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Alerts Resource

rajsarkapally-sfdc edited this page Mar 13, 2017 · 10 revisions

[User Guide](User Guide) | [Web Service API](Web Service API)

#Web API Alert Endpoints Provides methods to retrieve the audit trail history for an Argus object. Audit trails provide a history of changes and other events for an object.

Endpoint Method Description
/alerts GET Returns an alert
/alerts POST Creates an alert
/alerts/{alertId} GET Returns an alerts by its ID
/alerts/{alertId} PUT Updates an alert having the given ID
/alerts/{alertId} DELETE Deletes the alert, its triggers, and notifications
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications GET Returns all notifications for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications POST Creates new notifications for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications DELETE Deletes all notifications for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId} GET Returns a notifications by its ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId} PUT Updates a notification having the given notification ID if associated with the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId} DELETE Deletes a notification having the given ID if it's associated with the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId}/triggers GET Returns all the triggers for the given notification ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId}/triggers DELETE Disassociates all triggers from the notification having the given notification ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationID}/triggers/{triggerId} GET Returns a trigger by its ID only if it's associated with the given notification ID.
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId}/triggers/{triggerId} POST Associates the trigger having the given ID to the given notification ID
/alerts/{alertId}/notifications/{notificationId}/triggers/{triggerId} DELETE Disassociates a trigger having the given ID from the given notification ID
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers GET Returns all triggers for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers POST Creates new triggers for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers DELETE Deletes all triggers for the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers/{triggerId} GET Returns a trigger by its ID.
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers/{triggerId} PUT Updates a trigger having the given ID if it's associated with the given alert ID
/alerts/{alertId}/triggers/{triggerId} DELETE Deletes a trigger having the given ID and removes any associations with the alert or notifications

##Return an Alert
Get Argus alert information on all alerts.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
alertname string Alert name
ownername string Owner of the alert

Example Response Body

    "id": 100868,
    "createdById": 1,
    "createdDate": 1422483200579,
    "modifiedById": 1,
    "modifiedDate": 1444405128804,
    "name": "P95TRUST Alert",
    "expression": "-24h:myhost.dc0:p95trust:max",
    "cronEntry": "*/15 * * * *",
    "enabled": true,
    "shared": true,

##Create an Alert
Create Argus alerts.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
body alert

##Get Specific Alerts
Get Argus alerts by specific ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger ID of the alert object

##Update Specific Alerts
Update Argus alerts by specific ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger ID of the alert object

Response Body

Name Type Description
body alert

##Delete Alerts
Delete Argus alerts by specific ID. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

##Get Notifications for Specific Alerts
Get Argus notifications for alerts by specific ID. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

##Create Notifications for Specific Alerts
Create notifications for an alert by the unique ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

Response Body

Name Type Description
body notification

##Delete Notifications for Alerts
Delete all notifications for a specific alert Id. Associated triggers are not deleted from the alert.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

##Get Specific Notifications
Get notifications by unique ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Methods

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger

##Update Specific Notifications
Update a notification having a given notification ID if associated with the given alert ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger

Response Body

Name Type Description
body notification

##Delete Specific Notifications
Delete a notification with a specific ID if associated with the given alert ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger

##Get Triggers for Specific Notifications
Get all the triggers for the given notification ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger

##Delete Triggers From Specific Notifications
Disassociate all triggers from the notification having the given notification ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger

##Get Specific Triggers for Specific Notifications
Get a trigger by its ID only if it's associated with the given notification ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger
triggerId biginteger

Get a trigger by its ID only if it's associated with the given notification ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger
triggerId biginteger

##Disassociate a Trigger From a Notification
Disassociate a trigger having the given ID from the given notification ID. The trigger is not deleted from the alert.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
notificationId biginteger
triggerId biginteger

##Get Triggers for Specific Alerts
Get a trigger by its unique ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

##Create a New Trigger
Create a new trigger having the given ID to the given notification ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
body trigger

Body Response

##Delete Triggers
Delete all triggers for the given alert ID. All associations to alert notification are also removed.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger

##Get Specific Triggers
Get triggers by its unique ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
triggerId biginteger

##Update Specific Triggers
Update a trigger having the given ID if it's associated with the given alert ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
triggerId biginteger
body trigger

Response Body

##Delete Specific Triggers Associated with an Alert
Update a trigger having the given ID if it's associated with the given alert ID.

Resource URL

Available Version

HTTP Method

Path Parameter

Name Type Description
alertId biginteger
triggerId biginteger
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