##Once event details are confirmed, post details on these sites
- Singapore Ruby Group - Ping Elisha at [email protected] for access
####Facebook Groups
- Rails Girls Singapore
- Singapore Ruby Brigade
- Singapore Female Founders
- Singapore Startup Club
- OpenCoffee Club
- HackerSpaceSG
####Facebook Page
- Singapore Geek Girls - Or ping Elisha at [email protected]
- Newsletters go out on Monday of the week the event is happening
- Singapore Startup Digest - Sign up required
- The List
- e27
- Tech in Asia - Or ping Elisha at [email protected]
##Two weeks before event
####Confirm coaches
- Make sure at least one coach to 4 participants
##One week before event
####Contact participants to update their RSVPs
- Writeup
Hello there!
The Rails Girls meetup is happening this [DAY], [DATE], [TIME] at [VENUE]. You can see more details here: [URL]
We have some people in the waiting list and we'll love to accommodate as many people as we can.
Could you do me a favour to update your RVSP if you're not coming anymore? That'll free up some seats for people in the waiting list.
Thank you and see you soon! :)
####Remind coaches to come
- Let coaches know how many people want to install rails, follow RG guides or work on their own projects.
##During event
- Collect participants' email addresses
##After event
- Add participants into Rails Girls Singapore
- Highfive coaches