diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 68204e13d6..94c4fec136 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ jobs:
           /bin/bash -c \
           '[ ! -f ${MJKEY_PATH} ] || mv ${MJKEY_PATH} ${MJKEY_PATH}.bak &&
           pytest --cov=garage --cov-report=xml --reruns 1 -m \
-              "not nightly and not huge and not flaky and not large and not mujoco and not mujoco_long" --durations=20 &&
+              "not gpu and not nightly and not huge and not flaky and not large and not mujoco and not mujoco_long" --durations=20 &&
           for i in {1..5}; do
               bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash --retry 5) -Z && break
               if [ $i == 5 ]; then
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
index 3e7b8fab54..08bcef6b5e 100644
--- a/docs/requirements.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ scipy
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 899b02abb0..9e4d5aecd7 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ markers =
+    gpu
 based_on_style = pep8
diff --git a/src/garage/torch/__init__.py b/src/garage/torch/__init__.py
index 001de12142..cbe76695ae 100644
--- a/src/garage/torch/__init__.py
+++ b/src/garage/torch/__init__.py
@@ -7,14 +7,28 @@
                                      NonLinearity, output_height_2d,
                                      output_width_2d, pad_to_last, prefer_gpu,
                                      product_of_gaussians, set_gpu_mode,
-                                     soft_update_model, torch_to_np,
-                                     update_module_params)
+                                     soft_update_model, state_dict_to,
+                                     torch_to_np, update_module_params)
 # yapf: enable
 __all__ = [
-    'compute_advantages', 'as_torch_dict', 'filter_valids', 'flatten_batch',
-    'global_device', 'as_torch', 'pad_to_last', 'prefer_gpu',
-    'product_of_gaussians', 'set_gpu_mode', 'soft_update_model', 'torch_to_np',
-    'update_module_params', 'NonLinearity', 'flatten_to_single_vector',
-    'output_width_2d', 'output_height_2d', 'expand_var'
+    'compute_advantages',
+    'as_torch_dict',
+    'filter_valids',
+    'flatten_batch',
+    'global_device',
+    'as_torch',
+    'pad_to_last',
+    'prefer_gpu',
+    'product_of_gaussians',
+    'set_gpu_mode',
+    'soft_update_model',
+    'torch_to_np',
+    'update_module_params',
+    'NonLinearity',
+    'flatten_to_single_vector',
+    'output_width_2d',
+    'output_height_2d',
+    'expand_var',
+    'state_dict_to',
diff --git a/src/garage/torch/_functions.py b/src/garage/torch/_functions.py
index 64c0f61d54..3bc8391e6f 100644
--- a/src/garage/torch/_functions.py
+++ b/src/garage/torch/_functions.py
@@ -327,6 +327,24 @@ def product_of_gaussians(mus, sigmas_squared):
     return mu, sigma_squared
+def state_dict_to(state_dict, device):
+    """Move optimizer to a specified device.
+    Args:
+        state_dict (dict): state dictionary to be moved
+        device (str): ID of GPU or CPU.
+    Returns:
+        dict: state dictionary moved to device
+    """
+    for param in state_dict.values():
+        if isinstance(param, torch.Tensor):
+            param.data = param.data.to(device)
+        elif isinstance(param, dict):
+            state_dict_to(param, device)
+    return state_dict
 # pylint: disable=W0223
 class NonLinearity(nn.Module):
     """Wrapper class for non linear function or module.
diff --git a/src/garage/torch/algos/sac.py b/src/garage/torch/algos/sac.py
index 4d328dc912..4c64caedfe 100644
--- a/src/garage/torch/algos/sac.py
+++ b/src/garage/torch/algos/sac.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from garage import log_performance, obtain_evaluation_episodes, StepType
 from garage.np.algos import RLAlgorithm
-from garage.torch import as_torch_dict, global_device
+from garage.torch import as_torch_dict, global_device, state_dict_to
 # yapf: enable
@@ -524,7 +524,15 @@ def to(self, device=None):
             self._log_alpha = torch.Tensor([self._fixed_alpha
-            self._log_alpha = torch.Tensor([self._initial_log_entropy
-                                            ]).to(device).requires_grad_()
+            self._log_alpha = self._log_alpha.detach().to(
+                device).requires_grad_()
             self._alpha_optimizer = self._optimizer([self._log_alpha],
+            self._alpha_optimizer.load_state_dict(
+                state_dict_to(self._alpha_optimizer.state_dict(), device))
+            self._qf1_optimizer.load_state_dict(
+                state_dict_to(self._qf1_optimizer.state_dict(), device))
+            self._qf2_optimizer.load_state_dict(
+                state_dict_to(self._qf2_optimizer.state_dict(), device))
+            self._policy_optimizer.load_state_dict(
+                state_dict_to(self._policy_optimizer.state_dict(), device))
diff --git a/tests/garage/torch/algos/test_sac.py b/tests/garage/torch/algos/test_sac.py
index 9bb86d89ee..856946aae3 100644
--- a/tests/garage/torch/algos/test_sac.py
+++ b/tests/garage/torch/algos/test_sac.py
@@ -284,3 +284,58 @@ def test_fixed_alpha():
     trainer.train(n_epochs=1, batch_size=100, plot=False)
     assert torch.allclose(torch.Tensor([0.5]), sac._log_alpha.cpu())
     assert not sac._use_automatic_entropy_tuning
+def test_sac_to():
+    """Test moving Sac between CPU and GPU."""
