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How to get the in examples to work with other environments such as Acrobot and monitor their performance? #89

yxchng opened this issue Feb 26, 2017 · 14 comments


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yxchng commented Feb 26, 2017

What I mean by monitor here is to use gym.wrappers.

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It should be relatively easy if you follow gym's documentation. Also you can refer to which is a wrapper around gym environments.

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yxchng commented Feb 27, 2017

observations_var = env.observation_space.new_tensor_variable(
    # It should have 1 extra dimension since we want to represent a list of observations

actions_var = env.action_space.new_tensor_variable(

What should I change to above part when dealing with the following environment?

env = normalize(GymEnv("CartPole-v1"))

Currently I am getting the following error.

TypeError: ('Bad input argument to theano function with name "" at index 1 (0-based)', 'Wrong number of dimensions: expected 2, got 1 with shape (1633,).')

I am using CategoricalMLPPolicy.

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yxchng commented Feb 27, 2017

The documentation is very incomplete and the examples do not tell me anything related to what I want to do.

Don't quite understand why it works for GaussianMLP and the original env but when those are changed, it doesnt work anymore.

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It is because CartPole uses discrete actions. Use a CategoricalMLPPolicy instead.

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yxchng commented Feb 27, 2017

I mentioned above I used CategoricalMLPPolicy but I still face the same problem

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Can you show your entire snippet of code?

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Hi @yxchng, I could not find gym environment CartPole-v1 in If such environment exists, the gym wiki should be definitely updated. For CartPole-v0 the obs_space is Box(4,) and action_space is Discrete(2), i.e. move_left, move_right. The normalize environment works only for Continuous actions. It does not make sense to normalize discrete actions.

To simply solve your problem:

  1. Remove normalize environment
  2. Use Categorical policy, such as CategoricalMLPPolicy
  3. If that does not solve your problem, post your full code snippet so we can investigate the error.

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yxchng commented Feb 28, 2017

from rllab.envs.box2d.mountain_car_env import MountainCarEnv

from rllab.envs.box2d.cartpole_env import CartpoleEnv
from rllab.policies.gaussian_mlp_policy import GaussianMLPPolicy
from rllab.envs.normalized_env import normalize
from rllab.envs.gym_env import GymEnv
import rllab.misc.logger as logger

import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as TT
from lasagne.updates import adam
from gym import wrappers
import gym
import logging

# normalize() makes sure that the actions for the environment lies
# within the range [-1, 1] (only works for environments with continuous actions)
# env = normalize(CartpoleEnv())

# env = normalize(GymEnv("CartPole-v1", record_video=False, log_dir="exps/CartPole-v1/"))
env = GymEnv("CartPole-v0", record_video=False, log_dir="exps/CartPole/")

# Initialize a neural network policy with a single hidden layer of 8 hidden units
policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=(4,))

# We will collect 100 trajectories per iteration
N = 10
# Each trajectory will have at most 100 time steps
T = 100
# Number of iterations
n_itr = 100
# Set the discount factor for the problem
discount = 0.99
# Learning rate for the gradient update
learning_rate = 0.01

# Construct the computation graph

# Create a Theano variable for storing the observations
# We could have simply written `observations_var = TT.matrix('observations')` instead for this example. However,
# doing it in a slightly more abstract way allows us to delegate to the environment for handling the correct data
# type for the variable. For instance, for an environment with discrete observations, we might want to use integer
# types if the observations are represented as one-hot vectors.
observations_var = env.observation_space.new_tensor_variable(
    # It should have 1 extra dimension since we want to represent a list of observations
actions_var = env.action_space.new_tensor_variable(
returns_var = TT.vector('returns')

# policy.dist_info_sym returns a dictionary, whose values are symbolic expressions for quantities related to the
# distribution of the actions. For a Gaussian policy, it contains the mean and the logarithm of the standard deviation.
dist_info_vars = policy.dist_info_sym(observations_var)

# policy.distribution returns a distribution object under rllab.distributions. It contains many utilities for computing
# distribution-related quantities, given the computed dist_info_vars. Below we use dist.log_likelihood_sym to compute
# the symbolic log-likelihood. For this example, the corresponding distribution is an instance of the class
# rllab.distributions.DiagonalGaussian
dist = policy.distribution

# Note that we negate the objective, since most optimizers assume a minimization problem
surr = - TT.mean(dist.log_likelihood_sym(actions_var, dist_info_vars) * returns_var)

