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Hetzner Nixos Deploy

A collection of scripts and modules that wrap great existing tools like NixOS Anywhere and deploy-rs, adding the necessary glue to make deployment and maintenance of bare metal servers on Hetzner easier. This repository provides reusable components that can be integrated into project-specific NixOS configurations.


  • Easy activation of rescue mode for Hetzner servers
  • Hardware configuration generation
  • Disk partitioning configuration using disko
  • Initial deployment with NixOS Anywhere
  • Updates with deploy-rs
  • WireGuard key management and peer configuration
  • Base system configuration including:
    • Network setup with WireGuard VPN
    • SSH server configuration
    • Basic security settings
    • User management
    • Common system packages

Quick Start Summary

  1. Initial Setup

    • Create a project-specific flake
    • Configure SOPS encryption
    • Set up Hetzner Robot credentials
  2. Server Discovery

    • Generate a nix config for each server using the Heztner Robot API.
    • Configure network settings automatically
  3. Hardware Setup

    • Boot server into rescue mode
    • Generate disk (disko) configuration
    • Generate hardware configuration
  4. Network Setup

    • Configure SSH access with project keys
    • Generate WireGuard keys for all servers
    • Set up WireGuard mesh network
  5. Deployment

    • Initial deployment with nixos-anywhere
    • Subsequent updates with deploy-rs

For detailed instructions, follow the setup phases below.

Setup Phases

1. Initial Setup

  1. Prerequisites

    • Nix with flakes enabled
    • A Hetzner server
    • SOPS for secrets management
    • Basic understanding of NixOS configuration
  2. Create Project Flake

    Create a new flake.nix in your project directory:

      description = "myproject description";
      inputs = {
        nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs";
        flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
        disko.url = "github:nix-community/disko";
        sops-nix.url = "github:Mic92/sops-nix";
        hetzner-deploy-scripts.url = "github:rochecompaan/hetzner-nixos-deploy";
        deploy-rs.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs";
      outputs =
        inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
          systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
          perSystem =
            { config, pkgs, ... }:
              devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
                buildInputs = with pkgs; [
                  # your packages here
                ] ++ (builtins.attrValues inputs.hetzner-deploy-scripts.packages);

    This flake:

    • Imports the hetzner-nixos-deploy scripts as a dependency
    • Makes all scripts available in your development shell
    • Allows you to add your own project-specific packages

    Enter the development shell:

    nix develop

    All hetzner-nixos-deploy scripts will be available in your PATH.

    You can use direnv to automatically enter you development shell when changing into your project directory.

    To automatically create the dev shell, you need a .envrc file in your project with use flake, e.g.:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    if type nix-shell >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        use flake
  3. SOPS Configuration

    Create a .sops.yaml file in your project root to configure SOPS encryption:

    # .sops.yaml
      - &admin_alice age1... # Replace with your age public key
      - &admin_bob age1... # Add more team members as needed
      - path_regex: secrets/[^/]+\.(yaml|json|env|ini)$
          - age:
              - *admin_alice
              - *admin_bob

    Generate an age key pair for encrypting/decrypting secrets:

    # Create directory for age keys
    mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
    # Generate new age key pair
    age-keygen -o ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
    # View your public key to add to .sops.yaml
    age-keygen -y ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt

    The age key pair is used by SOPS to encrypt/decrypt secrets. The public key goes in .sops.yaml while the private key stays in ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt.

    For more details on using SOPS with NixOS, see the sops-nix documentation.

2. Server Discovery & Configuration

  1. Create Hetzner Robot credentials file:

    echo '{"hetzner_robot_username": "your-username", "hetzner_robot_password": "your-password"}' | sops -e > secrets/hetzner.json
  2. Generate server configurations using the Hetzner Robot API:

    # Generate for all servers
    # Filter servers by name pattern
    generate-server-config "myproject"
    # Overwrite existing configurations
    generate-server-config --overwrite "myproject"
    # Specify custom WireGuard subnet
    generate-server-config --subnet "" "myproject"

    This will create a NixOS configuration for each server in the hosts/ directory. The script:

    • Fetches server details from the Hetzner Robot API
    • Creates a directory structure for each server
    • Generates network configuration based on server IP information
    • Assigns sequential WireGuard IPs in the range
    • Sets up default interface names and gateway IPs
    • Generate RSA and ED25519 SSH host keys for each server
    • Convert the public ED25519 keys to age format using ssh-to-age
    • Output the age public keys to add to .sops.yaml

    Here is an example of a default.nix module generated by the script:

      imports = [
      networking = {
        hostName = "server1";
        useDHCP = false;
        # Primary network interface
        interfaces.enp0s31f6 = {
          ipv4.addresses = [{
            address = "";
            prefixLength = 24;
        defaultGateway = "";

    The script will automatically download modules/base.nix if it doesn't exist. You can customize both the generated configuration and modules/base.nix as needed for your specific requirements.

