This is the source code for zbugs.
We deploy this continuously (on trunk) to aws and is our dogfood of Zero.
- Docker
- Node 20+
npm install
cd docker
docker compose up
Create a .env
file in the zbugs
#### zero.config.js Variables ####
# The "upstream" authoritative postgres database
# In the future we will support other types of upstreams besides PG
ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB = "postgresql://user:[email protected]:6434/postgres"
# A separate Postgres database we use to store CVRs. CVRs (client view records)
# keep track of which clients have which data. This is how we know what diff to
# send on reconnect. It can be same database as above, but it makes most sense
# for it to be a separate "database" in the same postgres "cluster".
ZERO_CVR_DB = "postgresql://user:[email protected]:6435/postgres"
# Yet another Postgres database which we used to store a replication log.
ZERO_CHANGE_DB = "postgresql://user:[email protected]:6435/postgres"
# Place to store the SQLite data zero-cache maintains. This can be lost, but if
# it is, zero-cache will have to re-replicate next time it starts up.
ZERO_REPLICA_FILE = "/tmp/zbugs-sync-replica.db"
# Use "json" for logs consumed by structured logging services.
# Secret used to sign and verify the JWT
# Set this to something real if you intend to deploy
# the app.
ZERO_AUTH_SECRET = "my-localhost-testing-secret"
#### ZBugs API Server Variables ####
# The client id for the GitHub OAuth app responisble for OAuth:
# Rocicorp team, see:
# The secret for the client
#### Vite Variables ####
Then start the server:
npm run zero
In still another tab:
npm run dev
After you have visited the local website and the sync / replica tables have populated.
rm /tmp/zbugs-sync-replica.db*
docker compose down -v
cd docker
docker compose down -v
Pull large data set from s3
Start docker 1gb compose file
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-1gb.yml up
Modify the front end so that it doesn't load all of the data
diff --git a/apps/zbugs/src/pages/list/list-page.tsx b/apps/zbugs/src/pages/list/list-page.tsx
index 33cf7ef0b..c6955f753 100644
--- a/apps/zbugs/src/pages/list/list-page.tsx
+++ b/apps/zbugs/src/pages/list/list-page.tsx
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ export function ListPage({onReady}: {onReady: () => void}) {
q = q.whereExists('labels', q => q.where('name', label));
+ q = q.limit(200);
const [issues, issuesResult] = useQuery(q);
if (issues.length > 0 || issuesResult.type === 'complete') {
diff --git a/apps/zbugs/src/zero-setup.ts b/apps/zbugs/src/zero-setup.ts
index 020330c40..8d0223a6a 100644
--- a/apps/zbugs/src/zero-setup.ts
+++ b/apps/zbugs/src/zero-setup.ts
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ export function preload(z: Zero<Schema>) {
const baseIssueQuery = z.query.issue
- .related('viewState', q => q.where('userID', z.userID));
+ .related('viewState', q => q.where('userID', z.userID))
+ .orderBy('modified', 'desc')
+ .limit(200);
const {cleanup, complete} = baseIssueQuery.preload();
complete.then(() => {
Start zero and the frontend like normal