We are a group of studients from UPC studying a Design and Development of Videogames degree and this is a repository where we will be making a tribute to Blood Bros, an arcade game originaly made by TAD Corporation. The main characters are a cowboy and a Native American, which are two brothers with the goal to capture the most dangerous bandit of the West, Big Bad John.
Aim and player are engaged, they can not move independently, so when moving the player the aim will move too and at higher speed.
- 'A' to move left.
- 'D' to move right.
- 'S' to crouch (while crouching you can't move).
- 'K' to jump, this will help you to dodge the enemy bullets.
- 'J' to shoot.
- 'L' to throw a dinamite.
- 'Z' to enter a coin.
- 'SPACE' to start.
Programmer: Rodrigo de Pedro
Manager: Roger Tello
QA: Andrey Ivanov
Art: Oliver Cabezas
- Background of the level and some sprites put.
- Welcome screen, score screen and the background of the level put and well adjusted.
- You can return to welcome screen using fade to black.
- Player is able to move and animated while moving.
- Music has been loaded and FX of the player when shooting.
- Coliders have been put and well adjusted.
- Two types of enemies have been added: Green Cowboy and Cowboy in barrel.
- Some sprites are corrected and few more enemies have been added.
- Improved code and some bugs fixes.
- Implemented God Mode.
- Improved enemies´ functionalities.
- Crossdot bug fixed.
- Wall falls down smoothly now.
- Aspects of the game, which had code but no sprites have been fully implemented.
- Enemies now die, since they have the proper sprites and not simply disappear.
- Scenario elements explode and when wall is detroyed, smoke appears.
Website: http://rogerta97.github.io/Project1_BloodBros
Repository: https://github.com/rogerta97/Project1_BloodBros
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliFhiYP3lc