  3. Add the generated age keys to .sops.yaml:

    # .sops.yaml
      - &admin_alice age1... # Replace with your age public key
      - &admin_bob age1... # Add more team members as needed
      - &server_server1 age1wy7nmyfsnkfzsl2txt0z4anqu56d6p4a4v0zan0357a5kv36zevqzeesnp
      - &server_server2 age1rgffpespcyjn0d8jglk7km9kfrfhdyev6camd3rck6pn8y47ze4sug23v3
      - path_regex: secrets/[^/]+\.(yaml|json|env|ini)$
          - age:
              - *admin_alice
              - *admin_bob
              - *server_server2
              - *server_server2

    Make sure to run sops updatekeys secrets/wireguard.json to re-encrypt secrets.

3. Hardware Setup

  1. Activate rescue mode:

    # Just activate rescue mode
    activate-rescue-mode <server-ip>
    # Or activate rescue mode and boot into NixOS installer
    activate-rescue-mode --boot-nixos <server-ip>
  2. Generate disk configuration:

    generate-disko-config <server-ip> <hostname>
  3. Generate hardware configuration:

    generate-hardware-config <server-ip> <hostname>

You can also run setup-servers that will run the above scripts for all hosts automatically.

4. Network Access Setup

The server configuration process handles both SSH and WireGuard setup automatically.

  1. SSH Access Configuration:

    SSH keys are used for direct server access and are managed through the authorized_keys/ directory. The base system configuration (modules/base.nix) automatically adds these keys to the nix user's authorized keys.

    a. Using an Existing SSH Key:

    # Copy your existing public key
    cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys/

    b. Generating a New Project-Specific Key:

    # Generate a new ED25519 key pair
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "alice@project" -f ~/.ssh/project_ed25519
    # Copy the public key to authorized_keys
    cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys/
    # Update SSH config to use the project key
    cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
    # Project-specific configuration
    Host <publicip>
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/project_ed25519
      User nix
  2. WireGuard Network Setup:

    The generate-server-config script automatically handles WireGuard configuration during server setup:

    • Generates unique WireGuard keypairs for each server
    • Assigns sequential IPs in the range
    • Creates wg0.nix modules in each server's directory
    • Maintains a shared peers configuration in modules/wireguard-peers.nix
    • Encrypts private keys in secrets/wireguard.json

    The generated configurations enable secure communication between servers and administrators.

  3. Adding WireGuard Admin Access:

    # Generate a new WireGuard key pair
    wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
    # View your public key
    cat publickey
  4. Add Admin to WireGuard Network:

    add-wireguard-admin \
      --name alice \
      --endpoint \
      --public-key "$(cat publickey)" \
  5. Configure Local WireGuard Client:

    # Generate client configuration
    generate-wireguard-config \
      --private-key "$(cat privatekey)" \
      --address > wireguard/wg0.conf
    # Start WireGuard interface
    sudo wg-quick up ./wireguard/wg0.conf

    NB! Add and entry to .gitignore for wireguard configs:


6. Deployment

  1. Pre-deployment Checklist:

    • Hardware configuration generated
    • Disk configuration created
    • Wireguard configuration generated
    • Network connectivity verified
  2. Initial Deployment:

    deploy-nixos <hostname>

    After deployment:

    # Wait a minute for the server to finish rebooting
    ssh nix@<server-ip>
  3. Subsequent Updates:

    deploy .#<hostname>

7. Maintenance

  1. System Updates:

    # Update flake inputs
    nix flake update
    # Deploy updates
    deploy .#<hostname>
  2. Key Rotation:

    # Generate new WireGuard keys
    nix run .#generate-wireguard-keys -- <environment> <server>
    # Update admin keys
    nix run .#add-wireguard-admin -- --name <admin> --update-key
  3. Backup Strategy:

    • Keep encrypted copies of:
      • secrets/wireguard.json
      • Any custom configurations
    • Store backups in a secure location
    • Test restoration procedures regularly
  4. Troubleshooting:

    • WireGuard issues: Check journalctl -u wireguard-wg0
    • Deployment failures: Verify network and configurations
    • Access issues: Check SSH keys and firewall rules

Repository Structure

├── modules/
│   └── base.nix                       # Base system configuration
├── secrets/
│   ├── hetnzer.json                   # Hetzner username and password
│   ├── server-private-ssh-keys.json   # Server private ssh keys
│   └── wireguard.json                 # WireGuard keys and configurations
└── hosts/                             # Server-specific configurations
    ├── default.nix                    # Generates host nixos configurations
    └── <hostname>/
            ├── default.nix
            ├── disko.nix
            ├── hardware-configuration.nix
            └── wg0.nix


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.