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Rick Waldron edited this page Nov 14, 2015 · 31 revisions

The Gyro class constructs objects that represent a single Gyro sensor attached to the physical board.

We currently support two kinds of Gyros:

This list will continue to be updated as more Gyro devices are confirmed.


  • General Options

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    controller string "ANALOG", "MPU6050". The Name of the controller to use "ANALOG" no
  • Analog Options (controller: "ANALOG")

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    pins Array of Strings ["A*"]. The String analog pins that X, Y, and Z (optional) are attached to yes
    sensitivity Number Varies by device. For Tinkerkit, use Gyro.TK_4X or Gyro.TK_1X. This value can be identified in the device's datasheet. yes
    resolution Number Varies by device. This value can be identified in the device's datasheet 4.88 no
  • MPU6050 Options (controller: "MPU6050")

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    sensitivity Number LSB/DegreesPerSecond. The sensitivity of the device. The MPU-6050 is currently configured at +/- 250 degrees per second 131 no


Property Name Description Read Only
id A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid No
pins The pins defined for X, Y, and Z. No
isCalibrated The calibration state of the device. Yes
pitch An object containing values for the pitch rate and angle. Yes
roll An object containing values for the roll rate and angle. Yes
yaw An object containing values for the yaw rate and angle. Yes
rate And object containing the rate values of X, Y, and Z. Yes
x Value of x axis. Yes
y Value of y axis. Yes
z Value of z axis. Yes

Component Initialization


// Analog Gyro:
//   - attach X and Y to "A0" and "A1" respectively
//   - Use the LPR5150AL 4X sensitivity rating
new five.Gyro({
  pins: ["A0", "A1"],
  sensitivity: 0.67, // optional
  resolution: 4.88   // optional



// Create an MPU-6050 Gyro object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the MPU6050 controller
new five.Gyro({
  controller: "MPU6050",
  sensitivity: 131 // optional



var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var gyro = new five.Gyro({
    controller: "MPU6050"

  gyro.on("change", function() {
    console.log("  x            : ", this.x);
    console.log("  y            : ", this.y);
    console.log("  z            : ", this.z);
    console.log("  pitch        : ", this.pitch);
    console.log("  roll         : ", this.roll);
    console.log("  yaw          : ", this.yaw);
    console.log("  rate         : ", this.rate);
    console.log("  isCalibrated : ", this.isCalibrated);


  • recalibrate() Tell the device to recalibrate


  • change The "change" event is emitted whenever the value of the gyro changes more then the threshold value allows.

  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as the user defined freq will allow in milliseconds. ("data" replaced the "read" event)


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