+    env = normalize(GymEnv('InvertedDoublePendulum-v2',
+                           max_episode_length=100))
+    deterministic.set_seed(0)
+    policy = TanhGaussianMLPPolicy(
+        env_spec=env.spec,
+        hidden_sizes=[32, 32],
+        hidden_nonlinearity=torch.nn.ReLU,
+        output_nonlinearity=None,
+        min_std=np.exp(-20.),
+        max_std=np.exp(2.),
+    )
+    qf1 = ContinuousMLPQFunction(env_spec=env.spec,
+                                 hidden_sizes=[32, 32],
+                                 hidden_nonlinearity=F.relu)
+    qf2 = ContinuousMLPQFunction(env_spec=env.spec,
+                                 hidden_sizes=[32, 32],
+                                 hidden_nonlinearity=F.relu)
+    replay_buffer = PathBuffer(capacity_in_transitions=int(1e6), )
+    trainer = Trainer(snapshot_config=snapshot_config)
+    sampler = LocalSampler(agents=policy,
+                           envs=env,
+                           max_episode_length=env.spec.max_episode_length,
+                           worker_class=FragmentWorker)
+    sac = SAC(env_spec=env.spec,
+              policy=policy,
+              qf1=qf1,
+              qf2=qf2,
+              sampler=sampler,
+              gradient_steps_per_itr=100,
+              replay_buffer=replay_buffer,
+              min_buffer_size=1e3,
+              target_update_tau=5e-3,
+              discount=0.99,
+              buffer_batch_size=64,
+              reward_scale=1.,
+              steps_per_epoch=2)
+    trainer.setup(sac, env)
+    if torch.cuda.is_available():
+        set_gpu_mode(True)
+    else:
+        set_gpu_mode(False)
+    sac.to()
+    trainer.setup(algo=sac, env=env)
+    trainer.train(n_epochs=1, batch_size=100)
+    log_alpha = torch.clone(sac._log_alpha).cpu()
+    set_gpu_mode(False)
+    sac.to()
+    assert torch.allclose(log_alpha, sac._log_alpha)
diff --git a/tests/garage/torch/test_functions.py b/tests/garage/torch/test_functions.py
index f41dadcdda..b89b0c0042 100644
--- a/tests/garage/torch/test_functions.py
+++ b/tests/garage/torch/test_functions.py
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
 """Module to test garage.torch._functions."""
 # yapf: disable
+import collections
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
 import torch
+from torch import tensor
 import torch.nn.functional as F
+from garage.envs import GymEnv, normalize
+from garage.experiment.deterministic import set_seed
 from garage.torch import (as_torch_dict, compute_advantages,
                           flatten_to_single_vector, global_device, pad_to_last,
-                          product_of_gaussians, set_gpu_mode, torch_to_np)
+                          product_of_gaussians, set_gpu_mode, state_dict_to,
+                          torch_to_np)
 import garage.torch._functions as tu
+from garage.torch.policies import DeterministicMLPPolicy
 from tests.fixtures import TfGraphTestCase
@@ -56,8 +63,8 @@ def test_as_torch_dict():
     """Test if dict whose values are tensors can be converted to np arrays."""
     dic = {'a': np.zeros(1), 'b': np.ones(1)}
-    for tensor in dic.values():
-        assert isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor)
+    for dic_value in dic.values():
+        assert isinstance(dic_value, torch.Tensor)
 def test_product_of_gaussians():
@@ -80,6 +87,49 @@ def test_flatten_to_single_vector():
     assert expected.shape == flatten_tensor.shape
+def test_state_dict_to():
+    """Test state_dict_to"""
+    set_seed(42)
+    # Using tensor instead of Tensor so it can be declared on GPU
+    # pylint: disable=not-callable
+    expected = collections.OrderedDict([
+        ('_module._layers.0.linear.weight',
+         tensor([[
+             0.13957974, -0.2693157, -0.19351028, 0.09471931, -0.43573233,
+             0.03590716, -0.4272097, -0.13935488, -0.35843086, -0.25814268,
+             0.03060348
+         ],
+                 [
+                     0.20623916, -0.1914061, 0.46729338, -0.5437773,
+                     -0.50449526, -0.55039907, 0.0141218, -0.02489783,
+                     0.26499796, -0.03836302, 0.7235093
+                 ]],
+                device='cuda:0')),
+        ('_module._layers.0.linear.bias', tensor([0., 0.], device='cuda:0')),
+        ('_module._layers.1.linear.weight',
+         tensor([[-0.7181905, -0.6284401], [0.10591025, -0.14771031]],
+                device='cuda:0')),
+        ('_module._layers.1.linear.bias', tensor([0., 0.], device='cuda:0')),
+        ('_module._output_layers.0.linear.weight',
+         tensor([[-0.29133463, 0.58353233]], device='cuda:0')),
+        ('_module._output_layers.0.linear.bias', tensor([0.], device='cuda:0'))
+    ])
+    # pylint: enable=not-callable
+    env = normalize(GymEnv('InvertedDoublePendulum-v2'))
+    policy = DeterministicMLPPolicy(env_spec=env.spec,
+                                    hidden_sizes=[2, 2],
+                                    hidden_nonlinearity=F.relu,
+                                    output_nonlinearity=torch.tanh)
+    moved_state_dict = state_dict_to(policy.state_dict(), 'cuda')
+    assert np.all([
+        torch.allclose(expected[key], moved_state_dict[key])
+        for key in expected.keys()
+    ])
+    assert np.all(
+        [moved_state_dict[key].is_cuda for key in moved_state_dict.keys()])
 class TestTorchAlgoUtils(TfGraphTestCase):
     """Test class for torch algo utility functions."""
     # yapf: disable