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This is a guide for myself to document my process, so I won't forget and won't get confused

Start & Configure Linter & Prettier

  1. npm init
  2. git init
  3. install extension for vscode: prettier & eslint
  4. install eslint with: npm install eslint --save-dev
  5. configure eslint with: npm init @eslint/config
  6. google how to configure prettier with eslint airbnb:
  7. install neccesities for eslint and prettier: npm i -D eslint prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier

Files Created

  1. create a .prettierrc file for prettier rules
  2. create a .gitignore with template from:
  3. create a .env file for future passwords and keys

Config Prettier

  1. turn on format on save in vscode

  2. choose prettier as default formatter in vscode

  3. in .eslintrc.json added in extends: "prettier"

  4. in .eslintrc.json added plugins: "prettier"

  5. in .eslintrc.json added in rules: "prettier/prettier": "error" & "no-console": "off"

  6. install express with: npm install express --save

  7. add a server.js file and add the code in it from to use express

  8. install nodemon with: npm install --save-dev nodemon

  9. in package.json add in scripts: "dev": "npm run nodemon"

  10. make a static folder and inside a css and images folder

  11. make a views folder and inside partials and pages folder

  12. install ejs with: npm install ejs --save

  13. google how to configure ejs:

  14. configure ejs in server.js with: app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

  15. set middleware for express in server.js with: app.use(express.static("static"));

  16. install dotenv with: npm install dotenv --save

  17. require dotenv in server.js with: require('dotenv').config()

  18. installed ejs language support extension for my vscode, otherwise the colors won't be blue and it confuses me

  19. added partials and pages

  20. in mongodb I made a new project called dish-exchange and created a shared (free) database

  21. i created a user with a password so I can read and write into my database

  22. I first my own IP then in network access I deleted my ip and clicked on add IP adress followed by allow access from anywhere

  23. I went to database > browse collections then I created a database with the name dish-exchange

  24. I made a collection called dishes

  25. I clcicked on insert document and made 2 example dishes or documents in my dishes database

  26. started to read the mongodb documentation with node driver on atlas:


  1. installed mongodb with: npm install mongodb --save
  2. put in server.js: const MongoClient = require("mongodb");
  3. googled on how to use a dotenv for my link with a password for my mongodb_URI:
  4. in my mongodb database I clicked on connect > connect with application
  5. in my server.js I added const uri = process.env.mongo_uri; instead of my password
  6. I copied the link and put in my password of my user, I changed cluster0 to cluster1 (like in mongodb) and put this as a variable in my dotenv file
  7. I also made a .envSample file for later


  1. I googled "Deploying with Git" and found:

  2. One of the steps is to install Heroku CLI (linux ubuntu):

  3. I install Heroku CLI with: curl | sh

  4. installed heroku with: npm install heroku --save or npm install -g heroku --save followed by npm audit fix

  5. create heroku remote for a new app with heroku create -a dishexchange

  6. terminal asked to press any button and to click on the link to login into heroku in my browser and I checked my remotes with git remote -v

  7. commit and push code with: git push heroku main

  8. went to the heroku website & to my app into: settings and then reveal config vars. I put in there my mongodb variable with password that's in my .env file.

  9. because I got the error H10 wouldn't work, I stumbled upong making a procfile with the code: web: node server.js, so heroku would know what to start

  10. I googled to know more about procfile:

  11. heroku got an error H20, so I googled and found:

  12. instead of having: app.listen(3000); I changed it for heroku to: app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000)

  13. I started working on my pages HTML/EJS a bit, just to have the basics in there (without the web API of some sort)

  14. I installed the vscode extension gitlens as it shows extra information (e.g. commits, branches, remotes) about my project when I go into the source control tab.

to add later:

  1. installed body-parser with npm install body-parser --save
  2. added const= bodyParser = require('body-parser') in server.js

adding stuff

  1. googled "how to link variables from server.js to ejs" and found:

  2. hard code variables I have in my .ejs into server.js so I can open it from localhost:3000

  3. working on connecting database googled

  4. with collections.find it will return a cursor, because if it would return all the data at once, the pc's memory might be full and the application wouldn't work good, so instead it returns a cursor. source:

  5. You can retrieve data from a cursor with toArray() if you do want everything at once and it can handle it, or with forEach() to look through them one by one.

  6. .length is an array property

  7. In server.js I got the cursor of dishesCollection and got every dish with toArray()

  8. put data in server.js in route /

  9. added numberOfDishes and allDishes

  10. In dish.ejs we want data from allDishes with forloop

working on the add-dish route

  1. googled "how to insert a document into a collection of MongoDB with node.js driver" and found:
  2. created a test document that i could post into my mongodb
  3. it wasn't clear for me on how to use bodyparser with so i googled and found: and also
  4. ended up googling how to insert document into mongodb and found: which I've watched until 5.30
  5. made the add-dish res.redirect to the insertedId

  1. in .eslintrc.json I turned off "prefer-destructuring": "off", becauce I just don't want to bother understanding it now and otherwise it will make my code look confusing.
  2. working on webAPI, thirdpartyAPI, progressive enhancement with media device API and spoonaculair
  3. example code:





  4. need to - ADD SCRIPT PATH


  6. epreventdefault so it wont post

  7. post request to spoonaculair url with fetch

  8. json string is what you need to send so you want to send a (name) file , in spoonaculair it wwants a binaryimgfile

  9. how to get binaryimgfile:

things I changed or added

  1. try & catch error in server.js and add-dish page
  2. edited class .error to color red in css



try = defines the code block to run (to try)

catch defines a code block to handle any error

finally or catch = defines a code block to run regardless of the result

throw defines a custom error

source =


heroku --version = check heroku version

heroku login = login with heroku on the browser

heroku create -a example-app = to make a new heroku remote and an empty heroku git repo

git remote -v = check remotes

heroku git:remote -a example-app = to make a heroku remote for the existing example-app

git remote rename heroku heroku-staging = rename a remote (this case heroku to heroku-staging)

git push heroku main = to deploy code after commiting



<% %> = to run code

<%= %> = replace code with text

<%- %> = to include parials



In server.js

  1. let database = variable of the database dish-exchange

  2. let dishesCollection = variable of dishes collection within dish-exchange

  3. cursor = dishesCollection.find() in route /

  4. allDishes = showing all documents in dishesCollection with: await cursor.toArray() in route /

  5. numberOfDishes = allDishes.length as a number shown on dishes.ejs in route /

  6. dishId = id of the dish for a route in /dish/dishId in dish.ejs and server.js

  7. newDish = object with data from the form in add-dish.ejs, which will get posted and turned into a document in mongodb

  8. urlId = id used in the route for dish-details page

in dishes.ejs

  1. numberOfDishes = number of total documents in mongodb

in add-dish.ejs

in dish-details.ejs

  1. dishIngredients = value: ingredient, array of ingredients
  2. dishName = value: name of the dish in dish.ejs & dish-details.ejs
  3. dishImage = value: image in /images in dish.ejs
  4. dishTags = value: tags, which is an array in dish.ejs
  5. dishQuality = value: quality, which is a number in dish.ejs

in partials

  1. dishName = value: name of the dish in dish.ejs & dish-details.ejs
  2. dishImage = value: image in /images in dish.ejs
  3. dishTags = value: tags, which is an array in dish.ejs
  4. dishQuality = value: quality, which is a number in dish.ejs
  5. dishId = id of the dish for a route in /dish/dishId in dish.ejs and server.js
  6. arrayNumber = a loop that increases the number of arraynumber depending on the amount of documents saved in mongoDB dishes in dish.ejs