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JavaScript testing with Jest

Show me the code


  1. Create HelloMessage class in HelloMessage.js:
class HelloMessage {
  text = "Hello World!";
  1. Create HelloConsole class in HelloConsole.js:
class HelloConsole {
  print(text) {
  1. Create HelloApp class in HelloApp.js:
class HelloApp {
  constructor(helloMessage, helloConsole) {
    this.helloMessage = helloMessage;
    this.helloConsole = helloConsole;

  printHello() {
  1. Create main function in Main.js that wraps it all together:
const HelloMessage = require("./HelloMessage");
const HelloConsole = require("./HelloConsole");
const HelloApp = require("./HelloApp");

const message = new HelloMessage();
const console = new HelloConsole();
const app = new HelloApp(message, console);


Following Jest > Getting Started guide ...

  1. Test HelloMessage in HelloMessage.test.js:
describe("HelloMessage", () => {
  it("should return hello world", () => {
    const message = new HelloMessage();
    expect(message.text).toBe("Hello World!");
  1. Test HelloApp in HelloApp.test.js:
// 2.1 Mock ./HelloMessage module
// 2.2 Mock ./HelloConsole module

describe("HelloApp", () => {
  it("should print hello message", () => {
    const messageText = "Hello Test!";

    // 2.3 Set mock implementation to be returned
    // anytime new HelloMessage() is called
    HelloMessage.mockImplementation(() => {
      return {
        text: messageText,
    // 2.4 Create a HelloMessage
    // that will be a mock thanks to 2.1 and 2.2
    const message = new HelloMessage();

    // 2.5 Create a HelloConsole
    // that will be a mock thanks to 2.3
    const console = new HelloConsole();

    // 2.6 Create a HelloApp, the one we want to test, passing the mocks
    const app = new HelloApp(message, console);
    // 2.7 Execute the method we want to test

    // 2.8 Verify HelloConsole mock print() method
    // has been called once with "Hello Test!"
  1. Test output should look like:
> jest

 PASS  ./HelloMessage.test.js
 PASS  ./HelloApp.test.js

Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.229 s
Ran all test suites.

Run this project using 🐳 docker

  • Execute ./
  • Once inside the container:
    • First time only, install dependencies with npm install
    • Test with npm test
    • Run with npm start

Run this project locally


  • Install Node.js manually or ...
    • Install Node Version Manager and ...
      • List available versions executing nvm list
      • Install Node.js executing nvm use v18 or nvm use stable

Run locally

  • First time only, install dependencies with npm install
  • Test with npm test
  • Run with npm start

Create project from scratch

  • Create project using npm init
  • Install Jest using npm install --save-dev jest
  • Configure scripts in package.json:
    "scripts": {
      "start": "node Main.js",
      "test": "jest"