helix: simplify line selection
helix: simplify line selection
hammerspoon: update hyper apps
hammerspoon: update hyper apps
hammerspoon: update switcher keybindings
hammerspoon: update switcher keybindings
hammerspoon: add back switcher for stage manager
hammerspoon: add back switcher for stage manager
update theme to tokyonight across applicaiton
update theme to tokyonight across applicaiton
karabiner: fix for caps lock escape issue
karabiner: fix for caps lock escape issue
zellij: remap rename command
zellij: remap rename command
fish: revert bluetooth script
fish: revert bluetooth script
fish: update trackpad pairing script
fish: update trackpad pairing script
fish: test with blueutil pairing for trackpad
fish: test with blueutil pairing for trackpad
fish: fix issue with configuring fzf
fish: fix issue with configuring fzf
git: fix for user not loading
git: fix for user not loading
helix: configure marksman and prettier for markdown
helix: configure marksman and prettier for markdown
switch theme to tokyonight moon
switch theme to tokyonight moon
lazygit: configure lazygit theme
lazygit: configure lazygit theme
helix: enable cursor line
helix: enable cursor line
Force push
switch theme to catppucchin mocha
switch theme to catppucchin mocha
zellij: rebind new tab keybinding
zellij: rebind new tab keybinding
kitty: set theme using kittens
kitty: set theme using kittens