh file (default = exodus))
-processors <$val> (Number of processors to decompose the mesh for)
-method <$val> (Decomposition method
'linear' : #elem/#proc to each processor
'scattered': Shuffle elements to each processor (cyclic)
'random' : Random distribution of elements, maintains balance
'rb' : Metis multilevel recursive bisection
'kway' : Metis multilevel k-way graph partitioning
'variable' : Read element-processor assignment from an element variable
'map' : Read element-processor assignment from an element map [processor_id]
'file' : Read element-processor assignment from file)
-decomposition_name <$val> (The name of the element variable (method = `variable`)
or element map (method = `map`) containing the element to processor mapping.
If no name is specified, then `processor_id` will be used.
If the name is followed by a ',' and an integer or 'auto', then
the entries in the map will be divided by the integer value or
(if auto) by `int((max_entry+1)/proc_count)`.)
-decomposition_file <$val> (File containing element to processor mapping
when decomposition method 'file' specified
The file contains multiple lines, each line has 1 or 2 integers.
If a single integer, it is the processor for the current element
If two integers (count proc), they specify that the next
'count' elements are on processor 'proc')
-contiguous_decomposition (If the input mesh is contiguous, create contiguous decompositions)
-output_path <$val> (Path to where decomposed files will be written.
The string %P will be replaced with the processor count
The string %M will be replaced with the decomposition method.
Default is the location of the input mesh)
-Partial_read_count <$val> (Split the coordinate and connectivity reads into a
maximum of this many nodes or elements at a time to reduce memory.)
-max-files <$val> (Specify maximum number of processor files to write at one time.
Usually use default value; this is typically used for debugging.)
-netcdf4 (Output database will be a netcdf4 hdf5-based file instead of the classical netcdf file format)
-netcdf5 (Output database will be a netcdf5 (CDF5) file instead of the classical netcdf file format)
-64-bit (Use 64-bit integers on output database)
-shuffle (Use a netcdf4 hdf5-based file and use hdf5s shuffle mode with compression.)
-zlib (Use the Zlib / libz compression method if compression is enabled (default) [exodus only].)
-szip (Use SZip compression. [exodus only, enables netcdf-4])
-compress <$val> (Specify the hdf5 compression level [0..9] to be used on the output file.)
-debug <$val> (Debug level: 0, 1, 2, 4 or'd)
-version (Print version and exit)
-copyright (Show copyright and license data.)
Can also set options via SLICE_OPTIONS environment variable.
->->-> Send email to [email protected] for slice support.<-<-<-