Allows for the creation and modification of a Snowflake Database.
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
{ "Type" : "Snowflake::Database::Database", "Properties" : { "Name" : String, "DataRetentionTimeInDays" : Integer, "MaxDataExtensionTimeInDays" : Integer, "DefaultDdlCollation" : String, "Comment" : String } }
Type: Snowflake::Database::Database Properties: Name: String DataRetentionTimeInDays: Integer MaxDataExtensionTimeInDays: Integer DefaultDdlCollation: String Comment: String
Specifies the identifier for the database; must be unique for your account.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Update requires: Replacement
Specifies the number of days for which Time Travel actions can be performed on the database.
Required: No
Type: Integer
Update requires: No interruption
The maximum number of days for which Snowflake can extend the data retention period for tables in the database.
Required: No
Type: Integer
Update requires: No interruption
Specifies a default collation specification for all schemas and tables added to the database
Required: No
Type: String
Update requires: No interruption
Specifies a comment for the database.
Required: No
Type: String
Update requires: No interruption
When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref
function, Ref returns the Name.