# Get the list of trainable parameters.
params = policy.get_params(trainable=True)
grads = theano.grad(surr, params)

f_train = theano.function(
    inputs=[observations_var, actions_var, returns_var],
    updates=adam(grads, params, learning_rate=learning_rate),

for _ in range(n_itr):

    paths = []

    for _ in range(N):
        observations = []
        actions = []
        rewards = []

        observation = env.reset()

        for _ in range(T):
            # policy.get_action() returns a pair of values. The second one returns a dictionary, whose values contains
            # sufficient statistics for the action distribution. It should at least contain entries that would be
            # returned by calling policy.dist_info(), which is the non-symbolic analog of policy.dist_info_sym().
            # Storing these statistics is useful, e.g., when forming importance sampling ratios. In our case it is
            # not needed.
            action, _ = policy.get_action(observation)
            # Recall that the last entry of the tuple stores diagnostic information about the environment. In our
            # case it is not needed.
            next_observation, reward, terminal, _ = env.step(action)
            observation = next_observation
            if terminal:
                # Finish rollout if terminal state reached

        # We need to compute the empirical return for each time step along the
        # trajectory
        returns = []
        return_so_far = 0
        for t in range(len(rewards) - 1, -1, -1):
            return_so_far = rewards[t] + discount * return_so_far
        # The returns are stored backwards in time, so we need to revert it
        returns = returns[::-1]


    observations = np.concatenate([p["observations"] for p in paths])
    actions = np.concatenate([p["actions"] for p in paths])
    returns = np.concatenate([p["returns"] for p in paths])

    f_train(observations, actions, returns)
    print('Average Return:', np.mean([sum(p["rewards"]) for p in paths]))

gym.upload('/exps/CartPole/', api_key='sk_6jB59OwBQICeXwMlUsqUBw')

This is my full code. The error still persists.

/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/tensor/signal/ UserWarning: downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.
  "downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/envs/", line 10, in <module>
NameError: name 'logging' is not defined
[2017-02-28 13:32:59,722] Making new env: CartPole-v0
[2017-02-28 13:32:59,729] Clearing 2 monitor files from previous run (because force=True was provided)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 26, in <module>
    policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=(4,))
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/policies/", line 55, in __init__
    assert isinstance(env_spec.action_space, Box)

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Hi, it seems like you are using the GaussianMLPPolicy, but you should be using CategoricalMLPPolicy.

Another thing with discrete actions: methods like dist.log_likelihood_sym expects the received actions to be using one-hot representation. When you write actions.append(action), replace it by actions.append(env.action_space.flatten(action)), and it should work.

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yxchng commented Feb 28, 2017

I edited the code according to your advice.

from rllab.policies.categorical_mlp_policy import CategoricalMLPPolicy
from rllab.envs.normalized_env import normalize
from rllab.envs.gym_env import GymEnv
import rllab.misc.logger as logger

import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as TT
from lasagne.updates import adam
from gym import wrappers
import gym
import logging

# normalize() makes sure that the actions for the environment lies
# within the range [-1, 1] (only works for environments with continuous actions)
# env = normalize(CartpoleEnv())

env = GymEnv("CartPole-v0", record_video=False, log_dir="exps/cartpole/")

# Initialize a neural network policy with a single hidden layer of 8 hidden units
policy = CategoricalMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=(4,))

# We will collect 100 trajectories per iteration
N = 10
# Each trajectory will have at most 100 time steps
T = 100
# Number of iterations
n_itr = 100
# Set the discount factor for the problem
discount = 0.99
# Learning rate for the gradient update
learning_rate = 0.01

# Construct the computation graph

# Create a Theano variable for storing the observations
# We could have simply written `observations_var = TT.matrix('observations')` instead for this example. However,
# doing it in a slightly more abstract way allows us to delegate to the environment for handling the correct data
# type for the variable. For instance, for an environment with discrete observations, we might want to use integer
# types if the observations are represented as one-hot vectors.
observations_var = env.observation_space.new_tensor_variable(
    # It should have 1 extra dimension since we want to represent a list of observations
actions_var = env.action_space.new_tensor_variable(
returns_var = TT.vector('returns')

# policy.dist_info_sym returns a dictionary, whose values are symbolic expressions for quantities related to the
# distribution of the actions. For a Gaussian policy, it contains the mean and the logarithm of the standard deviation.
dist_info_vars = policy.dist_info_sym(observations_var)

# policy.distribution returns a distribution object under rllab.distributions. It contains many utilities for computing
# distribution-related quantities, given the computed dist_info_vars. Below we use dist.log_likelihood_sym to compute
# the symbolic log-likelihood. For this example, the corresponding distribution is an instance of the class
# rllab.distributions.DiagonalGaussian
dist = policy.distribution

