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docker-compose recipes

Quick start

Docker Compose is the easiest way to set up the Kill Bill stack:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.kb.yml -p kb up

Note: if you are using Docker Machine, use docker-machine env <name> or the environment variable $DOCKER_HOST to get the IP address of the container.

Then go to http://<IP_ADDRESS>:9090/ and log-in via admin/password.

In the rest of this documentation, we will assumed IP_ADDRESS is

Logging and Metrics infrastructure


Refer to the Elastic Stack documentation for how to set up the ELK stack.

Here’s a quick tutorial to get you started:

diff --git a/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf b/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf
index 40ca757..6ccbfb2 100644
--- a/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf
+++ b/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ input {

        tcp {
                port => 5000
+               codec => json
  • Run docker-compose up to start the stack. This takes a while. You can verify the stack is up by going to (user: elastic, password: changeme)

  • Once the stack is up, redirect the Kill Bill container logs to Logstash using Logspout:

# Note: host.docker.internal is when using Docker Desktop for Mac. Replace with the internal IP address used by the host on other platforms
docker run --name="logspout" \
           --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
           gliderlabs/logspout \


  • You need Docker Engine version 17.05 or newer and Docker Compose version 1.20.0 or newer

  • You need at least 4GB of RAM allocated to Docker to run the entire stack


Refer to the InfluxDB and Grafana documentation for how to set up the TIG stack.

Here’s a quick tutorial to get you started:

  • Run docker-compose -f -p gi up

  • Go to (user: admin, password: admin)

  • Go to, click Add data source, select InfluxDB, enter:

    • http://influxdb:8086 as the URL

    • Enable Basic Auth (User: killbill, Password: killbill)

    • Database name: killbill

  • Click Save & Test

  • Update docker-compose.kb.yml, set KILLBILL_METRICS_INFLUXDB=true, and recreate the Kill Bill docker stack

Note: you might also have to update KILLBILL_METRICS_INFLUXDB_HOST in docker-compose.kb.yml. The default value of host.docker.internal works when using Docker Desktop for Mac. Replace with the internal IP address used by the host on other platforms.