# Note that we negate the objective, since most optimizers assume a minimization problem
surr = - TT.mean(dist.log_likelihood_sym(actions_var, dist_info_vars) * returns_var)

# Get the list of trainable parameters.
params = policy.get_params(trainable=True)
grads = theano.grad(surr, params)

f_train = theano.function(
    inputs=[observations_var, actions_var, returns_var],
    updates=adam(grads, params, learning_rate=learning_rate),

for _ in range(n_itr):

    paths = []

    for _ in range(N):
        observations = []
        actions = []
        rewards = []

        observation = env.reset()

        for _ in range(T):
            # policy.get_action() returns a pair of values. The second one returns a dictionary, whose values contains
            # sufficient statistics for the action distribution. It should at least contain entries that would be
            # returned by calling policy.dist_info(), which is the non-symbolic analog of policy.dist_info_sym().
            # Storing these statistics is useful, e.g., when forming importance sampling ratios. In our case it is
            # not needed.
            action, _ = policy.get_action(observation)
            # Recall that the last entry of the tuple stores diagnostic information about the environment. In our
            # case it is not needed.
            next_observation, reward, terminal, _ = env.step(action)
            observation = next_observation
            if terminal:
                # Finish rollout if terminal state reached

        # We need to compute the empirical return for each time step along the
        # trajectory
        returns = []
        return_so_far = 0
        for t in range(len(rewards) - 1, -1, -1):
            return_so_far = rewards[t] + discount * return_so_far
        # The returns are stored backwards in time, so we need to revert it
        returns = returns[::-1]


    observations = np.concatenate([p["observations"] for p in paths])
    actions = np.concatenate([p["actions"] for p in paths])
    returns = np.concatenate([p["returns"] for p in paths])

    f_train(observations, actions, returns)
    print('Average Return:', np.mean([sum(p["rewards"]) for p in paths]))

gym.upload('/exps/cartpole/', api_key='sk_6jB59OwBQICeXwMlUsqUBw')

I follow your advice but now it gives me

/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/tensor/signal/ UserWarning: downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.
  "downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/envs/", line 10, in <module>
NameError: name 'logging' is not defined
[2017-02-28 17:46:55,728] Making new env: CartPole-v0
[2017-02-28 17:46:55,735] Creating monitor directory exps/cartpole/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 87, in <module>
    observation = env.reset()
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/envs/", line 105, in reset
    recorder = self.env._monitor.stats_recorder
AttributeError: '_Monitor' object has no attribute '_monitor'
[2017-02-28 17:46:56,563] Finished writing results. You can upload them to the scoreboard via gym.upload('/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/examples/exps/cartpole')
(rllab3)Chngs-MacBook-Pro-3:examples yxchng$ python 
/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/tensor/signal/ UserWarning: downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.
  "downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/envs/", line 10, in <module>
NameError: name 'logging' is not defined
[2017-02-28 17:47:38,920] Making new env: CartPole-v0
[2017-02-28 17:47:38,927] Clearing 2 monitor files from previous run (because force=True was provided)
Average Return: 34.7
Average Return: 35.4
Average Return: 36.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 87, in <module>
    observation = env.reset()
  File "/Users/yxchng/Desktop/rllab-master/rllab/envs/", line 108, in reset
    return self.env.reset()
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym/", line 123, in reset
    observation = self._reset()
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym/wrappers/", line 39, in _reset
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym/wrappers/", line 190, in _before_reset
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/envs/rllab3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym/monitoring/", line 68, in before_reset
    raise error.Error("Tried to reset environment which is not done. While the monitor is active for {}, you cannot call reset() unless the episode is over.".format(self.env_id))
gym.error.Error: Tried to reset environment which is not done. While the monitor is active for CartPole-v0, you cannot call reset() unless the episode is over.

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yxchng commented Feb 28, 2017

I tried using force_reset=True but it doesnt work.

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Make sure you are using this commit of gym exactly: 93d554bdbb4b2d29ff1a685158dbde93b36e3801

Refer to Make sure you are using the latest rllab code.

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gy2256 commented Apr 1, 2017

I also have the same error

raise error.Error("Tried to reset environment which is not done. While the monitor is active for {}, you cannot call reset() unless the episode is over.".format(self.env_id))
gym.error.Error: Tried to reset environment which is not done. While the monitor is active for CartPole-v0, you cannot call reset() unless the episode is over.

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@gyang1011 set force_reset to True.

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